A bit short notice, yeah..
Desperately trying to scramble some peeps together - all help is welcome, even from silly theurgists who spam pets on Typhon while going "denmark 4tw imo xDDD" in BG chat!
If not enough people will show up I will postpone this to a later date, but cross fingers, eh?
Date and time of departure as in topic; Thursday 17th november (tomorrow!) at Volcanus haven/EXCALIBUR. Raid will leave at 20:00 GMT (that's 21:00 CET for you Swedes etc.), and BG will be open on Lamers-e from 19:30 GMT (20:30 CET, duhh).
Go go go, tell your friends and foes!
Desperately trying to scramble some peeps together - all help is welcome, even from silly theurgists who spam pets on Typhon while going "denmark 4tw imo xDDD" in BG chat!
If not enough people will show up I will postpone this to a later date, but cross fingers, eh?
Date and time of departure as in topic; Thursday 17th november (tomorrow!) at Volcanus haven/EXCALIBUR. Raid will leave at 20:00 GMT (that's 21:00 CET for you Swedes etc.), and BG will be open on Lamers-e from 19:30 GMT (20:30 CET, duhh).
Go go go, tell your friends and foes!