Oh god please help!!!



I'm actually stuck :(

I just installed DAoC on my computer and was playing it when it crashed out witha long beeping sound. I was forced to turn my computer off and restart.

It wen't to my BIOS screen, I opted to quit without saving and it booted up to windows 2000 server.

All good so far.

However, my processor now says it's at 100% usage now and everything takes ages to startup if it starts up at all! :(

I've finished all my processes but nothing calms my processor down.

What's going on? Do I need to reinstall my O/S?


Hmm, 2k server should be similar to XP right?
Press ctrl-alt-del and check under processes. Check the numbers under "Cpu", where does the Cpu spend most time? On my comp it is Idle, or System idle. Don't know what it's called on other versions, since im running the Swedish version. :)

I'm not 100% sure I can help with this, but I will return to this thread and help if I can.


Thanks, I've checked this and it looks normal to me. Hardly anything is using the processor, the system idle process is using it the most as normal.

I'm still running at 100% usage though, my computer is just usable for the internet and small applications but for everything else it's screwed.

If I'm running at 100% all the the time, surely something would tell me what's using the processor so much.

Virus maybe? I'd run a virus scan but I can't because of my limited power.

Must be someone out there that knows what's going on...


Tried that and it I didn't have enough power to run it.

Decided to just format C: and reinstall. All working good again now.

Thanks for help.

Would be nice to know what happened though.


Sounds very strange indeed.

Edit: Maybe the "l33t" kr0n paid you a visit? ;p

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