Online Gaming



Online gaming...

Everyone had to start somewhere and I am about to write a section which will be unlike any other newbie section you've seen before. I will cover not just the basics, but details on graphic setups, how fps can be gained, and so on, things average gamers take for granted, but a newbie will have no idea about.

I need some feedback from other players. What did you find annoying when you started out playing a game online? What do you think puts off some players from having a go at online gaming? Is there anything you think a newbie needs to know or shown before he gets into playing?

Slap your ideas here :)


uuur being crap put me off for a bit, but then you gotta start somewhere!

the other thing that was annoying was the config files and autoexec files for things like halflife and stuff... can be very confusing, so a nice guide would be gr8 for all those new online gamerz!



how to edit configs and stuff?

/me jots that down :)



I wont go into game specific stuff cos a lot of that is covered elsewhere on the BW guides etc but how about a section on etiquette and lingo? At the start I had no clue what brb, np, gs etc etc etc were. Things like not to hog a server spot in spectator mode if the server is full and therefore u are preventing others from getting on etc.



The guides do contain bits of info on config editing, but in a lot of them I say the same things. Could make a general basic config editing section.

As for the etiquette and lingo, that as far as I know has not been talked about on any large gaming site in any detail. Some simple rules like "joining the winning team even though it will unbalance the teams will result in the player being hassled" would be helpful for the newbie and also the regular players :).

I've made a start on stuff like that already: bits of it will be in this large guide, and be expanded more.


err, umm, ok

watch loads of demos, especially to learn things like teamplay and timing (if they are going to move into team based stuff).

And generally, when on either game servers or IRC, dont be purposely obnoxious and make a bad name for yourself


***n3wb13g1t has joined
<n3wb13g1t> q3 suxors!!!!!!!!
<n3wb13g1t> UT r000ls!!!!!!!!
<n3wb31g1t> U r all gay!!!!
*** n3wb13g1t has left
<RestOfChannel> :/


and yes, i know i spelled n3wb1eg1t wrong once :)


The benign denizens of this board would never correct you on such a thing. ;)



One thing Ive found new players always fail to do, and often give me an easy frag, is to keep moving and make the safe areas (walls, lava, etc) your blind spot. Even on defense I don't stay in one place but patrol around the base so attackers can't die once and then do a blind shot to where I am on the second attack.


Hmmm. Good idea, this.

Why do game manufacturers never document the commands that you can enter into the console? Eventually hardcore gamers do build a complete list, and are able to work out what the commands do and the appropriate settings, but it would be so much easier if the people who wrote the game could be bothered to spend a few hours documenting the command set. Then it would be easier for people like SAS (who writes guides), and me (who likes to make configs) to find out the best commands.

A thing to stress is the similarities between games and game types. The newbie should practice with different control methods (WASD, arrow keys, mouse1 to move foward (you freaks)) and make sure they download, develop or modify configs that use this control method across all FPS games they play. That will simplify things for them, and make it easier to get used to a new game quickly. It's the same for driving games - make the settings the same, or similar, across all of 'em.

Another thing to bear in mind is "no control method, or input device, is better than any other". It's what works for you that counts. Apart from those freaks who use mouse1 to move forward. Eww.

This is a big area. A very salient point is "don't take any crap from anyone". The first time a new player joins a server, or irc, or a web board, they'll probably come across the usual smack talk. The second important point is "don't give any crap". Reacting to the smack talk is just bad, m'kay? It makes the little teenage shits get even more hormonal.

As xBaboon said, making a good impression is a big plus, and we need to work out the best way to do this. Acting in a civil manner when 90% of the hooting gibbons on the irc channel are acting like tossers means the 10% of people on the channel who actually matter, remember you.

Another good area to discuss - and it would really help to just state the obvious things, like "don't join the winning side". What other things are there? Don't alias - stick to a clearly identifiable persona and you'll be remembered? Don't trash talk on servers? What else?


Play the game through to its' end and keep your mouth shut. :}

Seriously, as a newbie I was slapped around harshly a lot but would always stick it out to the end of the ffa/duel/whatever. The amount of quitting in the middle of a game is saddening.

Nowadays we also get the witch hunt 'Cheating' accusations, even if a newbie isn't aware of possible cheats all it takes is one person to start up then they all think, "of course, that guy *has* to be cheating to beat *me* like this" and pitch in.

