OMG 39 items



Legion went down again :)

and so did alot of highlords and princes.

GOGOGO ALb :clap:

Well done all - Thanks to

Guardian Of Light - Defectu Virum Elite (Khalen u rock) - Black Falcons - Dragon Knights - Shadowlords Society - The Ministry - Equilibrium - Illuminati - First Cohort - Herfølge Boldklub - Royal Bavarians

Hope i havent forgotten any, if so please tell me, and ill put u in the greetings list right away.

loot distribution will be done tomorrow (hopefully)

Thanks again :)

Best regards

Tiarta - lvl 50 cleric
Teleri - lvl 50 Sorcerer
Gobo - lvl 31 Mercenary

Dragon Knights


sooooooooo typical, i leave= you kill the legion :p
i be back shortly :)

Mousah mOO
Pikeman at 50
<Dragon Knights>

Skullbasher TinCanCrusher
sauvage/snowdonia camper at 43
<Clan Chaos>


OMG and they wanna know all the stats this time :( Ah well busy morning tomorrow... some nice stuff this time.. (not much for tincans but it will come one day..) Shame worm dude wasn't there we would have loved to gank it...


I couldn't believe how fast Legion went down, did anyone actually die to him?
He was eating dirt before adds re-poped which was nice.
Well done to all there :).


i was teleported to behemoth and coudnt port back
why me ? :|



Legion was MUCH tougher this time over than the last time, don't know whether it was due to less people being there or he being a higher level spawn this time. I must admit I was a bit worried upon seeing the brave Gregorian charge Legion and instantly be one-shotted when he got in range. :)


Hehe :p

Greg storming him in view to heal...did 2 aggro, moved away...trasported and by the time i got out again...

no greg to be found :)

but this went really fast yes...but we were a lot more than last attempt too :p

good thing was the overload in drops (khalen inv full and matje's once also well filled) :p

don't wanna be in his shoes to get spammed when he enters the game :p

"Hey khalen, that sword what stats pls"
"Khalen can you tell me what the bow does for damage and what stats it has?"

anyway grats to all who were there, people actually start listening to step is to get same organisation in RvR...

Think you up for that? :p


Anyone else getting a disturbing feeling that Legion drops are a bit bugged? 2nd time around we get pairs of the uber-drops.

A reflection from a guildmember of mine "if Albion would do this every day, we'd all be 50 and well equipped in notime". The 2nd part is actually pretty true as the items seemed to pop up like mushrooms on the ground.


Yey, well done ppl, good to see more of these legion raids so ppl dont start yelling about unfair distribution, well done to the organisers, and as part of the *take care of the adds group* I cant say I had much to do, but nice being on a succesfull legion raid (been on 2 unsuccesfull)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

And I guess it is more of this cake to come :D :D :clap:


I bade my Chaplain to help kill Legion, obviously it was the presence of the Humberton Guard that made it so easy :)

(myself I missed the bus so spent half an hour dying to essence shredders)


Originally posted by Tigerius
Anyone else getting a disturbing feeling that Legion drops are a bit bugged? 2nd time around we get pairs of the uber-drops.

If I didnt know better Id think you didnt like the idea of having a few Legion drops!


Great work once again :) The raid seemed more orderly this time, maybe there's still hope for Albion and Emain zergs :p

On another note, I was in the DK group that was assigned on add-duty... No adds, so I drew out my x-bow and to my surprise I was able to hit Legion o_O


Yes I've heared the Flutes were bugged (sigh mythic/goa) We get an uber drop and it's unusable... just great...

And yes Legion has some nasty DD when you approach him. It got Greg killed instantly and it did me 1500 Damage... (luckily I have more because I'm an armsman ;))

After Legion we crushed all High Lords and Princes (hib prince was gone again). We wanted the worm bad this time but again he didn't show up....


Every Drop With Info...

Looooonnnnngggggg List of drops:

2x Ancient Demon Jerkin (Leather Jerkin, Infil/Friar Only)
AF: 102 QUA: 100 Dex+18, Str+18, Slash 10%, Body 10%
Procc: Damage Shield

2x Bracer Of Dire Omen
QUA: 100 Con+21, Str+21
Procc: Str/Con Decrease 56 5/5 charges

1x Brilliant Twisted Evil Emeral Scepter (Caba/Sorc Only)
DPS: 16.2 SPD: 4.0 QUA: 94% Int+15, Pow+5 Focus: Spirit/Body 50 LVLs
Procc: DD 331 Cold 10/10 charges

2x Brilliant Twisted Evil Ruby Scepter (Caba/Sorc Only)
DPS: 16.2 SPD: 4.0 QUA: 94% Int+15, Pow+5 Focus: Mind/Matter 50 LVLs
Procc: DD 331 Cold 10/10 charges

1x Brilliant Baln's Mephitic Bludgeoner (1H Crush, Left Handed)
DPS: 16.1 SPD: 2.9 QUA: 94% Dual+3, Parry+3, Str+10, Con+9
Procc: Dex/Qui Decrease 56

