OK, it's happened, I'm already bored with Df now.



It was great when I forst went there.
But now I've reached 35th lvl and the mobs on my usual stomping grounds are too weak and crap XP.
and the next lvl of monsters are way too powerful even with a decent group. (Unless anyone knows of a decnt XP earning area for a lvl 35-40 group).

I've got to the Cook, but the XP is pretty poo there.

I'll go back in a few levels (maybe 40+)time to explore the rest of DF with a group of comparable levels.

Got some pretty good XP in the barrows actually, but the money drops are crap mind.
Maybe I'll have a look at RvR soon.


Another thing I don't like is it's pretty laggy down there and the animation is very jumpy as well.


Go there at lv45+ and the exp is amazing if u do those knights or hulks.


Ok, yeah, coming back at lvl 45+ sound cool.
It'll give me a break from F for a while as well...

Maybe I'll explore the barrows a bit and more of lyonesse.
Maybe play with a bit or RvR...who knows...


Well what u r saying is what i did i didnt have DF to help me get 50 i wish i did.


TBH I hate DF

I hated it after a week of 1.49, its a horrible place and I will be happy to only have to go there for Legion and price raids, nothing else.

There are definately far nicer areas to expa nd hunt in, namely Raumarik and even Middie Frontiers now with the xtra Wraith mobs in Jamatlands. Malmo is very much alive but that bored the shit outta me in 10 mins and I was begging to die and release asap. Currently Epic hunts and RvR is the only fun thing in the game, and even Emain is getting a tad repetetive, a mass rp farming session on a grande scale.

ATM I want a no rp Duelign Arena so badly


I guess you'd like the PvP server then solid?


maybe you've come to conclusion I've come to. the game is basically very bland. sure your first rvr might have been exciting and maybe scary. but the constant grind of leveling to reach a level without being ganked is a joke. and even when you get there, you find it's still bland and meaningless.

the only fun I've found in the game is playing in the battlegrounds. always similar level enemies and always busy in bg1. just a shame it's so quick to rp cap you out ;(


I've had, and have many great times playing DAOC.
I really enjoyed DF at first, and to be honest I've spent a LOT of time down there. So it's no surprise that I've got sick of it to a certain degree.

IT's also because there doesn't seem to me to be that many mobs keyed for a lvl 35-40 group to get decent XP or an interesting fight that has turned me off it ATM.

But, then I went to the barrows with a Friar and we kicked butt and it was great all over again..

There's still lots of PvE stuff in DAOC for me to explore.
Without even considering RvR and stuff.

I am generally happy with DAOC, and look forward to the new expansion pack coming out.

The purpose of this thread wasn't for me to say DAOC sucks,
But to say I finally got enough of DF. (for the moment).


Dartmoor is fun :)

cool loot, and nice xp... and it's goddamned scary at times :)


oh I'm a bitter and twisted git I know. but daoc is boring (imo) and I still play it for some reason. :/ mad fool


I would buy SI too, but I've filled all available slots on our (pathetic) 2 english servers. so I've can't try the new classes. :[

I'd also like to play in the albion realm, (even tho albs smell) but no 3rd server doesn't help). this of course, is an old story that everybody knows about, but nobody cares about. so blah blah. :)


Originally posted by inqy
oh I'm a bitter and twisted git I know. but daoc is boring (imo) and I still play it for some reason. :/ mad fool

Play some Neverwinter nights for a while for a change.
I've been playing that a bit lately, and it's great in it's own way.
But I like DAOC at least as much.
But a break is nice too.

I would buy SI too, but I've filled all available slots on our (pathetic) 2 english servers. so I've can't try the new classes. :[

WEll, I'm getting SI for the new lands and enhanced graphics, rather than the new character classes.
I probably won't bother with the new classes anyway.
Which raises a question.
What if someone takes one of the new classes and then wanders about the normal realms. What will the ppl who don't have SI installed (with the definitions of the new classes and stuff) on their PC's?
I assume there's gonna be some sort of patch or something which will allow the ppl who don't have SI to see and be able to interact with the new characters.

I'd also like to play in the albion realm, (even tho albs smell) but no 3rd server doesn't help). this of course, is an old story that everybody knows about, but nobody cares about. so blah blah. :)

Well, isn't there a PvP server coming up?
Either way, Prydwen has such a low population, it's not worth having another English server yet.


that's my problem though I like playing ALL the classes available in the game (I do the same in bg, bg2, nwn, iwd etc). that to me is how to really play the whole game. otherwise you are missing a great chunk of it. atm, that great chunk is the entire albion realm. :(

I know we don't have enough players. the decline continues :(


Originally posted by inqy
that's my problem though I like playing ALL the classes available in the game (I do the same in bg, bg2, nwn, iwd etc). that to me is how to really play the whole game. otherwise you are missing a great chunk of it. atm, that great chunk is the entire albion realm. :(

Well, in a way you're right.
But if you insist on playing EVERY class so you can experience pretty much every aspect of the game.
You ARE gonna have to repeat quite a bit, and I can understand why you'd find it repetitive.
I personally have 3 characters, but I play my main 95% of the time.
When I get him to 50th lvl I'll probably try a new character, or I may just explore SI with my Main, I haven't decided.
But anyway, it sound slike you got a lot of play out of DAOC.

