if you spend more time on this forum than you do on the actual game you talk about. BTW what online game do you play
Originally posted by testin_da_cable
I just started out on T2 and am just coming back into UT after a years worth of slowdown.
I also play SMAC [Alpha Centauri] when the feeling hits me
Originally posted by Magnums tache
Only started on the formums recently mind - thats 'cos I'm at work and can't be bothered to do any proper work.
Originally posted by Wij
Ooh, I haven't play AC in a while.
Originally posted by 1Moon
I use this forum mostly during the day SK, makes the day at work go a bit faster
Originally posted by ItchyTrigaFinga
I play a bit of everything except TFC, but all I got installed just now is Max Payne - maybe tomorrow night I'll get installing CounterStrike again.
Can anyone recommend a VERY easy to use game brower? I'm sick of that download filter nonsense.