1x Brilliant Oro's Sleeves Of Balefire (Leather Sleeves)
AF: 100 QUA: 94% Dex+13, Str+13, Qui+13, Body 12%
Procc: HP Regenerate 52

1x Brilliant Saeor's Sword (1H Slash, Left Handed)
DPS: 16.2 SPD: 3.0 QUA: 94% Hits+30, Slash+5, Cha+7
Procc: DMG-Over-Time 64 Heat

1x Ring Of Malice
QUA: 94% Hits+51, Dex+15
Procc: Str/Con Decrease 56 2/2 charges

1x Belt Of Barbed Scales
QUA: 94% Hits+51, Int+15
Procc: DMG-Over-Time 13 Matter 2/2 charges

1x Brilliant Vambraces Of The Soulshad (Plate Sleeves)
AF: 100 QUA: 94% Hits+42, Str+19, Body 10%
Procc: HP Regenerate 52

2x Brilliant Saeor's Fiery Hammer (1H Crush)
DPS: 16.1 SPD: 3.7 QUA: 94% Hits+30, Crush+5, Str+7
Procc: DMG-Over-Time 64 Heat

1x Brilliant Baln's Fiery Chest Splitter (2H Thrust)
DPS: 16.1 SPD: 4.7 QUA: 94% Thrust+3, 2H+3, Con+13, Qui+6
Procc: Haste 15 secs

1x Brilliant Oro's Shield Of The Forsaken (Medium Shield)
QUA: 94% Hits+42, Pie+21, Body 12%
Procc: DD 97 Heat

1x Brilliant Baln's Fuliginous Crusher (2H Crush)
DPS: 16.2 SPD: 5.0 QUA: 94% Crush+3, 2H+3, Hits+39
Procc: Lifedrain

2x Brilliant Adremel's Avernal Hammer (Crush Polearm)
DPS: 16.2 SPD: 5.5 QUA: 94% Crush+3, Polearm+3, Str+10, Con+9
Procc: DD 71 Heat

1x Soul Forged Bracer
QUA: 94% Hits+51, Str+15
Procc: Dex/Qui Decrease 56 2/2 charges

2x Brilliant Wretched Skin Robes (Leather Vest, Friar Only)
AF: 100 QUA: 94% Parry+3, Staff+3, Dex+16, Pie+16
Procc: Damage Shield

2x Black Sapphire Bracer
QUA: 94% Con+10, Dex+10, Str+10, Cha+10
Procc: HP Regenerate 52 5/5 charges

2x Brilliant Smoldering Ember Staff (Friar Only)
DPS: 16.1 SPD: 4.5 QUA: 94% Staff+3, Parry+3, Dex+15
Procc: Dex/Con Increase 75

1x Brilliant Gauntlets Of Nightfire (Studded Gauntlets)
AF: 100 QUA: 93% Longbow+5, Dex+18, Qui+18
Procc: Damage Shield

3x Brilliant Daemon Fire Forged Bow (Longbow)
DPS: 16.2 SPD: 4.2 QUA: 94% Longbow+5, Dex+15, Str+7
Procc: Haste 5/5 charges

1x Brilliant Oro's Helm Of Fiery Might (Chain Helm)
AF: 100 QUA: 94% Str+21, Cha+21, Cold 10%
Procc: HP Regenerate 52

1x Brilliant Stiletto Of Soulshad (1H Thrust, Infil/Scout/Minstrel Only, Left Handed)
DPS: 16.1 SPD: 2.7 QUA: 94% Thrust+3, Stealth+2, Str+15, Qui+7
Procc: Bladeturn

2x Dommel's Incendiary Seal (Necklace)
QUA: 90% Con+10, Str+10
Procc: DMG-Over-Time 64 Heat 2/2 charges

1x Dommel's Fiery Gauntlets (Chain Gauntlets)
AF: 98 QUA: 90% Dex+15, Qui+15
Procc: Damage Shield

2x Kobil's Fiery Gauntlets (Plate Gauntlets)
AF: 98 QUA: 90% Qui+15, Str+15
Procc: Damage Shield

1x Kobil's Fiery Seal (Necklace)
QUA: 90% Dex+10, Qui+10
Procc: Damage Shield 2/2 charges

And 10x50 Master Daemon Diamon Seals


Anyone else getting a disturbing feeling that Legion drops are a bit bugged? 2nd time around we get pairs of the uber-drops.

sounds like a good bug to me

p.s. can I put in an advance bid on behalf of First Cohort for the Ring of Malice :) plz


Originally posted by old.tazzbe

don't wanna be in his shoes to get spammed when he enters the game :p

"Hey khalen, that sword what stats pls"
"Khalen can you tell me what the bow does for damage and what stats it has?"

Hehe , I get that all day long!!

And now I get via Private messages to via this forum in the same manner. ( I will answer them all soon I promise :D )

You guys just have it so so easy :p


gj all

congrats to the organisators Khalen + Tiarta.

