Ok! Am I The Only One With This Crap!!?



I fixed my UE problem, updated my Rage Pro card with latest drivers , and now when i start the game, i see some whacky shit:
my option menus have black rectangles instead of letters, so basicly i cant read shit! Now i somehow guessed were the start game button is. but when im in game, all textures have no detail at all,only colors,and my player model looks like a very bad plastic toy, with no details, only different colors on the body! I cant even adjust my video settings cause i cant read anything! What the f...? help would be highly apreciated.


A driver issue for sure, just bang the oldies back in if they worked before. Iv'e no idea what the score is with rage drivers, but iv'e had stuff like that happen to me with the beta dets before. In most cases there's little performance increase anyway in new drivers sets, so just whack the oldies back for the short term and ask around in the main tribes forum to see if anybody else has had problems with the new drivers.


Use the latest official ones if it doesnt work, the dev team are only allowed to say it supports a card if it works with the latest official drivers.


Unfortunatly i have the latest drivers with open GL support and it still runs like crap. I tried to swich to direct3d but its even wurst.
I also tried to pop my old drivers in and guess who's back, MY OLD FRIEND UE...so i had to put my new drivers back so it could at least run somehow. But that really pisses me off, i fixed the UE and once i thought it was too good to be truth...i was right. this game has some serious problems. They have made a game that is not compatible with any thing.


If you want my opinion.
This game is awesome. And I think dynamix deserves a lot of credit for it. They made a mistake in that they released the game to early. It obviously was not tested enough or they would have found some of these problems and fixed them. If your patient I bet that soon all will be in order and they will fix these problems. Maybe, lol.


He he. Sure, it's easy for you to be optimistic..i bet your game runs fine. But what about others, who wasted 60$ on a unfinished game. In my opinion, you either release a fully functional game or you dont release it at all. Those bustards at Sierra and Dinamix know realy well that the majority are unable to play this game, and yet they still keep charging people 60$ for it. They could at least stop selling it until they've fixed everything, but no..... I just cant wait to finish my programming courses. Then i will gather up my programmer friends and we will make a tribes game , not to profit of it, but just to piss Sierra and Dinamix off. The game will be totaly free and TOTALY functional and compatible. Sure, Dinamix and Sierra will unlish a pack of vicious lawyer dogs on my ass, but they will not be able to do nothin cause first: we're not even profiting from this game ,and second: we have made something that they couldnt make: A FULLY FUNCTIONAL GAME.


My game doesn't run fine smart one, It doesn't even work.


I've played tribes 2 many times at a friends house....
You sound like an overreacting woman. Quit bitching.


Im not overreacting, im just super pissed that the frekin game runs like crap. And i realy, realy need help fixing this. Or if no one knows how to fix this, could someone at least send me a screenshot of your options menus, so i could base on it to adjust my settings? any help is apreciated.


Im running on :
PIII 733@133MHz
256meg CAS3 PC133
GeForce 2 MX 32meg on 10.8's
ABIT SA6 mobo
SB PCI 128
and it runs smoooooooooooth :)
average 50 fps, up to 100, and no more UE's

Id recomend getting a GF card, the MX's are down to £45 in some places


Fatgit man, you finaly confirmed what i wanted to do for long time. I was thinking to get myself a pentium3. Now fatgit man, do you think if i upgrade my machine to pentium3, i wont have those graphic problems that i have now? Cause basicly what i realised is that my processor is not powerfull enuff (pentium2: 200 mhz). So anyway, thanks man.

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