Kids, if you're getting heavily sch00led, the guy is what is known as 'better' than you. If you stick it out you'll be astonished at the vast range of skill levels and it's only when you climb the ladder that you realise how far you've come.

Sorry SAS, but I think there's an idea in there somewhere, hang on. Oh yeah, the right attitude is going to help far more than tweaks/tips/strategies. Seeing that emphasised would be nice. :}


There is :)

You mentioned cheating and my inbox is filled from newbies saying "I was doing well and this guy joined the server and kept beating me. I heard there are cheats so he was cheating. I want the cheats as well to beat him back "

Because there is nowhere for the newbie to check out about gaming as a whole he will not know about LPBs, or skills that a lot of us gamers use to do well in games.

It's the reason why a small guide to gaming as a whole will not work and only one large one that covers everything can ever help a newbie, because if you miss even one tip/detail out the newbie will be at a disadvantage :}


I have a few ideas.

Configs : It may take some time, but make up "mid detail config files" : will FULL commentation. Might be big and time taking but hell, I believe it should work, if each command is explained briefly and what affect it has.

Also - Etitquette : (sp?) Make it known that the best way to get better at a game is to play better players. And also that some of the better players can be right egocentrics at times :D It is offputting when a newbie joins a server with a couple of the better players exchanging F words. Yeah, as said, things not to do on servers.

Online Controlling : Idea's of what buttons are most comfortable to use in the first place. Getting to grips with this funny "strafe" thing, strafe jumping where it applies, rocket jumping where it applies, safe sniping where it is appropriate etc.

Basic Console guide : Just a few commands players may need to use in the Console if the game has one : explanations of callvoting in q3, how to get someones WON ID to report abuse in HL/CS etc.

[Edited by Kryten on 30-11-00 at 13:09]


-use the mouse if you want to stand a chance
-introduction to strafing (benefits, exploits i.e strafe jumping)

-general code of conduct?

-explaination of different type of connections?
- fps improvements (what cards rock, always have latest drivers etc.)

could prolly think of more but i'm lazy :)


Kryten, SAS

I've got fully commented configs for QW:TF, TFC, Q3F and CS - the latter is in the BW CS Guide - and I'd be happy to work closley with SAS in getting these "standard" (hence my little rant about unclear and undocumented commands in games earlier).



Where did u get that nickname from Zakalwe? ;)


Be efficient

When your starting a new game, make sure you have an efficient keyboard/mouse configuration. Nothing can get you killed more times (or be more annoying) than having to move your hand to the other side of the keyboard to activate a command. Keeping all your keys confined in a small area (such as the keypad) will really help your game. It may take a while to get used to but percevere - and it'll all fall into place.

When playing games like CS, try and watch the other players and see how they move. Keeping your back to the wall and never leaving any area unchecked will cut down on the amount of times you are taken by surprise.

There are plenty of other things to write in here but its a thread and not an essay :)


Lets also encourage the good practice of complimenting a well aimed shot or organised cap. It's quite nice to have a comment of "shot" or whatever when you've impressed yourself and others with a flukey railing of a flying opponent from 50 feet away, under fire with a flag stuck to your back and 1 health left.

I think this will just mirror most other comments but want me tuppence worth!

Sportsmanship! (Luap made a comment about this and I think he's bang on there!)

That's me done! :)


have a wee look behind you. not now when your playing.
don't get upset if you can't hit anything at the start or even after playing for years lol.
get a bit of graph pager and do a basic sketch of any maps you are geting lost on, with the toys, ammo and power ups.
plus a top 10 of config mods. excluding key binds and not
in this order,download other ppl configs but never just rename them and run the game.
for quake 3 say
1./com_hunkmega ?? about 3/4 of you ram , blah blah
2./cg_fov ?? default is 90 , field of vision in degrees

and if you play qw never play on dm4 if the other play say's "lets play dm4" more than once LOL. and watch out for elite toss pots the majority are nice but others are just.
win and lose with a smile :) not an attitude.

[Edited by venturer01 on 30-11-00 at 18:04]


Luap2, well said - that always goes towards making a game much more enjoyable.


agreed! there is noting worse than lame abuse flying round...
nice comments such as "Good One" and "nice" make all the difference!

Here's to having FUN!