Too bad the worm did not show up ;/

GG @ main tank for going down in first hit ,))


PS: /me is asking to be put on the "list" for :
1x Brilliant Twisted Evil Emeral Scepter (Caba/Sorc Only)
DPS: 16.2 SPD: 4.0 QUA: 94% Int+15, Pow+5 Focus: Spirit/Body 50 LVLs
Procc: DD 331 Cold 10/10 charges

(hope this does not sound greedy or anything im only posting this here b/c i cant contact my GM 2day)



A bit clueless

I think it would be helpful if the drop lotto assignment rules are posted on this forum once and for all. I hope we are going to be doing a lot of these raids in the future, so I would be good to announce them to everyone. I, for one, have no idea how it is done, save that it is a lotto and that only participating guilds are eligible. However, do the guilds in question register an interest in the items, or are items just randomly distributed to the guilds?

Can someone clear this up, please? :)


As legion , i think its like provide about 1 fgp to get a claim to drops, 1 drop / guild, guilds say numbers, and then kill a single mob, and from the XP / copper 2 last digits counts, so f.ex if it drops 10 Mithrils 10 platinum 45 gold 1 silver and 45 coppers , the right number is 45, and the 1 guild that have said a number closer to that wins the drops, and is drop out from 1st round, and can join back to lotto when 2nd round starts ( by the way that mob is uber rich , lol )

and then that lotto is done as long as the stuff is caput, of course if u guild dont wanna participate for item to be lottoed, guild can drop out from that round, usually Friar only stuff, or 2h Crush/Thrust , so they dont get a drop what they dont really need, and they have change to get a drop what they wanna/need etc etc, really simple, and can make fast , the less peeps talk in middle, the more peeps listen and numbers r same, the faster the lotto will go, about 40 items, max time to lotto them when done properly is about 15 mins..


Omg 2 crush polearms dropped, hope one comes along to the ministry in lotto :p


I claim dibs on studded leather +5 lb, adn thrust +3 thrust, +2 stealth :D, j/k, great job everyone, glad to hear we're doing so fine... makes your heart go woo :)


Drops will be shared like this:

1. Guilds will choose a nr between 1-99. This will be your guild nr for drops.

2. We will loot best drops first (hardest part I guess because each drop could be very good for someone but very bad for another... so we need some help with this part. The list I just put up with all stats, maybe someone can make a list in order of best drops...)

3. We go hunt in Llyn Barfog with some members from the guilds (lvl 50 all) We kill froggies or any other mob who gives xp. The last 2 digits of the xp is the nr.

4. We then check which guild was closest to the nr. The one who was closest gets the drop. Who ever received a drop is out for this round until every guild has received a drop. (This way each guild gets a drop)

5. When first round has been played we move on to 2nd round (remember still same nrs each time) and this goes on and on...

Some point was that the guilds who receive a TRUE Legion Drop (100%) won't get another very high good drop (depending on nr of drops and rounds but they will most likely get the most useless drop at end..) This way we balance the drops a bit for all... (then again the hard part is which are useless drops etc. so have some decency and help with that part because it ain't that easy...)

Then another point we can't do it on behave of Need-Before-Greed because then 45-49 people will always get drops because lvl 50s most of the time have nice weapons/armor already...

If anyone has any other ideas about sharing let me know but we (Tiarta, me and most others) find it a good drop sharing.

And then again it's not that each raid is like the last the we ever gonna do... We wanna kill it as often as we can. One drop I want bad myself is one Legion Soul Splitter (Slash Halberd) :) Haven't seen it drop yet but it will sooner or later.. What I do find ridiculous is that we have soooo many slashers, thrusters and sooooo few drops of those each time... Mythic really made an error in creating enough drops for tanks mostly...


Thank you, Khalen, cleared up a lot of question marks for me. IMHO, this seems to be a very fair and nice drop distribution scheme. If we continue like this, we're all going to have Legion items. :)


Good job Khalen. Glad we are in the same guild :D


lemme just add that the Daemon fire forged bows are in fact HUNTING bows rather than LONGBOWS...



Need to farm those Encorselled Blades of Power!!1 :clap: :clap:


I think Legion got a bit of a buff in 1.50 as he does seem tougher.
Also I have a flute of balefire and it works... it took 4 weeks of goa nagging to get it working though. :p


Originally posted by Khalen
One drop I want bad myself is one Legion Soul Splitter (Slash Halberd) :) Haven't seen it drop yet but it will sooner or later.. What I do find ridiculous is that we have soooo many slashers, thrusters and sooooo few drops of those each time... Mythic really made an error in creating enough drops for tanks mostly...

Its been the same way with every drop in the game - there never seems to be enough plate and 1hand slash weapons to go around. Either that or theres just too many of us tincans running round :)

As for that polearm - I wish Id never looked at the "Servants of the Lake" website - think it was around a month ago and Im still drooling over the stats ;)

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