On a nicer note



GOA is doing a great job.. ofcors if i was them i wuld of said fuk yu to the impatient kiddiez in here..
why cant yu jus CHILL OUT,, its onli a game ffs,,!?


1: Take your girlfriend out

2: Go hang out wid your m8s

3: Go to sleep (my fave)

4: watch tv

or sumfing,, jus stop making pointless ongoing annoying threads, which GOA jus point and laugh at you who made em..


And why do you care? GOA doesn't, most ppl don't. Why can't ppl just make a few threads to tell everyone how miserable they are, doesn't really matter, does it? If ppl want to make pointless threads let them, if you don't like them, don't read them. It's as simple as that imo...

The thing that bothers me tho is that we are paying for a game we can't play :wall:


TBH the people who criticise the complainers can be just as bad themselves. It makes me laugh that the judges of these people often cannot relate to their situation and are happily playing daoc right now. However, i totally agree that...

> This really is the wrong place to complain about GOAs service. I very much doubt ANY GOA employees read these forums.
> Peoples attitude to GOA can really be a little too agressive. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism but no thx to the "FUK GOA!!!111oneone" threads pls.

Still, you have to remember that...

> People complaining are paying customers who have rights.
> Some of the people actually are paying for their accounts right now are unable to log on because of password changes.
> Subscription pages have been down for over a week.
> There is zero customer support and no contact numbers/emails to even get in touch with GOA atm.

What im trying to say is people are complaining in the wrong place, but they do have a right to be angry. If they want to complain here they should adopt a more mature tone and not spam like madmen. Making a thousand threads on forums that GOA dont read wont fix anything.


Originally posted by Giljotine
Can't said it better

I'm sure you couldn't. Hmm now that i've looked at his post i'm not that sure. Which is worse having no grammar or being crap at spelling?


both lol...
But he has a point...but he's taken the point from other people. Other people have said the same thing over and over!


Originally posted by astriix
a few? ..*cough* :p
maybe not a few but does it really matter...

TBH complaining about ppl complaining ain't better in any way, allmost worse :p

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by astriix
GOA is doing a great job.. ofcors if i was them i wuld of said fuk yu to the impatient kiddiez in here..
why cant yu jus CHILL OUT,, its onli a game ffs,,!?


1: Take your girlfriend out

2: Go hang out wid your m8s

3: Go to sleep (my fave)

4: watch tv

or sumfing,, jus stop making pointless ongoing annoying threads, which GOA jus point and laugh at you who made em..
this is a joke right? i mean... who types like that?!


He has a damn good point though...

I still don't have my pass and login, but i don't care.
I'm catching up a bit on rl again and so far it's great.

Is it really that bad he can't type or don't you just know anything better to criticise?


Originally posted by old.Jierdan
I still don't have my pass and login, but i don't care.
I'm catching up a bit on rl again and so far it's great.
The thing is... ofc I can watch TV, reada book, enjoy rl or what ever for a while hence not playing. But I think it's kinda lame that a game company like GOA which hosts one of the most played mmorpg atm can't get thier customers playing.

[Edited] Btw good for you, but I do care :)


they probably can open the sub pages.. but if they cant garantee that the sub pages are safe then i sure as hell dont wanna put my private details on there. i know they said that they dont host any CC info or whatever. but thats not the point. if its not safe im not typing jack shit there.

more info would be nice. but imo it isnt that important..

(yes i can play, no i prolly wouldent have said the exact same thing if i couldent, but it wouldent have been much of a diffrence as my main account is still closed and i hate pve atm. ) so i aint playing much anyway until my main acc is open again...

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