Offical Highland Games Write-Up


Laird MacGregor

Before we get into the results, first a great big thanks to the following:

Kemor - Who sprung into action and came up with a stunning Ludlow setup
Marshals - Our officials who ensured that mad brawling was kept reasonable (or at least judged)
Delket - For taking his Dragon raid and turning up with the best of tonight’s free give aways
Donators - Special thanks to all those who threw items at the vault
Crafters - Who ensured that there was something to buy at the right price
Everyone Else - Never a finer bunch of nutters, not a single whine, or problem in 8 hours solid of events.

The events proceeded without hitch, first up was the lvl xx duelling tourney, which met a very high standard, no single champion could last many rounds.

Joint Champions of lvl xx (well 50 really)

Ardas (nearly got top but went LD :D)

Many came close, quite a few dominated, but the above 3 ruled.

Ultimate Warrior of lvl 20 duelling


Middleweight Champion of lvl 30-35 duelling


All champions received the pick of as much loot as they could carry or desire from the communal vaults.

During the tourneys, a cash lottery was run, 64 poeple bought between 1 and 30 tickets, and lord heavens above the 1st orderly queue in prydwen history was formed, backed up around the pub. Prize fund went to Umemin, for a total payout of 3.49 plat (excel audit carried out).

To level the playing field somewhat, everyone got naked and steamingly drunk and crowded into the Bar for a mass Bar Fight!!! Many shouted, "what's the rules", shortly before picking their teeth of the floor. People were thrown through the windows, there was whisky, chairs, blood, and at 1 point pigs flying everywhere.

Ultimate Bar Room Brawler award had to go to Sevorina who was the only one who managed to not spill her drink (pass back the healing potion) while head butting some poor naked Icconus face <shudder>. Not a woman to meet in a dark ally.

After the violence, the gifts were given out, just about everyone walked away with something they wanted, litterly hundreds of items were handed out. When word was spread that fabled MP Crafted, Dragon Drops, Sidi Drops, and Respec Stones were being offered (everything for the measly price of a smile - free :D), albs couldn't buy their horse tickets to Ludlow fast enough.

To bring the festivities to some semblance of an end (the pigs needed to be stolen back to Yarleys, and the Archery Range was littered with passed out highlanders) The Naked Conga snaked its way down to Prydwen, for The Great Prydwen Bridge to Camelot Bridge Swim!!!

After 1 false start, with hundreds leaping like lemmings, we got everyone off without hitch. Teams of Marshals ran the banks to ensure fair play, and to a man droves of Albions swam the gruelling race the entire distance.

Result Placing Was as follows:

1st Place Cykel (with Mastery of Water IV) <Title of Undisputed Swimming Champion of Albion>
2nd Place Troryn (with Master of Water II)
Joint 3rd place by dead heat - Uriell and Tiffa
4th Place (by late disqualification) - Ninjitsu

Top 2 places were levelled off and receive Whiskey as prizes (they are my PL guildsman, and that's all they ever ask :D).
3rd place award of Respec stone was graciously handed over to Uriell by Tiffa in the spirit of tonight’s sportsmanship, 4th place award has pick of vault items to be received.

Once the exhausted contestants dried themselves off and put on their armour, to a man they ran to Renairs to assist the recapture of the keep, with the final conclusion to the evening a Whiskey fuelled Highland Victory in RvR for Albion.

Well done everyone for participating, we had literally hundreds turn up throughout tonight, and everyone I feel was rewarded both in terms of fun, and the items they always wanted.

All in all, a fine Highland Games for Phoenix Legion's second year anniversary, can't wait to do it with you all again <salute>.

Screenshots are getting hosted soon, complete with I believe, "Bar Fight The Movie", and the Photo Finish picture for joint 3rd place of the swim

Laird MacGregor

<Speical Treat - Live sports coverage Report from Gaskin MacGregor>

Gaskin MacGregor, Sports commentator for the PL News.

Gaskin MacGregor here sports fans reporting LIVE from the Phoenix Legion Highland Games!

At the moment the teams are just starting to arrive and there is definately a huge following for the clan MacGregor. It seems there's little to do in the cold highlands apart from produce more MacGregors!

It looks like the sponsors have been generous with cloaks being given to the first handful of highlanders to arrive. This is going to be an historical night folks.

Stay Tuned...

I'm a bit worried about the games now as someone has just asked if we all have to be naked. I don't know about you sports fans but I don't think I want to see naked Inconnu....

MY Goodness! I've never seen a sports stadium set up so quickly! There are practise dummies, dueling arenas, Phoenix Legion banners blowing in the wind and Highlanders coming from the four corners of the world. If you are not here already get down here now and see the spectacle.

Many more people are arriving as I speak and the latest event has just opened, Push the Pigs! This seems to be very popular with the more 'rural' of the sportsmen.

The whiskey has started flowing and fights are breaking out fast in the arenas. There's no stoping these fiesty Scotsmen!

Weeeman and Redian are going at it hammer and tongs in the arena, a battle which seems to be more about who gets bored last rather than who dies first.

Well it's 4 minutes past opening time and my research indicates we have just hit 100 people in ludlow!

The tradesmen have opened their stalls and bargains are coming thick and fast. Duels are proving vey popular entetainment and Laird has just announced Naked Bar Fighting for later!

The level 50 duels have just begun with Laird quickly ousted from the ring [Ed - I had other things to setup :D] . An unusually named bout takes place between Towell IsNiceAndSoft and Ardas Nails.

The level 20 bouts are now registering and should soon be starting.

The events are going extremely well. People are fighting each other to duel in the arenas. Kassboer has organised a lottery which is so popular I've just counted a Queue of 20 people waiting to buy tickets. One person said he didn't know what he was Queueing for but he was having fun.

The First Duel winner in the level 20 Section is Khalai - Well done! Level 30-35 Duels are just beginning.

Kass has exelled himself people are STILL queueing to pay him. The limit on tickets is 30! The prize is going to be massive.

New winners: Elite, Straef and Ardas tied winners of the Level 50 event! More champions are emerging as the night goes on. The Naked bar fighting begins in 20 minutes. Prizes are being handed out to the winners.

Umenal wins the Lottery with nearly 4 Plat as the Jackpot.

Hmm trouble has broken out in the bar. Food and worse still, ale, has run low and barbaric brawling seems to be spreading. Some people are trying to be civilised and settle disputes by arranging formal duels but the MacGregors are having none of it. Even Laird himself is standing on the bar encouraging the chaos. It's disgraceful, chairs tables and even a boar piglet are used as weapons. I saw a poor Inconnu sorceror trampled underfoot by a lady paladin, what is Albion coming too?

I don't believe it, they're awarding a prize to the winner of the bar fight! Severina proved to be the most violent, underhanded thug. The healers will have a lot of work to do tonight...

Ah now the grand prize give away. To demonstrate Albion organisation it takes 10 minutes to form a circle. Lots of goodies are being distributed. TonyTigress seems to have made an unhealthy pact of some kind due to rolling three straight 100's in a row....

After the present giving everyone headed out for the great Prydwen Bridge to Camelot Swim. An impressive Line up on the bridge I must say....

<Reports Conclude, search parties are still out looking for Gaskins Body (feared drunk and drowned at the swim) along the shores of Camelot River - Stay Tuned>

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