OH FFS not another year older !!!



well tommorow I ding 21 *cough*for the 8th time *cough* its really not fair. i dont feel that old. i dont look that old. And I sure as hell dont wanna settle down and do the 2.3 kids and a dog thingy thats for sure.

damn I wish I was still 18 life was soo much easier then. no bills, no hassles. just get paid go out get drunk blah blah blah.

Anyway enough of my babbleing onto the important things.....PRESENTS!

I've compiled a list to make it easier for you lovly, handsome, charming, <insert random creep here>, people so you dont waste your gold on somthing i dont like. just pick a present and post it so people know not to get duplicates ok.

Cleric Sidi Helm
Cleric Sidi Legs
Cleric Sidi Vest
Cleric Sidi Gloves
Cleric Sidi Boots
Cleric Sidi sleeves
Cleric Sidi shield
Apoc End Regen Neckie
Apoc Power Regen Neckie
oh and a new helmet to match my new motorbike Im gettting tommorow :D

I promise not to look at the reply's so it wont ruin the surprise honest!


Stinkie(maybe it should be wrinkly)


Originally posted by stinkie
damn I wish I was still 18 life was soo much easier then. no bills, no hassles. just get paid go out get drunk blah blah blah.

While that is partially true, living on rice crispies is no joke mista!

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