Operation flashpoint



Ok I know there's a forum dedicated to it, but nobody seems to post anything in there, so I've decided to open the subject in here.
I also know that its a few weeks old, but I still haven't completed it yet and there's still shitloads to do after you do complete it so I think it pisses all over Max Payne. I mean who needs bullet time when you can nick a Russian Hind and hunt the Ruskies down like the dogs they are.......sorry getting carried away there.
Anyway, I was wondering who could help me out with some strategy on destroying the scud missile as I seemed to get spotted before I'm anywhere near the base. Any ideas?


Aha! My turf...

Which SCUD mission are you on? The first or second?


the one where you gotta find it with about 8 men the one after you find the documents that supposedly tell you where they are but actually tell you jack shit!


The first one...

There's plenty of different ways to do this (suck eggs, anyone?) but the one that worked for me was to take one member of the team and head South to where your chopper backup (November) is waiting (it's marked on the map).

The chopper is empty until you call it, so board as pilot, team-mate as gunner and head North towards the vague SCUD location. Shilkas are your biggest problem so try to take them out first at a distance.

By this time your cover is blown and the countdown begins. Send your armoured backup in now so you've got a groovy battle to watch.

The SCUD is slightly to the NW of where it's marked on the map, right at the base of the mountain. It never shows up on the map but once youve told your gunner to target it the bastard's yours. Without any Shilkas you've got plenty of time to chuck some FFARs at it.

This is probably not the way they intended you to complete this mission, but they left the helicopter unmanned, ffs. What do they expect?

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