Old. Forum



Nope, it was taken down because of bad publicity (Everyone on there was a whining bugger) So GOA cut a deal with bw to host the forums here. Not that we need official forums anyway, these do just fine (and Mythic also don't have any official forums :p)


Originally posted by Psy|:m00:
Nope, it was taken down because of bad publicity (Everyone on there was a whining bugger) So GOA cut a deal with bw to host the forums here. Not that we need official forums anyway, these do just fine (and Mythic also don't have any official forums :p)

yep GOA at that time defined a whining bugger as anyone who disagreed with them.... bit like HDS on hib prydwen really


Don't really know if there are less whining buggers here tbh. :) (Yes, including me from time to time. :))


it's more whineing and curseing around here, but atleast it's not linked as the official forum from the games official site ;)


GOA should've expected that. look at any MMOG forum, official and otherwise. 99% of the people posting on them are whining buggers. I'd almost go so far as to say it's a requirement for registering on one of these things ;)


Heh, the old forums, those were the days :)

Was allways fun to see them crash every 5 minutes cause the GOA server couldn't handle the traffic :D

THe whining is even worse here tho, at least us that were moderators had the oppertunity to lock and delete topics that referred to the same thing, unlike here where there can be up to 5 threads on the same whine on one page.


well with all due respect there was a lot of whining because goa were really not doing much good.

servers were too laggy to do anything but craft for around the first month i played, xping basically just involved getting countless lag and ld deaths and not much else, there was NO customer support, including right now (which did absolutely nothing at that time), the patches were aeons after the US servers, no events as promised, whenever we got patched there was utter hell getting it (no gorre at the time to get it early to spread out the rush of people) etc....

goa have, however, in my oppinion, sorted themselves out rather nicely, right now works to an extent good enough to use, there's events, servers are pretty much unlaggy exept in the most rare of circumstances, patching goes smooth, has the option of going even smoother if you download from gorre earlier, events, a MUCH better connection from the playerbase to the company running it (which was non existant before), all in all i'm rather happy with how they're currently running things, but nobody would have disagree'd with being unhappy about how it was 9 months ago :), but water under the bridge ;p.


remember when we got these forums and all complained about how the green hurt our eyes?

har har har :)

now i see that it is much better than the poop brown of old.


hehe i used to be :puke: at the green!

dont even notice it now though :)

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by old.tRoG
remember when we got these forums and all complained about how the green hurt our eyes?

har har har :)

now i see that it is much better than the poop brown of old.

got the daoc colour scheme :)


I prefered the old forums... because these colours do suck and even if u use the other style they still suck... but atleast its a forum =) and we can talk about stuff on here =) but i dont complain about the forums alot... this is my first time and im not really complaining its just out of curiocity

(p.s mind my spelling =)...)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Charonel
hehe i used to be :puke: at the green!

dont even notice it now though :)

It's green?? :eek6:

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