1tchy trigger
I was walking to work with my girlfriend this morning, and as a short cut to get to the tube station (Brixton) we walked through a side road / alley which runs next to the job centre. It's a wide alley - about as wide as the road and pavements on both sides. The wintery sun was low and bright in the sky almost blinding me as we began to make our fateful journey towards the tube station.
I was talking about the work I was due to be doing that day when Kath interruptted me: "Look!" she said "Theres a woman over there taking a piss!". Sure enough, opposite the job centre was a fat woman bent over with her knickers round her ankles - not squatting, just bent over. I was about to laugh which was a mistake and I was duely punished for within a few seconds this woman had shot out a watery shit concoction from her arse - shot it out at least a metre behind her in a sort of hippo shit spray.
I nearly vommed on the spot and in fact I was dry wretching all the way to the tube station - coming within a gnats bollock of actually being sick.
How has your day been so far?
I was talking about the work I was due to be doing that day when Kath interruptted me: "Look!" she said "Theres a woman over there taking a piss!". Sure enough, opposite the job centre was a fat woman bent over with her knickers round her ankles - not squatting, just bent over. I was about to laugh which was a mistake and I was duely punished for within a few seconds this woman had shot out a watery shit concoction from her arse - shot it out at least a metre behind her in a sort of hippo shit spray.
I nearly vommed on the spot and in fact I was dry wretching all the way to the tube station - coming within a gnats bollock of actually being sick.
How has your day been so far?