Ok I have a few questions about the UK servers.



1: How well are they run?

2: How long does it take between when the US servers are patched and when the UK servers get that version?

3: Is it worth moving over? I have a char that I like on a US server, and the server usually has quite a lot of people on.

4: Should I just take the UK game back to Game and save myself a lot of hassle now? :-D


Hehe, well, it depends who you ask...

1: They're run OK for something that doesn't have in-game /appeal or GMs

2: Well, it took us 3 months to get patched to 1.52 from 1.50. About a month to got from 1.52 to 1.57. It remains to be seen how fast they'll patch us to 1.60 and beyond. Remember, they have to translate the game into 2 languages and resubmit those translations to Mythic for compilation into patch binaries. All takes time, but the wait isn't usually that intolerable.

3: Depends if you want to take part in things more closely associated with your time zone.

GOA aren't all that bad - they're getting a lot of heat for the handling of Shrouded Isles at the moment, but other than that...everyone has them down as Public Enemy #1 when something goes wrong (myself included!). I'm sure it's the same in the US game that Mythic get targetted.


The servers are up almost all the time - they seem to be fans of upgrading servers if they go slow/crash :)

The events aren't as frequent as some would like but it's better than none :)

Patches are 1-3 months behind the US. This is bad in that you can get impatient for the nice things coming down the pipe :) but it's good in that you can see what's coming... They seem to be getting faster but maybe I'm just getting less impatient ;)

Registration was a bit flaky the last week - the system can't handle the huge amount of people that wanted to use it... other than that it's been smooth sailing ever since the bad days of 1.45 :)

Worth moving over? hrm how high is your character :) do you have lots of friends over there...

do you have any friends here? do you want RvR/big raids to happen in your timezone?

old.Trine Aquavit

Flimgoblin's got it about right. The SI patch was a bit of a balls-up, but the servers are very reliable with little down-time. If you're playing during Euro peak times you'll find the servers are a fair bit more populated. The Euro servers do have a nice community, also.


Only 2 English Servers plus the PvP server (also English)
No PvE server (yet)
No 'official' Role Playing server (though Prydwen is RP-friendly)
Patches are late (but then you know what's coming)

Sarum TheBlack

GOA have been getting better at the whole patching process and we're slowly catching up.. we'll always be a few weeks behind though. At least this way we get the Americans to test if for us, and by the time the patch comes, everyone knows how stuff works, and if the spec changes are worth it etc. The servers are pretty reliable, although like the US servers, zones something struggle under the load of a large relic or dragon raid. They are in the process of beefing up all their servers, so hopefully the servers will be super stable afterwards.

There are a few player run events on Prydwen (thanks to PARP) and GOA usually lend a hand, even if it's just some shiny effects or a merchant (always much appreciated, makes it a bit more special). There is also the GOA run "campaign" which is still on going, although it's been on hold while they worked on SI, that's also been very interesting (there's a bit of a summary here Aurelius' Campaign Summaries).


1: How well are they run?
They are extremely reliable and stable, with a slightly higher uptime availability than Mythic's servers, on average. However there are no in-game GMs on GOA's servers, and no /appeal command. Also, the main connection between France and UK ISPs goes through a link at OpenTransit.net which goes wonky too damn often, causing pain and suffering for players in the UK, particularly those on BT ADSL for some reason.
How long does it take between when the US servers are patched and when the UK servers get that version?
A couple of months.
Is it worth moving over? I have a char that I like on a US server, and the server usually has quite a lot of people on.
No. It sounds like you have an ideal situation, and rerolling here probably wouldn't improve on it.



Well, thanks for the replies/info guys.

Doesn't seem like its a good idea yet, mabye if I get bored with my char and decide to re roll something else.

That comment about BT ADSL worries me though, since thats what I have at home, lol.

Guess I won't return the copy, but rather keep it if I decide to move. If they release another expansion I might move, don't feel like going through the hassle of trying to secure a US version of another expansion again...

Thanks again guys.


Re: Thanks

Note that I haven't personally experienced the connection problems I mentioned, but I have seen them referred to many times on IRC and on this forum.

