Omfg Look At 1.59b!!!



Sorcerer Changes

- Sorcerers can now charm any monster type. This should strengthen their Mind spec considerably, and facilitate better charming in dungeons (where many monsters are undead).

- Added Minion Control to the Sorcerer RA list.

- Increased radius of Fog, Blanket and Cloud of Senility to 350.

- Added a power regen buff to Mind spec list so that all three realms have a version of this spell:

5 Comprehension of Power
15 Perception of Power
26 Perspicuity of Power
36 Cognition of Power
46 Lucidity of Power

- Instead of adding more crowd control to any realm, Sorcerers are getting two new ways of dealing with crowd control.

1) Added a self mez-duration reduction buff to Mind Spec.

16 Shield Mind
27 Harden Mind
35 Steel Mind
45 Invulnerable Mind

2) Added group mez-duration reduction chant to Mind Spec.

29 Solidarity of Mind
39 Unity of Mind
49 Brotherhood of the Mind

What can I say, god finally gave us mind spec sorcs some loving.

Solvin North, Sorcerer Primus <ASq>



Seems like our time has finally come my brother sorcs.... it's payback time


I think my brainsack burst when I saw this.

Mind sorcerers, yes, this will finally mean something other than free rp's for the enemy.

As long as i get a respec.... after all, name me one sorcerer who went over 44 mind on purpose... (If you did this, then g00000n!)

But most of all... I WANT 1.59 NOW.

Last one to charm a cyhraith is a big hibs blouse :p



Mazter has 44+ in mind :)




44 mind is ok :)

>44 mind at the moment gives you precisely nothing...


Theurgist Changes

- Theurgist elementals can no longer be rooted or mezzed.

- Theurgist Confusing Gust line has had its radius raised to 350.

- Increased range of Theurgist summons to 2000

w00t !!!

3 things still need to be done IMV...

-Range of the air mezz needs increasing (I'm earth and even I think this should be done)

-Pets should last longer / appear at target (who bothered with CC when u can out run them?)

-Earth spec needs a new spell to make it have some decent capabilities, other than PBT. As Theurgs are supposed to be THE siege class of Albion (look at class titles as you level up), a GTAoE or PBAoE would be best suited.

But I doubt the second one will ever happen... hopefully the third, else I'll be looking for a respec stone when I hit 50.. earth spec is boring in RvR.. it might be good for the rest of the group, but its boring as hell to play.


if they make the pets appear at the target then it'll seriously gimp my ability to fight, i think cc immuntiy and 2000 range is just the ticket, I attack a cc'ed target by casting 3 ice pets on it and nuking the hell out of it, on a good day they drop dead at my feet, on a bad one they mangle me, but if they appeared in place the first ice pet would break the cc before I could cast the second or third one, I'm guessing this would also hurt air theurgs but not as much, it would be cool if the earth pet appeared at the target though, and I wish they'd remove the effect that shouts "LOOK OUT! PET COMING!" everytime I cast one, I don't get warned when a bolt is about to smack me in the face so why should everyone get this chance with a pet?


good point :)

im only really speaking form my experiences as an earth theurg tho


Ok, I expected there to be someone 44+, but my point was that there are zero spell after that, and it has been confirmed that higher mind spec does precisely nada. Meaning that 99% of sorcs will not have anything higher than 44 and so not providing a respec will be quite simply unfair. I can also guarantee that the number of sorcs at 49+ for the new high level group mez resist is so small that it could hide behind a lurikeen.


I have saved my /respec all and will without a doubt respec to mind 49 when we get the patch.
Will be fun to resist the instas and throw a nice qc mez down the hibbies throats.

Solvin North, Sorcerer Primus <ASq>


If they make pets appear on target it will be wildly overpowered.

Imagine me getting 3 pets off at the start of a fight:
pet 1: on bard, healing, mezz and amnesia interrupted
pet 2: on druid, healing and cc interrupted
pet 3: on nuker, nuke, stun, cc interrupted

After the 3. pet, you just resume that circle - 1 theurg effectively taking out 3 enemy casters while supplying haste, EB, pbt, mezz, root, nukes. All this at range 2000.

There has also been suggestions of making pets instacast on 3 sec timer (aka un-interruptable) - add that to the above and you have ....
A class that will be nerfed


More changes needed to theurs:

- GTAoE in earth spec. (really needed, earth theur is a bit boring)

- PBAoE in ice spec.

- Increase air mezz range (really needed)

- AoE DOT in air spec


Yes, i'm dreaming. Theurgist is the best Albion mage, is almost a hibi mage ;) but think Albion need more aoe damage to defend and attack keeps cos only 1/2 of our mages have it.


Theurgist is quite possibly the most capable multi-role class Albion has. These boosts may almost take us on par with the hib mage classes.


Yes, but we need some aoe damage too. While all hib/mids mages have aoe damage only wizards and cabalist got it in albion.

And, if we are the siege guys, why theurgist sucks a bit taking keeps? Wizards have AoE direct damage, Sorcerers a good mezz and amnesia and confuse to annoying guards, cabalist nearsigth and aoe DoT, but theur have nothing really usefull to take keeps. Think our pets need a boost breaking keep doors at least. Siege Bolt sucks after 1.52 patch (i respecced realm to get it and it worked 1-2 times only, usually was blocked, so i needed another respec to get some usefull)


bahh... we still suck !

give theurgs stealth and we can talk fairness and balance ;)

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