One for the Healers



Does anybody ever use the Wake Mindless line?
I have used it on occasion when powerleveling guild members...anyone else?

39 Healer

Thats Blain not BLAEN ........OK!!!!!!!!!!!

old.Trine Aquavit

The 'Wake' or 'Amnesia' line isn't too heavily used in PvE. As such I don't think there's been too much written about it. I've used it to interrupt Trollkarl's in Spindel (saves a cure poison + healing).

I think you actually get two versions of the spell - a low power single target one (the first one) and the higher level AE version (power cost, AE radius and effectiveness increase with spec). The intended use is to clear the mobs aggro, but I'm not entirely sure how it does it (i.e. does it clear all aggro by the specified percentage, or does it move people down the 'hate list' - anyone know?). I've had a quick look on the vault boards for answers but haven't found it.

One place you do want to consider using it is after a very heavy aggro insta or group insta (you know the one - the one that stops any amount of damage from peeling a mob off you :)). I reckon it could be a lifesaver if cast straight after a group insta(I've been meaning to put my amnesia next to my group heal insta for a while).

The problem with clearing hate in general is that most groups are attuned to letting a tank build up aggro and leaving the damage dealers to do their stuff later on. If you clear aggro just as they start nuking you might end up with some dead casters :-\ Of course you could try spamming it in the hope that aggro gets switched around (most casters stop nuking when they see a mob ge angry at them).

Amnesia is a pretty decent spell in RvR, mind. It has a very long range, is on a 2 sec cast and has a decent AE range too. You can use it to interrupt casters/archers and close the distance. Use /face and cast amnesia to get a bit of time to close/mez when attacked.

Finally, I reckon it'd be useful in a keep attack/defense. In attack you can use it to clear aggro from archers (again, /face then cast). In defense you could try casting it during a guard pop to cause a bit of extra mayhem :)

This is mostly theory on my part, I must admit. I tend to forget to use it as much as the next Healer :)


Use it quite much in RvR to interrupt casters, and sometimes when aggro turns on healers/shammies while fighting tougher mobs (GG's, WoW's etc).

Be sure to place it on your quickbar when you go to the frontiers... :)


Try Casting it on a Zerg :) Everyone loses their Target, quite a lot of fun, It also has a huge range, I think 2300, quite good for pulling mobs (as long as they resist!!). works well Either side of the Mile gates too, short cast time, AE amnesia, charge and insta mezz, means lots of dead people.


That spell doesnt only interrupts casters spells but also it breaks mez on enemies and monsters. Quite decent if you want to xp kill a enemy group if you mez the whole lot and break the monsters mez.


Assuming it works the same as a bard lull :

PvE : As has been said, it wipes a monsters hate list but the further into battle you get the less the effect is. If a tank is dishing out a lot of damage and you're halfway through killing a mob chances are you won't make the mob attack another group member. Instants cause massive aggro and may take quite a few lulls to make the mob turn off the healer.

PvP : It doesn't just interupt casters, but archers also. It will interupt any spell that requires casting (thanes AE, minstrels castable mezz). One thing to take into account though is that if the caster or archer is so far into a spell/shot the lull won't work. The idea is that the lull makes the enemies mind go blank, but if they have already created the spell and are ready to release it you can't interupt them. Same goes for archers.

old.Trine Aquavit

PvE : As has been said, it wipes a monsters hate list but the further into battle you get the less the effect is. If a tank is dishing out a lot of damage and you're halfway through killing a mob chances are you won't make the mob attack another group member. Instants cause massive aggro and may take quite a few lulls to make the mob turn off the healer.

If this is the case the amnesia must reduce the total aggro on the mob by its effect. Suppose that when you cast the mob has the following hate list:

Healer 1000
Tank 850
Nuker 500

After a cast of the first level amnesia (70%) the hate list would look like this

Healer 300
Tank 255
Nuker 150

The tank would have to only do 45 damage to regain aggro (instead of 150), and the runie would need to do 150.


I use it all the time in RvR, love to start out by casting AE amnesia on an enemy zerg till they are close enough to mez.
I also think it could be quite usefull when using instant heals in PvE, although those are something you usually use when everything else is hopeless, and therefore doesn't quite leave you time to actually cast it

it's alright for pulling although the RM's nearsight is better, I sometimes have to cast amnesia many times before the monster actually aggro me

but in RvR it rocks, can't imagine how many casters and archers I have interupted with it


i use it in PvE if the cleric Group insta's

RvR it clears the targets current of the victim- very usefull in big battles for general confusion once mez is broken(fecking smite clerics)

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