Has Barry'sworld thought about hosting this great game??
Originally posted by shabazz
why is it people like you get worked up about it?
Originally posted by pox
All the petty moanings of SAS have been delt with, its just as easy to keep an OFP server going as any other game.
Originally posted by whipped
All the things have been delt with. Bar one.
Barrysworld have to integrate any new Games Server into their Game management software. If that software don't like it, No server.
Originally posted by Wij
We're not all this grumpy in West Yorks ppl
Originally posted by whipped
OOO, Please come down and show Deathace and Natrat how to install and run game servers. I'm sure they'll really appreicate your stunningly expert knowledge of all things game related.
Anyway. I replied politely and you tried to drag me into a flame war.
Email-Notification OFF.
Originally posted by pox
STFU Embattle u little twerp and go and play chaosDM .
All the petty moanings of SAS have been delt with, its just as easy to keep an OFP server going as any other game.
WE want a BW OFP server, like, yesterday & so do a hell of a lot of other ppl