Ok so we have had the Game a while so what is everyones Fav Char



Hello all out there

So what is your favourite char and why

Mine is my little minstrel she is cool whips arse in melee and also does some cool magic shouts reduces down time with heal song also going to get power song soon which should be cool

So what is yours?


Got to agree with you about the Minst.

Only really played Alb so can't comment too much on the other realm chars but I really regret not playing a Minst as my main but have lots of time to spend on my Minst alt now :)


oh, well i love my skald :)

the ability to destroy a blue in two whacks of a hammer is rather appealing to me :flame:

also, the songs add alot to the class.

when i get a bit bored with the cast dmg add/pull/dd/mellee style/mellee style ruitine with my skald i play...

a healer.

yeah, i find quite interesting, and, at times quite challenging.

(sorry about my abismal spelling, its late, and ive been out at athletics.. )


Smite Cleric is the best :D

Followed closely by middy skald because they dont have to swap 3 stupid instruments all the time like the minstrels do.

Smites an Skalds are the best :D and cant wait to see them team up in pvp server when its released.


My minstrel, stealth, lovely shouts (now nice and uber thanks to those relics, I noticed a pleasant increase in my rvr damage), ok melee, lovely mez and that wonderful speedsong, wheeee!!!


Anything stealthy, but I prefer sniping over close combat so I'd say my fav is a Scout.


played a lot of classes, and it's hard to pick a fav. they each have it's merits. my main is a Healer though


Originally posted by Soulcatcher
played a lot of classes, and it's hard to pick a fav. they each have it's merits. my main is a Healer though
What kind of healer, hehe. Fully healing type spec could not have that many merits :D


My main is a cleric and i love to play him.
But recently i started an infil and i have to say : it's a whole new experience to sneak upon people and stick a dagger in their back.


Originally posted by Jierdan
But recently i started an infil and i have to say : it's a whole new experience to sneak upon people and stick a dagger in their back.
Yeah, I believe it is. It is most likely one of the most enjoyable class to play in RvR by far, except compared to the scout which is very near to the fun-factor of the infil.


Heh my main is a druid - I started an alt Spear Hero and I often find it really relaxing to just wander about slapping things silly - makes a nice change from healing and buffing the whole time




I'm Aiming at half/half Mend/Pac.
making me viable both as healer and as RvR crowd Controller
and although I die to every greycon tank that decides he doesn't like my sweet smile it's still great fun :)

old.Trine Aquavit

I play Trine, my healer, when I know I've got a couple of hours or more to play. I always feel I'm contributing a lot when playing a healer - you're at the centre of a lot of the decision making and, unlike many other classes, you've always got more than one target to think about.

When I've only got an hour or less to play I'll play my Skald, Yodel Sicknote, as I'm not so dependent on getting a group together.

Both are a lot of fun to play.

I've also got a Hibbie Hero, but I find there's a bit too much downtime. I've got plans for making a Bard, but not enough time to play :)


I have been playing this mercenary here for quite some time now, and I do not regret the choice. I toyed around with several other characters on all realms, namely infiltrator, ranger, thane, sorcerer, eldritch, shaman, warden, berserker – and I really like my merc. The only thing I regret is being a Highlander, as there's far too much highlander fighters around. My favourite merc would be a saracen thruster now, maybe I'll play that later.

Why am I content:
1. I wield two weapons. That's just plain cool.
2. I deal an awful lot of damage in close combat and sometimes even outdamage armsmen of higher level than me.
3. I wear chainmail, which is the second-best armor in the game and equals that of both Midgard and Hibernia.
4. I have many friends to group with (most important to have fun with any class).
5. Melee-Fighters have an important role in keeping casters and other frail persons alive during PvE.

Of course, we may be easy prey for AoE magic and mez, but hey, gimme a minstrel and I'll charge you casters fast enough.

I just don't like the general trend of going for stealthers and casters just to rule RvR later in the game.

