... the midgardien Dragon Gjalpinulva was ill. Some people said she just devoured to many Adventures at once, others said her last victim was a Shadowblade who carried as much poision as he could...
She didn't fly anymore. She sat in her lair waiting for her sickness to pass. Some brave adventurers saw their chance to rid the Realm of this ancient evil and charged the dragon in it's lair.
Many died since the Dragon wasn't too ill to fight back, though slow, but survivors kept attacking her ...
After what seemed to be an eternity, the dragon bled from many wounds, her attacks slowed even more.
She must've feeled her end was coming, since all of a sudden a chilling roar was heard in all of the Area called Malmohus, and Drakulvs no one ever seen before ran by to aid here.
The Midgardiens were defeated once more by the beast.
But many heard of the Dragons illness and rallied for another attack. But other's praid to the false god's ... and the dragons sickness was taken from here. Disheartend the fighters fought there way through the valleys back home.
To those ppl who logged off to complain about the ppl going for the dragon :
Who would've taken any harm from a dead Dragon ?
Drops could've easily (and rightfully) removed from their Inventory, maybe a suspension for those who attained, but who else would've been harmed ?
It would have felt real good to kill the Dragon atleast once. I seriously doubt that Midgard/Prydwen will ever get the numbers to take the Dragon when it's not bugged.
Actually I think it was great fun for everyone who was there.
Enough of the whining...
Now what we learned :
1. The Dragon only nukes ppl right infront of it. Not much use when it turns around though, but a bit.
2. About all weapons did about 1 dmg, regardless if slow or fast, so a fast weapon with high to-hit-bonus would be the best.
3. Thane dmg-add didn't work on her, Skald dmg-song did the most dmg.
4. The Dragon is immune to about all magic, no weapon proc got through, and if a caster tried, he made her nuke.
--- Important ---
5. At 1/3 of it's health, the Dragon makes about 8-10 Special Werewolves to spawn. These are called Drakulv Riddare (Knights] and one Drakulv Prast (Priest/Healer).
The Riddare move faster than Skalds or any other mob in the entire game (except those 'Guardians of Albion' prolly), they don't hit as hard as Execs, but seem to go for Healers first. A tank got aggroed, he ran back where a healer stood ... the Riddare changed course and took the healer out first (no healing involved afaik).
The Prast heals the dragon ... and he does it fast.
So if anyone goes for the dragon in the future, keep a team out of the lair in order to take out those Riddare and the Prast once you got her down to 40%.
She didn't fly anymore. She sat in her lair waiting for her sickness to pass. Some brave adventurers saw their chance to rid the Realm of this ancient evil and charged the dragon in it's lair.
Many died since the Dragon wasn't too ill to fight back, though slow, but survivors kept attacking her ...
After what seemed to be an eternity, the dragon bled from many wounds, her attacks slowed even more.
She must've feeled her end was coming, since all of a sudden a chilling roar was heard in all of the Area called Malmohus, and Drakulvs no one ever seen before ran by to aid here.
The Midgardiens were defeated once more by the beast.
But many heard of the Dragons illness and rallied for another attack. But other's praid to the false god's ... and the dragons sickness was taken from here. Disheartend the fighters fought there way through the valleys back home.
To those ppl who logged off to complain about the ppl going for the dragon :
Who would've taken any harm from a dead Dragon ?
Drops could've easily (and rightfully) removed from their Inventory, maybe a suspension for those who attained, but who else would've been harmed ?
It would have felt real good to kill the Dragon atleast once. I seriously doubt that Midgard/Prydwen will ever get the numbers to take the Dragon when it's not bugged.
Actually I think it was great fun for everyone who was there.
Enough of the whining...
Now what we learned :
1. The Dragon only nukes ppl right infront of it. Not much use when it turns around though, but a bit.
2. About all weapons did about 1 dmg, regardless if slow or fast, so a fast weapon with high to-hit-bonus would be the best.
3. Thane dmg-add didn't work on her, Skald dmg-song did the most dmg.
4. The Dragon is immune to about all magic, no weapon proc got through, and if a caster tried, he made her nuke.
--- Important ---
5. At 1/3 of it's health, the Dragon makes about 8-10 Special Werewolves to spawn. These are called Drakulv Riddare (Knights] and one Drakulv Prast (Priest/Healer).
The Riddare move faster than Skalds or any other mob in the entire game (except those 'Guardians of Albion' prolly), they don't hit as hard as Execs, but seem to go for Healers first. A tank got aggroed, he ran back where a healer stood ... the Riddare changed course and took the healer out first (no healing involved afaik).
The Prast heals the dragon ... and he does it fast.
So if anyone goes for the dragon in the future, keep a team out of the lair in order to take out those Riddare and the Prast once you got her down to 40%.