Opening armorshop!



Yesterday, after a long and tiresome run of armorcrafting the past weeks, i reached lvl1000 in armorcrafting, becoming Legendary master armorer.

Now it is time to offer my services to those in the realm that need it. I can make AF90, 92 and 94 stuff and some AF98 parts.

I fully intend to reach 1100 armorcraft when spellcrafting and alchemy comes, to be able to create the best stuff in the game.

To be able to have time for other stuff too i think it will be best for me to limit my services to the top 4 tiers of materials (adamantium, asterite, netherium and arcanium). That means armor ranging from AF60 to AF98 (and soon AF102).

If you wish to have something made, contact me ingame or PM me here.

PS: also looking to form a business relationship with a friendly tailor to make paddings :)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
do you have a price list? :)

Hmm, good question... not yet... if i find some time today, or tonight i will try to make a pricelist for the most popular armors.


Congratulations Methos :)

Guess posting this on the forum means there is no point anymore is disguising yourself in that awefull grey dress :p


Originally posted by starblade
Congratulations Methos :)

Guess posting this on the forum means there is no point anymore is disguising yourself in that awefull grey dress :p

Thanx Lenda :)

Well, when i craft in my epic armor at Camelot, every young/new player stops to admire the epic suit. That ofcourse isn't a problem, however it gets a tiny bit frustrating when they all wanna see the stats and ask how to complete the lvl50 epic.

One guy even tried to con me out of my epic armor...

Also, you can carry more materials if you don't wear the armor.


GRATZ Methos!
Welcome to the world of Never-Having-Time-To-Chat-Cuz-Ure-Spammed-With-PM's :clap:


Congratulations, unfortunately your tradeskill is next to useless until spellcrafting comes! But hey, extreme grats, AC is a slow trade... :)
What do you need to be able to do masterpiece AF102 stuff? In terms of skill-leve, i mean...


yes, please inform us when af 102 99% qua is available :p


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Congratulations, unfortunately your tradeskill is next to useless until spellcrafting comes!

You're partially right there! Epic armor is the best you can currently get armorwise. However... not everyone is level 50.. so that means that at lower levels player made armor at high quality is almost always better than 89-91% dropped or DF bought armor. Also, when i go hunting greens in DF for cash or go on DM raids, i take off my epic armor and put on an alternative AF98 plate i have. Epic armor might last a LONG time, but that's no reason to wear it down on green mobs :)

But you're right, when spellcrafting comes, armorcrafters will really get busy. But this is the reason i wanted to get 1000+ fast. Spellcrafting will take a few months before it is on euro servers and i hope to be 1100+ by then.

However, the smart player will get his AF102 99% gear before spellcrafting comes, because all the armorcrafters will be swamped with work.

But hey, extreme grats, AC is a slow trade... :)
What do you need to be able to do masterpiece AF102 stuff? In terms of skill-leve, i mean...

Thanx :)

Well the next patch brings extreme loving to all crafters because at this patch when you're 1000+ in a tradeskill everything you make (including difficult oranges and reds) have an even chance of turning out at 94-99% quality with a 2% chance of getting a masterpiece.

A Full Plate Breastplate (AF102 plate, most difficult item to make) requires 1095 to become orange. At 1115 it will become yellow...

So at a skill of 1100 i can make all armors at a possible 100% when 1.51 (1.52) comes.

Ofcourse stuff like AF102 gauntlets require lower skill to make.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Congratulations, unfortunately your tradeskill is next to useless until spellcrafting comes! But hey, extreme grats, AC is a slow trade... :)
What do you need to be able to do masterpiece AF102 stuff? In terms of skill-leve, i mean...

it's faster than weaponcrafting... except if you can't find a tailor...


