ooooooo shrouded isles info



Quote: "The first thing a Necromancer must do when they plan on adventuring is to summon a pet. All their spells are cast through their pet, once one is summoned. They may heal the pet, command it to cast spells on enemies, command it to attack enemies, etc. When controlling a pet, Necromancers enter "shade mode" and are referred to as "shades". A shade cannot be targeted or damaged by melee or spells. In order to kill a Necromancer, you must first kill his pet, which forces the Necromancer to become visible, where he can then be targeted and killed. While a shade, the Necro is displayed as a translucent shadowy floating ghost.

When the pet is killed or released, the Necromancer has his health reduced to a percentage of the pet's health. So, if the pet is at full health and is released, the Necro comes back from shade mode at full health. If the pet is damaged and released, or killed, the Necro comes back from shade mode at a percentage of the pet's health when it was released (obviously zero if killed). This cannot kill the caster, but reduces him to a minimum of 1 hp. The intent of this is to make it so as long as the pet is alive, the Necro is at full health, but when his pet dies, the Necro is extremely damaged, weak and vulnerable.

Reavers are hybrid Necromancer/Fighters with chain armor and a variety of Albion weapon skills. They are the fighting class that protects Arawn, lord of the underworld. Reavers are hybrid caster/tanks, related in spirit more to the Thane and Champion than the Paladin - they have some debuffs, like the Champion, and some direct damage/lifetap, like the Thane. They also can specialize in a variety of melee skills including all the 1 handed weapon specs, shields, and parry. Their spells are a variety of debuffs and lifedrains which are intended to augment their damage in combat.

Reavers can specialize in one new weapon type: Flexible Weapons, which includes whips, flails, morningstars, chains, and the like. Flexible weapons have different damage types, depending on the type of weapon used (i.e. slashing for whips, crushing for flails, etc.)."

a bit more info here:

And yes i know you could have read about this on the general forum but hey, i thought id post it here too.


omg necro sounds cool :) thats gonna be my 1st class of SI :)


Thanks for the info m8, Pretty much confimed what new class im going to make when it finally comes out :))


i wonder how long it will be before nerco's get nerfed :p

i can imagine them in rvr as going into shade mode . sending pet and running away to a safe spot till pet dead and they have regen'd hence LOTS of whines from hibs/mids . if a neco gets to lvl 50 i wonder if pets will con yelow? i presume they will if there hp is the necro's hp . so i presume they should have lvl50 char dmge tables etc etc . lets just hope its not as cappy green/blue pet .


This class sounds like real fun.

I won't be complaining about fighting these. It's gonna be a good new challenge.

I wonder if this class will get insta AOE mezz?


At a guess I think they'll throw a few void spells in the mix


Originally posted by -yoda-
i wonder how long it will be before nerco's get nerfed :p

i can imagine them in rvr as going into shade mode . sending pet and running away to a safe spot till pet dead and they have regen'd hence LOTS of whines from hibs/mids . if a neco gets to lvl 50 i wonder if pets will con yelow? i presume they will if there hp is the necro's hp . so i presume they should have lvl50 char dmge tables etc etc . lets just hope its not as cappy green/blue pet .

okieee.... and we know all this how? :)
we've heard one vague explanation about them...

from reading random snide comments on the VN boards by beta testers that ain't meant to be letting anythign slip I think actually it's more of a possession - you possess the corpse (or summon the pet), turn into a big nasty thing and control it as you - the 'necromancer shade' just follows you around as your ethereal presence :)

Think 'Soul Jar' from D&D :)

The 'leaving your body at the PK' will have been thought of ;) they're not on another planet these developers (and the friar TL confirmed that they've thought of that one already on the crypt of albion:


so basicaly necros gonna be the new spies for the realm?:p

park the pet in border keep or at tk and then just shade around as invincible:p


“All their spells are cast through their pet“ sounds like a nurfed cabby to me, cos we all know what happens to pets in rvr :p


after reading this thread i went on a bit of forum searching and found a few posts from people testing them and they all said necro is an awesome class and lots of fun to play . as of yet nobody knows anything about there skills/spells because the testers are bound to silence and cant give ANYTHING away . except for basic "they are fun" "they are awesome" etc etc if u et my meaning :) . ill be trying all the new chars anyway except for the tree huggin ones cos i dont like hib and there chars seem sucky .

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