Ogre's Might & Krondon Raid - Sunday 27th July




Time for another Ogre's Might raid methinks, heard that lots of people need it ><

I'd like to do a quick Krondon raid afterwards to get some more drops (some of them are pretty good) and get more people to join us :)

Time: 1 PM GMT / 2 PM CET
Date: Sunday 27th July
Meeting at: Caer Diogel

I will be leading this raid as I have done it before, there are a few rules to make sure we can get this over with quickly though.

Quest rules:

- You must be at step 4 AT LEAST before we move out

You have one week to do step 1, 2 and 3 before the raid starts, do NOT wait with this untill sunday afternoon, you will not be the only one who has to do these steps, we will NOT wait for you.

- You stay stuck to me when we move, we will not go back if you ended up somewhere surrounded by purple mobs because you thought you were heading the right way, neither will we go back if you miss a step of the quest because you weren't stuck. I will target myself so you can assist me to make it real easy for you.

Even if we take a wrong turn, stay stuck to me, it will be a complete mess if people go elsewhere. We will end up in the right place eventually, I'm sure.

- If people LD we wait for them, if people need to relog we wait for them, if people die outside Krondon when trying to enter we wait for them.

- We take the Orbs in the Channeler room in the order I spam.

- Hit the orbs, it is lame and stupid to go wait next to the Star Channeler untill they are dead.

- Make sure every1 is alive before we give the final blow to the Star Channeler.

- Give the loot that the Star Channeler drops to me, I will be lottoing this loot directly after we killed the Star Channeler, inside the Star Channelers room. (No, you can keep the belt, the globe and the bracer, yes, they're yours, thanks.)

After we killed the Star Channeler and lotto'd the drops from the Star Channeler itself, those who wish to leave can go. I will lead those who remain in the Star Channeler room quickly through Krondon to kill the named mobs, we will lotto the stuff they drop afterwards in Caer Diogel.

Lotto rules:

- 45+ Players may attend the lotto.

- One item per person.

- You may only roll for items you can use yourself.

- You may roll for alts or guildies if there is no interest in an item.

A description of the quest can be found here:



Originally posted by adari
- Give the loot that the Star Channeler drops to me, I will be lottoing this loot directly after we killed the Star Channeler, inside the Star Channelers room. (No, you can keep the belt, the globe and the bracer, yes, they're yours, thanks.)

- Have people find the loot as targetable with mouse to avoid the shit with it dropping to some weird place away from Scurceols dying spot like it did yesterday. The person who finds the items visible on the ground must target themselves so they can be /assisted and found for the loot-receiving group to come and pick up the loot.


Re: Re: Ogre's Might & Krondon Raid - Sunday 27th July

Originally posted by belth
- Have people find the loot as targetable with mouse to avoid the shit with it dropping to some weird place away from Scurceols dying spot like it did yesterday. The person who finds the items visible on the ground must target themselves so they can be /assisted and found for the loot-receiving group to come and pick up the loot.

good point, thanks


Use RightNow if the loot gets bugged and can't be picked up, got Shield of Constellations back in one day I think (maybe 2, fast anyhoo) that way.


Cool adari,
been on the last step for like a month now :rolleyes:

BTW - dont u mean 27th July ? :p


Originally posted by adari
- If people LD we wait for them, if people need to relog we wait for them, if people die outside Krondon when trying to enter we wait for them.
Maybe it's true this time. Sucks to be stuck with a map and 3 keypieces taking space in the vault because the zerg can't wait for 1 minute after a LD, after waiting loads of times for other people.


Re: Re: Ogre's Might & Krondon Raid - Sunday 27th July

Originally posted by makgsnake
Cool adari,
been on the last step for like a month now :rolleyes:

BTW - dont u mean 27th July ? :p

oops ya


Originally posted by adari

Quest rules:

- You must be at step 4 AT LEAST before we move out

You have one week to do step 1, 2 and 3 before the raid starts, do NOT wait with this untill sunday afternoon, you will not be the only one who has to do these steps, we will NOT wait for you.

whats with ppl which r on step 3?
how they can kill the mob at step 3, without many ppl?


Hes a real easy guy to kill, if youre a good faction with ogres, even easier.

Usualy blue/yellow con to 50 if i remember correctly.


Count me in. Just dinged 50 yesterday and will get to step 4 of the quest by next sunday.

Cheers Adari!


Re: Re: Ogre's Might & Krondon Raid - Sunday 27th July

Originally posted by matmardigan
whats with ppl which r on step 3?
how they can kill the mob at step 3, without many ppl?

You haven't tried doing Ogre's Might have you? There's 2 simple reasons for requiring people to have killed Malefact.

1. He's piss easy, low yellow spawn and no special features
2. It can take positively AGES for him to spawn. Like over an hour. I had to wait for the pop for around 45 minutes myself.


Originally posted by Athis
You haven't tried doing Ogre's Might have you? There's 2 simple reasons for requiring people to have killed Malefact.

im doin the quest first time, didnt knew that the mob is a easy one.


can somebody come along who hasnt done it, and il buy there reward off them. (maybe an alt or somethin)




ofcourse im on holiday when you do this :( well have to wait for next time

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