I promised a price list, so here it is :)

Studded armor

Slot AF Cost
Gloves 70 8g
Boots 70 8g
Helm 70 24g
Legs 70 24g
Sleeves 70 16g
Jerkin 70 39g

Slot AF Cost
Gloves 80 12g
Boots 80 12g
Helm 80 36g
Legs 80 36g
Sleeves 80 24g
Jerkin 80 58g

Slot AF Cost
Gloves 90 20g
Boots 90 20g
Helm 90 58g
Legs 90 58g
Sleeves 90 38g
Jerkin 90 95g

Slot AF Cost
Gloves 92 27g
Boots 92 27g
Helm 92 80g
Legs 92 80g
Sleeves 92 55g
Jerkin 92 135g

Slot AF Cost
Gloves 96 55g
Boots 96 55g
Helm 96 160g
Legs 96 160g

Chain armor

Slot AF Cost
Gloves 70 16g
Boots 70 16g
Coif 70 47g
Legs 70 47g
Sleeves 70 31g
Hauberk 70 78g

Slot AF Cost
Gloves 80 25g
Boots 80 25g
Coif 80 76g
Legs 80 76g
Sleeves 80 51g
Hauberk 80 126g

Slot AF Cost
Gloves 90 38g
Boots 90 38g
Coif 90 115g
Legs 90 115g
Sleeves 90 76g
Hauberk 90 190g

Slot AF Cost
Gloves 94 66g
Boots 94 66g
Coif 94 195g
Legs 94 195g
Sleeves 94 130g

Plate armor

Slot AF Cost
Gauntlets 70 20g
Boots 70 20g
Coif 70 62g
Legs 70 62g
Sleeves 70 41g
Breastplate 70 100g

Slot AF Cost
Gauntlets 80 30g
Boots 80 30g
Coif 80 92g
Legs 80 92g
Sleeves 80 61g
Breastplate 80 151g

Slot AF Cost
Gauntlets 90 45g
Boots 90 45g
Coif 90 140g
Legs 90 140g
Sleeves 90 91g
Breastplate 90 230g

Slot AF Cost
Gauntlets 94 78g
Boots 94 78g
Coif 94 240g
Legs 94 240g
Sleeves 94 165g

Slot AF Cost
Gauntlets 98 98g
Boots 98 99g
Coif 98 291g

Note: these are not all the armors i can make, just the most popular ones, and since my skill level is rising i can make more and more difficult items each day.


Glad to see the crafters being used properly now !

If anyone out there is after some slightly lower lvl armour (upto AF 60odd atm) and isn't having any luck with the well known high lvl crafters, come visit "Tyrn's Armourium" :D

Contact Tyrn in-game for all your (lower level) armour needs !

Hopefully Crazy can pass on any lower orders he hasn't time for in my direction ;) Thanks !

ps - also making Siege equipment in Armour/Tailoring/Weapons if anyone needs bits :)



Have you worked out a recraft cost yet?

i.e. if we want 99% quality how much is it gonna hurt per attempt? :)

(take however much you get in salvage from the price, add a bit for time wasted and there's yer recraft price...)


Originally posted by old.Tyrn
Glad to see the crafters being used properly now !

If anyone out there is after some slightly lower lvl armour (upto AF 60odd atm) and isn't having any luck with the well known high lvl crafters, come visit "Tyrn's Armourium" :D

Contact Tyrn in-game for all your (lower level) armour needs !

Hopefully Crazy can pass on any lower orders he hasn't time for in my direction ;) Thanks !

ps - also making Siege equipment in Armour/Tailoring/Weapons if anyone needs bits :)


Hey! don't hi-jack my thread!!! ;)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Have you worked out a recraft cost yet?

i.e. if we want 99% quality how much is it gonna hurt per attempt? :)

(take however much you get in salvage from the price, add a bit for time wasted and there's yer recraft price...)

I know how to calculate retry price ;)

However it's a LOT of work to figure that out for all armors, so i usually do that when i get orders.

Will post another update, with retries, when i find the time :rolleyes:


I'd like to apologise to methos,

I now have the Tyrn account, it seems the old Tyrn got a bit excited. I've now had him terminated, so he wont spam your adverts again.

All Tmain requests should still be passed to methos, Tyrn is gonna be helping him out occassionally (till Tyrn is 100+ and sets up in competition:clap: )


lol !!

yeah yeah .. I get excited far too easily, and it sure is much easier to get excited about daoc when you don't have to _actually_ do the crafting yourself !! hehe :D

Good luck with the shop Methos !

Good luck with the crafting Yinsh !

damn, i'm almost missing DaoC now ... well, maybe ;)

"The Original" Tyrn (tm)


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet

I know how to calculate retry price ;)

However it's a LOT of work to figure that out for all armors, so i usually do that when i get orders.

Will post another update, with retries, when i find the time :rolleyes:

was informing the masses incase there's any confused crafters out there, I knew you'd already know :)

OK np :) retry cost on asking is cool.

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