Oh, just one addition: everybody goes for armsman or paladin in Albion, so we mercs are a rare bunch. That's quite nice too :clap:


Ay, I'd second that

don't really know why I went friar at release, but heck he's as fun to (especially the situation with the blue con troll) ifd you don't know the story search for my posts, I've told it often enough.

a mercs a really nice character, and I do have a thrusting saracen mercenary, I LOVE that char, I am now gonna tell a long story of events from the alst couple a days

starting yesterday, I ask in guildchat if a merc lvl 20, 2 clerics lvl 16 and 18 and a scout lvl 17, would manage in keltoi fogue, I am told no, but me and my friends go there anyways, we rule keltoi until I am 23, the clerics 20 and 21 and the scout 20 (he was missing for a period), then I ask if we can do catacombs entrance (or outside whereever there is room) once again I am told no, we go and we rule ;) in cata we are fighting red cons to me, when battle is over the second cleric is still at full mana..... high lvl parry for me, and the scout has high lvl shield, makes the monsters not hit os very often, a very nice thing ;)

end story

have no reason for telling it besides showing off ;)
and letting people know, that advice may be good, but you ahve to try for yourself :p

see ya out there

my favorit char would be a Saracen friar(friars staffs being 100% dex based a saracen friar would deal a lot of dmg from the beginning), now I settle for saracen merc

Madonion Slicer

Only had to characters been playing for a month, my Armsmen was a good place to start and i learned alot, but my Wizard is alot more fun sweet damage solo orange+ with little hasle and leveling is fast.

Not sure what to try next, thinking of a Friar or Scout, never even thought about a Minstrel as i alway thought them weak, but from reading this maybe i should give them a go.

Can i get info on good specing on a Minstrel and Scout anywhere?


Hmm, merc out-damaging a POLEarmsman? HMm.... nice. Outdamage a scout with his bow? Hmmm
But I also agree that dual wield is just so damn excellent, but I really really love the friar staves. Maaaaan the moves are so damn cool and stuff... the idea of a sort of battle-mage but not, a battle-healer. Love it.


Probably my Shadowblade, still quite low with him though. Nice to take yellow con mobs down to half with one cs style :)
Then there's Pop (Star) my level 7 skald :D
My warrior is my highest character, but I'm bored with him (only has a lot of hps to define the class really)


The Merc sure does do a lot of damage when the styles are used correctly. In fact, I often find that when i'm in a group with Paladins and Armsmen, I will often get all the agro, even if i'm one or sometimes two levels below the tanks.

Presumably this is due to me inflicting the most damage, which is good. But on the other hand its bad, as the Merc is not a full tank. We can't take the damage that an Armsman can take. Therefore I always need a decent Cleric in the group to heal me.

In RvR the Merc is pretty poor. In my excursions so far (up to the lvl33 I am now), i've found that i've not got the chance to do a lot yet. I tend to run into battle (as I can't do a lot else than that!), get mezzed, then get hit on the head by a purple troll or something.

While I agree that the trend to drop the tanks and create scouts, minstrels and infriltrators won't lead to much variety in RvR, I can hadly blame then. At least you can solo in RvR. If I goto RvR I stick out like a sore thumb. If i'm spotted by a higher lvl char (I can't use stealth), then all I can do is run away. Considering lots of the enemy in RvR seem to have speed songs going on, then I get caught up pretty quick.


My tank is shite, look at the damage I do to grey cons :( :(


old.Friar Faith

my favorit char would be a Saracen friar(friars staffs being 100% dex based a saracen friar would deal a lot of dmg from the beginning), now I settle for saracen merc
[/PS] [/B][/QUOTE]

I would just like to point out that the above is Bedwins wish list ... you cannot make a saracen friar as friars can only be britons. Just in case someone decides to make a saracen acolyte only to be disapointed at lvl 5 when they can only become clerics.

Btw my favourite class is friars also, played a friar right through the later stages of beta and have never looked back! :)

Imo one of the most versatile classes in albion and great fun to play!:)


You may want to try another sword, Gekul ;)

As for the suck of tanks in RvR:
I disagree. Yes I am prone to mez, yes I can die easily to high-lvl characters – but who doesnt? It's us tanks that keep the casters alive, and we prove our worth in groups, small skirmishes, keep raids when killing jarls and archers etc. You can not solo in RvR unless you are a stealther or wizard, but RvR is not really intended for soloing. You have to know what your character can do, accept it and then act accordingly. An army of solo-fighters is no real army after all. When RvR-ing, I tend to stick in a guild-group and with a bit of teamwork I can make a difference. I used to hate being useless in RvR, but if you start learning teamwork (I am still very far from mastering that), you are worth something.

