One life


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
One life is all you get. I played this game like it. Only one Thugs and only one Thugs is gonna be ever. Wot the f*** are you lot? No-one special? No-one reckons they can rule the roost? Wot you all anaemic or summit? Fed up of reading nothing. I likes to visit this forum but is like visiting some neglected graveyard - sod all is happening. Fuck sake play the game with some passion why don't yu? In fact play your whole life like I have. F*** wimps!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
I hate snow, it reflects the sunlight in my eyes and then my eyes hurt :(
oh and MKJ most people have a SOCIAL life next to DAoC, so not everyone will play this game for his/her whole life, and if you don't do that you're not a wimp that's just a pile of bollocks
further more: (-(-_(-_-)_-)-)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Ballocks - yu lot is pissing me off. I wanted to be the best DAOC player and I wanted to be the best acoustic guitar player. Eh I proved I can do both. Eh is that proving something to you lot? I can play guitar music beyond nearly everyone's idea of guitar playing - cos I know I would be able to. I not making bonkers remark now but you should be aware that I will become one of the best guitarists thát has ever been. You think I cant? I will show you guitar playing like you can't imagine soon. Taped for all to see. Failing that I will log back on to DAOC and tear your hearts out that way? Why? Cos I want to be the best. Fucksake don't you?


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
MKJ said:
Ballocks - yu lot is pissing me off. I wanted to be the best DAOC player and I wanted to be the best acoustic guitar player. Eh I proved I can do both. Eh is that proving something to you lot? I can play guitar music beyond nearly everyone's idea of guitar playing - cos I know I would be able to. I not making bonkers remark now but you should be aware that I will become one of the best guitarists thát has ever been. You think I cant? I will show you guitar playing like you can't imagine soon. Taped for all to see. Failing that I will log back on to DAOC and tear your hearts out that way? Why? Cos I want to be the best. Fucksake don't you?

QQ you could go put youre guitar up youre ass for all i care, this isnt a guitar forum so keep it to the off topic discussion or stfu.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
MKJ said:
all bark no bite bla bla bla.....

man ur still here? did your E-peen shrink while u were away so u had to come here to brag some more to feel "manly" again?

and no, nothing you say or do will ever convince us that you are any good at anything.

and runthrough while mashing /face is STILL not skill......


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
MKJ said:
One life is all you get. I played this game like it. Only one Thugs and only one Thugs is gonna be ever. Wot the f*** are you lot? No-one special? No-one reckons they can rule the roost? Wot you all anaemic or summit? Fed up of reading nothing. I likes to visit this forum but is like visiting some neglected graveyard - sod all is happening. Fuck sake play the game with some passion why don't yu? In fact play your whole life like I have. F*** wimps!

Its hard to believe your in your 40s sometimes MKJ.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
MKJ said:
Ballocks - yu lot is pissing me off. I wanted to be the best DAOC player and I wanted to be the best acoustic guitar player. Eh I proved I can do both. Eh is that proving something to you lot? I can play guitar music beyond nearly everyone's idea of guitar playing - cos I know I would be able to. I not making bonkers remark now but you should be aware that I will become one of the best guitarists thát has ever been. You think I cant? I will show you guitar playing like you can't imagine soon. Taped for all to see. Failing that I will log back on to DAOC and tear your hearts out that way? Why? Cos I want to be the best. Fucksake don't you?
Time to consider getting help I think :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Garaen said:
It's still snowing.
sun is shining now, so the snow will melt soon here :D
MKJ said:
Ballocks - yu lot is pissing me off. I wanted to be the best DAOC player and I wanted to be the best acoustic guitar player. Eh I proved I can do both.
hah don't make me laugh, you never proved your the best DAoC player, since you never left thid and tried bigger RvR so go back to your shell


Aug 23, 2005
This message is hidden because MKJ is on your ignore list.
gotta love it! been like this for a very long time now, and i have to say, i live a happy life now! \o/
-12 celcius outside my window atm, snow and sun... givf more snow for skiing! :E


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
MKJ said:
Ballocks - yu lot is pissing me off. I wanted to be the best DAOC player and I wanted to be the best acoustic guitar player. Eh I proved I can do both. Eh is that proving something to you lot? I can play guitar music beyond nearly everyone's idea of guitar playing - cos I know I would be able to. I not making bonkers remark now but you should be aware that I will become one of the best guitarists thát has ever been. You think I cant? I will show you guitar playing like you can't imagine soon. Taped for all to see. Failing that I will log back on to DAOC and tear your hearts out that way? Why? Cos I want to be the best. Fucksake don't you?

Id rather have sex and a beer after tbh , what is this best u speak of ? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Shuldnt the title to this thread have been NO LIFE instead thugs...

Tbh , u said ud quit, given daoc up, which means u dont play, which means u dont need to post stuff on the daoc forum, u posted this to rile people up again and get flamed to increase your need for attention which means ure trolling and baiting, which tbh means u shuld have your FH account closed.

Mods ban him , used to think some of his stuff was funny but this is just plain irritating now


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
You are truly molesting the English language with that typing :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
u are shit.....irl and ingame, u were'nt the best daoc player ever, not even close, u owned thid as an OPed class (i admit it a SB is op i can kill ne thing i lay eyes on (not to say i aint got my ass handed to me on occasions :p) )
u killed a few people in thid......thid is lvl20-24 aka its a bit of craic, look at the other players who own in thid, skrapz/fena has a rr11 runemaster, and a crazy WL :p , aoln used to play an inf, and has a whole collection of high rr chars, dontplaywithfire, or garbonnach, the rr11 eld along with alot of other high rr chars, these are players that will be rememered in time to come, and so many more players, u wont, not for ur shitty guitar skills, which is prolly a tape, and even if it aint u'll neva be better than hendrix, or santana......
so mate, do urself a favour and stop postin here cause no one wants to hear ur shit

Invy out, (loads more players i forgot to mention but u know who u are )

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