One problem with SI


Molten Lava

Does any of you think that the new lands (how big will it be....will it double the total map-size in all Realms??) will make it harder to find a group in some parts of the realms...?

I.e. after DF was opened everyone wanted to go into DF and the week after DF opened a /who Lyon gave as result 20 people...(a /who DF gave 200+ hits :) )

Another example: Last night I went with my guild to Catas....we were the only 5 people in Catas at 9PM :) because of the fact that DF was open

I know that after a while DF becomes boring and people tend to go back to their usual spots (camping gobs and tanglers in Lyon) but will the new expansion pack have the same consequences?

All high lvls grouped in the new land....all lower levels grouped at one large parts of the realm will be empty? Especially taken into account the fact that the numbers of players on the english servers are still going down (which will change I hope during the winter :) ) Will it be nicer because of more places that become "uncamped"? will it be harder to get a group to go to Barrows? Will the 'old' land be empty the first few weeks?

I personally like it when the realm is huge, but dont we need more players per server to populate it then? Will you be able to run around 30 minutes without meeting anyone?

Mmm question is a bit fucked up, they way I wrote it.....but I hope anyone understands what I mean and can give his 2 cents on the subject :)


I had sort of wondered about this.
But then I realised that this new expansion ought to attract new players and stuff.
I.E. a brand new DAOC box on the shop shelf, advertising etc...
Which will hopefully mean MORE players breathing more life into the game.

That is, assuming GOA do a better job of advertising DAOC in Europe this time round..

Molten Lava

Server max

Yes I hope too that new players will come (bought the game for my GF recently :) ) But what about the server max? I heard 3500 players per server....

That means an average max:

1500 Albs
1000 Mids
1000 Hibs

With the recent average 800 Albs we have room for another 800.....then it will be crowded...but with the expansion I think we really need that sort of numbers to 'fill' the realms.....right?

(on second thought....I hope more spots to hunt for every lvl will come with the expansion, now most high lvl spots are camped :( )


Well, I guess if the servers start getting filled, they will create more servers....(hopefully an English server)

Molten Lava


Well the new lands will be big enough to hold 3500 people I think...more problematic it will be to get those 3500 :) I hope GOA/Mythic does a large ad-campaign.....playing twice as big lands with the same 800 albs....(500 mids/hibs) looks like no fun to me...but than again I could be wrong :)


a) NO, please don't make another English Server!!!! - thats a stupid idea.

b) GOA nor Mythic have anything to do with the advertising overhere, Its all Wanadoo's fualt.


Originally posted by old.Aralik
a) NO, please don't make another English Server!!!! - thats a stupid idea.

I only suggested the possibility of an English server , if the current English servers filled up....

b) GOA nor Mythic have anything to do with the advertising overhere, Its all Wanadoo's fault.

I doin't care who in the DAOC heirarchy screwed up the advertising, as long as they get it right this time.


Don't know about you but for me DF has allready lost most of it's "newness" and it's now just another dungeon with bad trains and annoying people who think you can help their group with killing 7 shredders by walking right into the middle of your group and hoping you can save them.

Last night at 23:00 I did a /who darkness and result was "No matches". Offcourse the entrance was closed and once it opened it had 30+ people in it. Nothing like the first few days where a /who lyo gave 20 people. There was 76 players in lyonesse last night so I think a lot of the people lost their interest in it allready. I know I never liked it from the start.

I was there for 3 hours, made 0.5 of a bub got 3 saphire's and 4 diamonds. I hate the random drops system, getting 4 diamond while other in the group got 20! :( Died twice due to a train of shredders and the night ended with Hibs rolling over us. I went to lyo after that and in 45min I made 1bub at the trees.

Offcourse it's nice to have something new but I don't think it'll ruin the game that much. If DF would've been added in an expansion and I wouldn't buy it I'm sure I'd regret it the first 2-3 weeks but after everything settles I think that also that will make people loose it's interest and it'll be just another dungeon/zone.


Originally posted by danskmacabre

I only suggested the possibility of an English server , if the current English servers filled up....

I doin't care who in the DAOC heirarchy screwed up the advertising, as long as they get it right this time.

Advertising really doesn't do much for MMORPG's... at least huge amounts of it...

A little bit could go a long way though :)


The expansion is aimed at the overcrowded US servers (where most of Mythic's revenue comes from) - if you think Mythic has considered the European server-loads for even a second while programming the expansion then you're dreaming.

I guess we'll just have to cope as best we can :uhoh:

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