I want reactive TG procs, heal ablative etc - and i offer various TG items, amongst them: the skald crown, SB crown, hunter crown, 2h skald sword, BD staves 2 versions, 2h hammer, small healer/shamanshield with unique very small shield model, some few armorparts, black weapon dye, various rings, amongst them the ring with 30 con 22 str 22 dex 15qui, thanecloak and more (various armorparts, things i forgot to list)..
PM me here on BW on ingame on fatbelly or nightbringer.
Also selling some other TG items for NP:s bledmeer fund, but no list of those atm.
PM me here on BW on ingame on fatbelly or nightbringer.
Also selling some other TG items for NP:s bledmeer fund, but no list of those atm.