Yeah, but sit a new player down in front of a perfect config and they will still lose. Why? Cos no one tells them the basic tricks that we all use but rarely discuss such as...

weapons: identify which do splash damage and use them by aiming at the floors/walls not at the player. identify the hitscan weps and keep your crosshair on the player *whilst* you straff or jump.

movement: retreat in the face of an equal weapon and make them follow you. then (with a splash damage weapon) fire where you were. I cant count the number of times Ive capped cos Ive used my armour to get the flag out of the immediate base area then just run backwards and killed 4+ defenders who have no choice but to chase me. do not back up when you see an nmy, move to the side and/or jump. Their firing vector will still hit you if your response to an attack is to retrace your steps.

powerups: learn the powerup locations and choose a route through the map that passes by them. your timing for the respawn may be off but your more likely to get them than never visiting their location at all. Also, even with no health a powerup grabbed is one denied to the enemy.

teamwork: defend the flag carrier at all costs. if you here the flag grabbed signal run to support the flaggy. let him get passed you and then put yourself between him and the enemy. if your flag is taken then run to the bottleneck where you know the nmy flag carrier must pass - hes going to be running backwards to defend himself from the inner defence (see movement above) so you get a free shot before he knows you are there.

navigation: learn the map so you do not need to look forward to run forward. practice looking to the side or behind whilst moving. learn the destinations of all the teleports. watch the enemy to see which route they are going and use your knowledge of secondary routes to intercept them from a blind spot.


Just thought of another strategy I use (you can tell im a midfield interceptor can't ya? ;) ). If you see an nmy attack approaching your base, shoot them a couple of times to get their armour down a bit. If you can damage them or even just take one out it could make the difference for your team's defense being overwhelmed. Dont abandon your position in midfield to do a job your defense should be doing though, as losing a powerup is a lot worse than an attack you can probably stop as they exit your base.


Here's one for the attackers (especially on some of the Elite Force maps)...

dont fire till you have to. loud fire fights on the outside of the base tell the inner defense an attack is coming and the base entrance is often at a height disadvantage. get into the base quietly through a side route and then open up, or fire down one corridor to divert their attention whilst you use another route.

also alt fire might get you one frag but it leaves you no ammo for getting out again (or for defending against the next attack). use alt fire as a last resort.


A clear understanding of the differences between ctf, dm and other gametypes is essential.
New players on CTF servers will run straight past you as you run through mid with 5 enemy pursuers, take weapons when they already have it, take armour and powerups from under the fc's nose and generally not play as a team player.
For new players interested in the CTF side of things, it would be very useful to point out the basics of team play and most importantly that FRAGS MEAN NOTHING IN CTF! New players would rather keep themselves alive and have their team lose the flag, whereas an experienced team player will defend the fc by attacking any enemies aggressively ... and when they have no more weps or ammo, by putting themselves inbetween the enemy and the FC.
Also mention the SS academy, if SS dont mind. A good place for them to learn imo.
Explain clans too and where they can enquire about joining one.



More tips from the mind of Speccy ;)

Tips on countering splash damage by using ledges and stairs so they have to get a direct hit. Also emphasising how much an advantage height gives to a player. Someone on a ledge can use the platform as cover as their weapon switches or gets ready for the next shot, a player below a ledge rarely has that option.

Using weapons to punt people away from powerups or off a ledge is another useful tactic. You dont need to frag to dominate the centre ground. If you can keep people off the powerups/armour then the little damage they can do with a weak weapon can be ignored.

As the last poster said, new players often get into fights that dont help the team. Dont chase respawns, just damage them so when they do get a good weapon they wont have the armour/health to join into a strong attack. Use your own ammo/armour for where it will count, either wearing down the nmy defense or slowing down someone with a powerup enough that it expires or doesnt help them in the attack.


Good, clear details on how to lower their ping would be very important.
I started off as a modemmer, much like many. I started playing QW and was getting about 180-200 ping. It wasnt till about 6 months of getting my arse kicked about the servers and spending hours trawling through web pages that I found enough information to get my ping down to 100-120. It mad all the difference and for some could make the difference between 'sticking with it' and 'giving up'.

Also, inform the newbie about the power of each weapon. Too many new players use the RL and RL alone, until they run out of ammo and then just use whatever comes up next. Each weapon has its own very precise use and ideal circumstance. Many players never use the railgun cos its comparitively difficult to get used to, but a player without rail is half the player they could be imo. Know when to use the shotgun, how to use the gauntlet well and when grenades are the best option. Many new players see the RL and think it's the 'weapon for all occasions' ...... which does not help their game at all.


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