Offering services: Legendary Spellcrafter.


Tesla Monkor

Sparking, brand new Legendary Spellcrafter offering his services;

I accept orders on the following conditions:

- You provide a .SCC file (from Leladia's spellcrafter calculator)
- I charge 600g/hr if you don't have a SCC, and we need to figure out what goes where. (But you have to be really lazy if you let it come that far. ;)
- 5g per imbue point
- 20g per overcharge point
- Materialcosts are added to the total (including retries)

I'll give up to 10% reduction on the total cost. 0.5% off for each Alchemy drop you provide upon payment. :)

Contact me on Tesla/Kelmon/Buffie or any of the other alts (or check with online Onslaught members to check if I'm around), or mail me on


Good luck :clap:

But I still feel this formula of pricing has one flaw, the continous remakes when making 99% gems results in you just getting paid for the material..
The actual time spent making the stuff will be a long one - only solution as I see it is to charge for the time, or by some mean try to get to the material cost and have some kind of formula based on that...

But that is also very risky...4 22 stat gems are like 80 g...With say 4 remakes of every gem it's already costing 188 gold just in material cost...

I sometimes just ask: "pay what you think is fair"...
Can't really do that anymore, did like 30 mins of work..gems cost 97 g to make... guy wanted to pay 100 g :m00: :m00: :m00:

Tesla Monkor

Fair point. I'll see how it goes.. if it doesn't run smoothly, I might add a clause to include remake - costs.. Especially on full OC suits it takes forever. ;)

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