And who keeps wizzies and all the others alive while leveling in the homeland? The tanks! You can not solo much after 30+, or at least it is damn slow. You need groups for advancement, and I mean balanced groups with a mixture of classes. Without fighters, the casters will be torn to shreds by purple cons. Of course, you might say that a group of enchanters or wizzies will just nuke everything to death – but what if you are jumped by agro-monsters? What if something unexpected happens? What if you have to run? The tank will stay and die, allowing healers to escape. Tanks are a huge asset in every battle and therefore needed.

And for taking agro as a merc: Of course you always have to be in control of what happens. If you take too much agro – stop using styles. A good group will have other warriors who take the agro away from you fast enough, as well as healers to heal you again. With good equipment we can even be the main tank, after all chainmail is not bad. Remember, in midgard even warriors can only wear chainmail, so we mercs are still protected well.


I like my two characters in Midguard, Vieralt the Shaman and Arackri the shadowblade.

The shaman because, although not brilliant at either, he can take the role as a healer in a group if needed, otherwise he can run in, bolt, poison, disease and swing a hefty hammer and give the tanks a hand. Great for groups that need someone to pull mobs.

The shadowblade for the sheer style. He's a small kobold and carries 4 diferent weapons, one the same height as him. He can take on yellows with ease, two blues at a time without breaking a sweat even though he only just reaches their knees.


Originally posted by Friar Faith
I would just like to point out that the above is Bedwins wish list ... you cannot make a saracen friar as friars can only be britons. Just in case someone decides to make a saracen acolyte only to be disapointed at lvl 5 when they can only become clerics.
It is kind of weird how you can't make a saracen Friar since the staff skill is based on dex. But then again Mythic only realised themselves after visiting some friar sites that it is dex and not str like they thought :D


Play a Thane :)
Same dmg as warriors, can spec in shield (skalds can't), loads of str(I find myself capped at 197 atm, with a shaman buff 230+ :)), plus spells with 1500 range...
An AoE spell (you have all seen the hammers haven't you? ;))
a simple dd spell, an insta dd useful for keeping speed classes from speeding, stealthers from stealthing and nukers from nuking :) and a pbaoe which is kinda crap imo.
Imho a thane is an offensive powerhouse from every range.


Originally posted by Tasans
Play a Thane :)
Same dmg as warriors, can spec in shield (skalds can't), loads of str(I find myself capped at 197 atm, with a shaman buff 230+ :)), plus spells with 1500 range...
An AoE spell (you have all seen the hammers haven't you? ;))
a simple dd spell, an insta dd useful for keeping speed classes from speeding, stealthers from stealthing and nukers from nuking :) and a pbaoe which is kinda crap imo.
Imho a thane is an offensive powerhouse from every range.
Grrr.... Midgard has all kinds of über classes imho.


Hi Blain btw :)

I have played most of the classes in Mid and Alb...and also a Ranger on HIbbie.

My favourite characters are the ones I currently have - and they are all Midgard....

My healer is excellent - I just so much fun doing the crowd control...got a few realm points as well ;) Let me state this - you will not be uin the thick of the actionn but you will always be busy doing something - have to have quick fingers - and the will it/wont it on the mez adds some excitement ;)

My SB is a big sword killing machine - easily takes oranges with his big sword (althought I wish Id speccd axe - perhaps with respecc - i can :))

My New character is only level 9 at the moment - but he is cool as.....he is a kobold with a big shield(Warrior) and a hammer. I cant wait for some slash assassin type to come up and try and perf me - thinking im some rogue or something....Slam - 9 second stun - dead assassin.

Anyway - the character I least liked playing is the sorceror (cant you tell I like mezzing) - absolutely naff imho...

I was thinking of rolling some hibbie chars next - to see if I like them - thinking of a Lurikeen champ or a druid (prolly celt) - anyone got any thoughts on these 2 classes before I lose my level 20 wizard and level 15 Polearmsman on Alb.

OK see you cats soon


Grrr.... Midgard has all kinds of über classes imho.
No, Midgard has less classes than other realms, so all the abilities albs or hibs have divided into different classes, mids have them in a few. Fairly balanced...


Originally posted by Tasans

No, Midgard has less classes than other realms, so all the abilities albs or hibs have divided into different classes, mids have them in a few. Fairly balanced...
But, that doesn't change the fact that you need less people to do the same things and midgard has more players on Prydwen at least :)
So in this sense, hmm. :D

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