Of course, we will keep you informed...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Of course, we will keep you informed of the tests' progress.

That is from last week news. Not a word after week gone. Probably an issue that most of us wanted hear from.

Looks like an other promise they fail to keep.

GOA does good job keeping servers up and probably also does good job with localising patches etc.

But they do fail when it comes to giving information to customers and PR in general.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Ttillub said:
That is from last week news. Not a word after week gone. Probably an issue that most of us wanted hear from.

Looks like an other promise they fail to keep.

oh no! a full week! how DARE they not have any issues to report!!!!

right. and what if they acually dont HAVE anything new to report?

no they just HAVE to have some uber serious issue that u just GOT to know about.

stop looking for crap to whine at please.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
i hope they change their minds about clustering,otherwise rvr will be :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Ctuchik said:
oh no! a full week! how DARE they not have any issues to report!!!!

right. and what if they acually dont HAVE anything new to report?

no they just HAVE to have some uber serious issue that u just GOT to know about.

stop looking for crap to whine at please.

dude shut up. Its a hotly anticipated bit of news and after them saying they will keep us informed they dont. They could at least give us a progress report. why dont you chill and stop getting irate over something minor ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Agree with OP here.

Communication - in bussiness as in life - is a powerful tool. It takes very little effort to make a post as they said they would.

Even if all they say is that they uncovered various problems or that key worker Freddy had gone down with a cold pushing the testing back.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Sooooo.. how would it help if they were simply saying

"Progress is going ok, still no idea when will implement"

That is all they would say at this point, and so it still leaves you knowing fuck all.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Leathas said:
i hope they change their minds about clustering,otherwise rvr will be :twak:

Depends on how it works in my opinion.

If more roaming happens across all 3 frontiers then that'd be grand, otherwise, ye it will suck :>


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
first 2 weeks of clustering = zergorama. after that it will then go onto 2 weeks of farmorama.

And for god sake can people have alittle bit of patience is it really that hard to wait is it so tied up into your moral fabric that you have to know. Christ most people dont even read the goa web when they do post news and cry when the servers get brought down.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Yup comminication are key, but....

If GoA had said "Testing going ok, we expect to implement within 10 days" then today posted "Due to a server crash error, we are having to push back the cluster date by another two weeks"

I bet someone would still moan.

They cant win


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
They said they 'hope' to have it ready for the end of the month so I am happy to wait another week to hear how things are progressing, yes it is nice to be updated but perhaps they really didn't have any new news this week because it is an ongoing process that hasn't hit any major milestones or problems. They will update us this week, I am sure of it.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
cHodAX said:
They said they 'hope' to have it ready for the end of the month so I am happy to wait another week to hear how things are progressing, yes it is nice to be updated but perhaps they really didn't have any new news this week because it is an ongoing process that hasn't hit any major milestones or problems. They will update us this week, I am sure of it.

Thread Hijacked... get your ass back to Hib Chodax :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
GoA is a bit like the goverment.. they would rather you just give them your money and shut the fuck up...



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Ctuchik said:
no they just HAVE to have some uber serious issue that u just GOT to know about.

stop looking for crap to whine at please.

He never said that jackass, Read the post , don't make up posts for other people. :wanker:

Ctuchik said:
oh no! a full week! how DARE they not have any issues to report!!!!

right. and what if they acually dont HAVE anything new to report?

OK lets say they just post up "No major bugs as of yet, but still more to test", that would be decent enough, instead you have people wondering how it's going.

Ctuchik i'd suggest chilling out ... or getting your brian back from the monkey you swapped it with.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Could end up like most governements, have a Dept of Information - hire 50 more staff to keep us updated and then put up the subs to pay the wage bill - and still have no idea what is going on :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tears said:
Yup comminication are key, but....

If GoA had said "Testing going ok, we expect to implement within 10 days" then today posted "Due to a server crash error, we are having to push back the cluster date by another two weeks"

I bet someone would still moan.

They cant win

This is bs. Who cares if they "cant win". Tell me whats better...

People moaning because they dont communicate.

A few people moaning because they didnt like what was communicated.

Fucking goa fanboys.

And about the, pff you cant wait 3 weeks and that shite.

Let me tell you, imagine your geeky ass was waiting outside the cinema for Star Wars episode 1 on release day, as you get to the door, georce hairy lucas comes out and goes "sorry turns out the film isnt ready yet :/" and you go "WHAT THE HELL?!" and he goes "ffs you waited years, whats a week matter, L7!!!11".

Now imagine hairy lucas also just didnt bother to tell you and instead left you waiting at the entrance


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Melachi said:
Let me tell you, imagine your geeky ass was waiting outside the cinema for Star Wars episode 1 on release day, as you get to the door, georce hairy lucas comes out and goes "sorry turns out the film isnt ready yet :/" and you go "WHAT THE HELL?!" and he goes "ffs you waited years, whats a week matter, L7!!!11".

Now imagine hairy lucas also just didnt bother to tell you and instead left you waiting at the entrance

Its common business practice not to set a release date until you are sure you can offer the goods.

Your metaphore is flawed, there is no way you would queue up at the cinema if the film was still in casting/filming/editing. I guarantee 100% if a date was set, and missed there would be equal or more flame threads, just be patient


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Actually my post was about giving promised info.
I don't care about release day. Was just disappointed because GOA again promised to keep us informed and did not. Like many have said here "all is going well" etc. would be enough also. After all that means that no major bugs have been found etc.

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