Was also nice to get nuked to pieces by pets that can walk through walls, lol nice one mythic.
And i like how an NS got right into the courtyard, perfed me, gave me 2-3 more hits, got all the way up the stairs and outside without dieing heals or IP wtf.
about the assassin getting away thats due to sleepy players. an archer destealthing will get about 2 archers on him, and at level 50 this wont stop him having enough time to get out normally, its just a minor inconvineience, especially if he turns to face the archers, where he then gets the chance to evade them. sinking any caster in 2/3 hits is genrally easy, esp when they are off-guard in the keep's courtyard\tower, and escape is usually possible APART from when the defenders are awake and stun\gank hope that sums it up for you
Everyone was already at the lord they were waiting i was still aoeing so i had no backup when i was attacked.
We had no cleric in group, and i had no con buffs. And he caught me completely off guard i wouldnt have ever thought an assassin would have the guts to venture right into the courtyard of a keep claimed by another realm to pick a fight
But its not exactly a hard thing for an assassin to kill a caster is it? Perf, whack in the poison and skip off while the caster gets a spade out to dig his/her grave lol
Akirai, what kind of shit are you on? nightshades get a LOT better view from teh walls than looking underground adn are a lot less vunerable. when looking underground you dont see anything nearby you very easily on the wall you see everything
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