I'm getting a tad ZZzzzzZZZ in midgard, the fact that I had a 1½ month break dosent realy help either. So I thought that I want to try someting new out, since I like the server and dont wanna leave it i'v desided to delete my chars (minideath already felt the love of my deleted hunter, as I emptied my vault on him ) and start up over in the wonderfull land of hibi.
There is only a few more thing that I need to do before I delete Gromnir:
1. I have to say godbye to the guild for a wonderful time
2. Say godbye to all the other people I'v meet for a good time
3. Give a away my stuff since I dont wanna see it go to waste.
Lupine Chain of Retorstion
Wind Swept Staff
Yellow Diamond staff
Black Diamond staff
Varulv staff of darkness
Gloves of Twlight
Retainers Ceremonial Ring
TL Blade Stopper
Black Silksteel Cloak
Heralds Furlined Cloak
Ebony Flacked Shimmering Cloak
Enraged Wolf Pelt Cloak
Cloak of the Dragon wolf * 2 (1 used)
Serpent hide sleeves *2
Serpent hide vest
serpent hide leggings
Svartalf Crafted Necklace *2 (1 used)
Breath of Wither
Shadowsteel Necklace
Celestail Storm Caller
black golden emboseed hood (used)
Dragon etched Hauberk (used)
Forlorn Icebond Sleeves (used)
Facetted Insect eye (used)
Carved Bone ring (used)
Bracelet of defende (used)
Dragon Etched Legs (used)
Barbed Ebon Gloves (used)
Shadowsteel belt (used)
Arc 1handed hammer qua 98% I think
Duskwoods shield qua 98 or 99%
arc 2handed hammer qua 95 or 96%
Oh and I have about 1.3plat I dont need to
There is only a few more thing that I need to do before I delete Gromnir:
1. I have to say godbye to the guild for a wonderful time
2. Say godbye to all the other people I'v meet for a good time
3. Give a away my stuff since I dont wanna see it go to waste.
Lupine Chain of Retorstion
Wind Swept Staff
Yellow Diamond staff
Black Diamond staff
Varulv staff of darkness
Gloves of Twlight
Retainers Ceremonial Ring
TL Blade Stopper
Black Silksteel Cloak
Heralds Furlined Cloak
Ebony Flacked Shimmering Cloak
Enraged Wolf Pelt Cloak
Cloak of the Dragon wolf * 2 (1 used)
Serpent hide sleeves *2
Serpent hide vest
serpent hide leggings
Svartalf Crafted Necklace *2 (1 used)
Breath of Wither
Shadowsteel Necklace
Celestail Storm Caller
black golden emboseed hood (used)
Dragon etched Hauberk (used)
Forlorn Icebond Sleeves (used)
Facetted Insect eye (used)
Carved Bone ring (used)
Bracelet of defende (used)
Dragon Etched Legs (used)
Barbed Ebon Gloves (used)
Shadowsteel belt (used)
Arc 1handed hammer qua 98% I think
Duskwoods shield qua 98 or 99%
arc 2handed hammer qua 95 or 96%
Oh and I have about 1.3plat I dont need to