I am in France using noos.fr (cable) and my connection to GOA's servers has been top notch 99% of the time. :great:


Re: Thanks

Originally posted by zuluthorak

That comment about BT ADSL worries me though, since thats what I have at home, lol.

I run BT ADSL and have almost no problems whatsoever.

Occasionally I do get a bad patch with a lag spike, but generally it's smooth sailing.

As for the other things. Patches are down to within 2 months behind, slowly catching up. GOA generally run things well, but the huge demand for registering SI got a bit out of control - this has settled down now and things seem to mostly be responsive again.


Hey m8, I was at a similar situation not too long ago.

I had just bought the UK version of the game, and thought to myself(primarily because of need for RP) I made a mistake, and seeing almost 3 RPing servers on the US version, I knew I couldnt afford to buy the client a 2nd time.

I started to play on Prydwen, and I suddenly realised how good the community really is, most ipmortant thing being time issues, when being european, tho Ive seen some people from the US playing on euro servers.

Anyhow, I see the late patching as an extremely sweet way to prepare for an upcoming change, since we can go watch the changes at the US herald and know whats coming, overall, I think that if you enjoy the GAME ITSELF, this community will pose no problem to you, otherwise be awesome, Have fun!



Prydwen is RP friendly, <points at Order of The Knights Templar>

they are a good RP guild and sometimes good fun to team with, i like the arguements they were having with necros as a friend of mine in them showed me, they really do try to uphold the RP aspect of the game and do a good job of it. there a quite a few RP guild in hibby aswell, as unto Uncle_Sicks guild, they are RP friend;y. not sure about mid hoewever but im sure there will be the odd couple :)

Sarum TheBlack

There are a couple of mid guilds with RP members (such as Savage Conclave), although I'm not sure if there are any strict "RP only" guilds there like OOKT on Albion.


Re: Re: Ok I have a few questions about the UK servers.

Originally posted by Alrindel

Also, the main connection between France and UK ISPs goes through a link at OpenTransit.net which goes wonky too damn often, causing pain and suffering for players in the UK, particularly those on BT ADSL for some reason.

Been using BTOpenworld with DAOC for a year and apart from a few lag spikes never had any problems .... oops I see some fate tempting going on here.


only ever come across 1 peep in midgard in RP b4 so personally i don't think it is that common here.


only reason you would move is for time zone imo

i like playing on the us servers, BUT its always like stuff is just starting to happen as i am logging out

however if you dont feel you are missing out i would stay on us


Originally posted by rock_shock
only ever come across 1 peep in midgard in RP b4 so personally i don't think it is that common here.

I'm always IC on broad chat (i.e. /say stuff) not least 'cos it's fun to call all the other races "little one" :). But in grp chat there's often not time to say stuff IC...

"FFS MEZZ THE F**KER!" is easier to type than "I say, noble companion, could you direct your magical attentions to the angry-looking Werewolf over there?"

...so often RP goes out the window in serious lvling grps. I have some mates in OOTKT and yes, they're very good at RP.

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
There are a couple of mid guilds with RP members (such as Savage Conclave), although I'm not sure if there are any strict "RP only" guilds there like OOKT on Albion.

Aye, there's some RPing in SC, though mostly on the boards - not so much in-game, though if you try to RP with an SC member you'll generally get a RP response. We're currently in a bit of a RP/RvR War with the "Self-Cooking Chickens" of Albion (a.k.a. the "Phoenix Legion").

"Nyd" is the only 'pure' RP guild I know of on Mid/Pryd - lead by a very personable whisky-swilling Troll priest, by the name of Krill. Nyd are recruiting at the mo', see the Pryd/Mid BW pages for more info.


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit

"Nyd" is the only 'pure' RP guild I know of on Mid/Pryd - lead by a very personable whisky-swilling Troll priest, by the name of Krill. Nyd are recruiting at the mo', see the Pryd/Mid BW pages for more info.

No they are not ! I defected :p


Another benefit of the European servers is, that there alot less of those stupid yanks! :)

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