I know we don't have enough players. the decline continues :(

Well, hopefully the new pack will be advertised better this time.
If so, it ought to attract new players..
*Crosses fingers**


oh and you can rest assured I will be starting out on the pvp server when it comes. I'll be a clueless alb (as I only once had a quick jaunt playing as a highlander lass)

is it true you can select all 3 realms on this server, so effectively have 12 slots? or am I just thinking of the current way gorre works? :[

edit: oooh posted without seeing your reply. I have played the game a lot and I've got a lot out of it. although I've only got low characters really (see below), I've probably re-rolled chars about 20+ times now. My biggest re-roll so far was my lvl24 hunter, to try out a shaman. :)

I think my main grumpiness is due to not wanting to delete any of them, as I'd like to play them all and be able to come back to them. ahhhh well ;(


Originally posted by inqy
oh and you can rest assured I will be starting out on the pvp server when it comes. I'll be a clueless alb (as I only once had a quick jaunt playing as a highlander lass)

I'll be trying out Midgard actually.

is it true you can select all 3 realms on this server, so effectively have 12 slots? or am I just thinking of the current way gorre works? :[

I've not heard that.


I posted a lot of stuff this morning on our guild forums about why I think DAoC is a bit flawed. Not that I can claim credit for the idea but it all boils down to them being unable to put in a satisfying way to progress your character because it would unbalance the PvP. All level 50 characters of the same class are approximately as good as each other (give or take a little bit) regardless of how long they have been played or how much effort has gone into them. To quote someone you might know :

<Aradune> in a PvE game you need, imho, HUGE power differentials between a noob and a high lvl player
<Aradune> and that doesn’t work well in PvP


Oooh Dark Falls? where's that?

I've only just got as far as Lyonesse, but it seems to becoming more and more dangerous as time passes. Especially when the mists roll in it makes it difficult to know where the next foe may come from

Must admit I have sold many a ware down this way but alas I feel it is time to pack my needle and thread and head out to explore this new found dungeon.

I pray I don't meet any ignorant folk whilst exploring, they come out with strange foreign words such as "boardofthis" and "doneitall" still from what I see it may provide for better company once these barbaric foe disperse

Fare thee well


Originally posted by inqy
that's my problem though I like playing ALL the classes available in the game (I do the same in bg, bg2, nwn, iwd etc). that to me is how to really play the whole game. otherwise you are missing a great chunk of it. atm, that great chunk is the entire albion realm. :(

I know we don't have enough players. the decline continues :(

Learn german... (or french)
find some friends that know a little bit and are willing to go en masse to another server :)

(Humberton Guard invades Logres on occasion :))


revz: I disagree:) realm abilities make a big difference now...

and your specialisation makes a small difference..

it's more what you do with it than what you have..


Originally posted by Fingoniel
revz: I disagree:) realm abilities make a big difference now...

and your specialisation makes a small difference..

it's more what you do with it than what you have..
Spec is not dependent on time spent at 50, which is the issue Revz was meaning. Realm abilities are but they don't make you that much more powerful compaired to a really decent PvE difference in power.


Im by no means bored of DAoC, I love it every bit as much as I did when I first started playing, however I hate DF, I hated it when I first went in and I still hate it now. It just doesn't take my fancy at all, im hugely dissapointed with it and to be honest I think it has ruined RvR as people only care abouts keeps now, not the big epic battles that made it so thrilling.


Theres lots of big epic zergings going on in emain :)

not sure they count though...


Originally posted by Fingoniel
revz: I disagree:) realm abilities make a big difference now...

and your specialisation makes a small difference..

it's more what you do with it than what you have..

What I mean is the difference between a character who has been level 50 for 5 months and has 60+ days /played on it in that time and someone who dinged 50 last night and did their epic is not significant. It certainly does not reflect the amount of time and effort put in by the respective parties.

The reason there is no significant difference is because of RvR and the need to keep balance in it. There is little progression left once you have hit 50 and gotten some average equipment and perhaps RR3 for the better RA.


Originally posted by Dannyn

Spec is not dependent on time spent at 50, which is the issue Revz was meaning. Realm abilities are but they don't make you that much more powerful compaired to a really decent PvE difference in power.

That's true... tanks are cows no matter what they spec like...

it's all down to tactics/numbers at the moment...

Nala Lionne

Don't worry, I was bored with DF within about 30 minutes :D

It's just the same old thing, but bigger, and purpler, with trolls too. <sigh>


A big dissapointment with DF is the loot. Very little variety in the dropped loot, princes seem to draw on a table of about 8 items. :rolleyes:

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