Oddballs Group :)



Sorry nova, this is nothing to do with an oddball :)

Well my time at uni is nearly at a close for this year, and as such I will be getting net access back on friday the 27th. Whether or not I come back depends on whether i get invited to DE beta0, which is at least a 1/1000 chance so not very likely ;)

I am wondering if anyone feels like making a set group :) Not a PL group, more of a RP group, a group to have fun in :) I think that it would be best of as perhaps a Camlann group, or if people don't like that idea then probably excalibur/hib or prydwen/alb would be best (becasue then i dont need to delete any chars ;))

i would like to do this on camlann because there are more oppurtunities to explore, however i dont know what other people would think of this, and whether we wouldnt just wind up as a target for the high-level gankers

This group would need (for preference)

- 1 healer-class (Mentalism Ment, Regrowth Druid), for example
- 1 end-regen (bard/pala/shammie)
- Anyone else that wants to come along.

Rules of the group
- Any out-of-group (or guild if a guild is used for these characters) whether alone or in a group is done in IN-CHARACTER, this applys to group windows aswell when there is a non-guildie (ie not a member of this group) present
- No whining about XP, the point of this is to have some fun elsewhere
- While there is relative freedom about the setup I will have to insist on some limitations. First to come will get their choice of classes however there will have to be some limitations to the later joiners so that the group will succeed. I hope for this rule to not be a problem though :) In my opinion most layouts would work for this sort of group
- No respeccing. The character you choose is your character and will carry on as you start out. Of course there is no way for me to enforce this but I would hope anyone that wants to join such a group would bother sticking to the rules

Classes that will not be accepted (from memory of classes)
- Mana Enchanters
- Buffbots (Full-buff buffers)
- Most Nightshades (Staffshades, CD shades possible exceptions)
- Shadowblades
- Infiltrators
- Bezerkers
- Savages
- Any FOTM templates

Anyway, if your interested drop me a line at sch20@sussex.ac.uk and when I have enough people we can arrange stuff in more detail (assuming i dont get into de in this phase).

Any comments/questions/suggestions here please :)

Of course if there is a lot of demand then I would be fine with having a couple of the above groups, however the restrictions apply to every group :)

The xp would not be fast, however i hope that what xp we do get would be gotten from more varied sources than just camping to get pl'd ;)


Im am probably in if we play alb/pryd. Alb is so funny, easiest to acces RvR etc :)

And btw, if we make a guild lets call it <Rasta Gangsters> and all dye in brown


Wouldnt mind on pryd m8.
Will have to email ya :)


Originally posted by merchz
Im am probably in if we play alb/pryd. Alb is so funny, easiest to acces RvR etc :)

And btw, if we make a guild lets call it <Rasta Gangsters> and all dye in brown

no chance of that guild name :p i was thinking actually of bringing back my beta guild, <Forgotten Souls> :) would fit the theme of having a group made up of as many unused classes as pos ;)


Well okay that guild name was almost as good as mine so i guess its ok. We could also have a name like "Fellowship of Excalibur" or whatever :)


I have enough gimp chars on my account already. :p


Originally posted by merchz
Well okay that guild name was almost as good as mine so i guess its ok. We could also have a name like "Fellowship of Excalibur" or whatever :)

I would rather not have the server name in tbh :) That sort of thing is soooo last year :)

Can worry about the name when ive got more people

And Danyan, all your chars are teh gimpe ;)


oh and one more note, I expect anyone who joins the group to have a character bio, ie attitudes/predijuces, small background (dosen't need to be as long as my main character's background ;))


Sounds like alot of fun, can think of hundreds of nice odd specs for all chars :)


Originally posted by Danyan
I have enough gimp chars on my account already. :p
that's got nothing to do with their specs or classes tho :eek:

(kinda like me :p )


I'm up for this, if we go Alb, will make another Cabbie. If we go anything else, I dunno, warden, bonedancer, sm, would have to try some.

Shame they don't have a co-op server, or let newbs do /level on cam, cause I don't feel like being ganked continously there.


pvp server would be idea for the roleplay purposes, if it wasnt for the bloody gankers

co-op would also be ideal, if there was one :|


They say if you want the light to be seen you must take it into dark places...however the reasoning will probably not apply with roleplaying and Camlann, more like carrying a torch into the ocean.

Alb Pry or Hib Excal sounds good, I can do either.

Characters I'd like to make.

-> Ablative Paladin. If we really need End regen I could do a paladin, full chants, rest parry & sheild, 0 weapon, not very different, but I've gotta have chants if we want End regen and I appear to have an irrational fear of 2 handed weapons.
-> Ablative merc. If we already have a paladin I'd rather do a mercenary for the single reason that chain looks better than plate.
-> (my favorite) Terra-mage. Dunno if many wizzards spec earth, but this spec line seems pretty diverse, and I love having lots of different buttons to chose from :)

-> ENCHANTer. as it reads, but only if we don't have another Dmg add such as warden.
-> Creeping Animist. Don't know much about these, but they get a DPS debuffing turret which might be a nice bit of protection when we're experimenting with different combat techniques.
-> Blademaster. Elf...if we get 1.62 anytime soon, no idea of spec. yet.
-> Full combat ranger. Not quite full combat split faily evenly between CD, weapon and Pathfinding (or possibly full blade full path and use a shield) this one would only be good fun if we have a small group, with only one buffer.

If you could give me some idea of which would fit best with the general feel of the group I'll get to work on some background.

Also, will we start (as a group/guild) from lvl 1, 5 or 10?


I'll go cleric.. after messing round with it, I like it :)


Well those guild name suggestions werent really that serious :p

Player bio:
Swedish, 17 years old.
Played midgard since last summer.
Also plays Planetside, BF1942, Warcraft 3

Merchz lvl 50 RR5 skald
Crowdcontrol lvl 50 RR4 healer
Merchz lvl 50 RR3 enchanter(camlann)

Other characters:
Ledor lvl 35 hunter
Sagol lvl 35 BD
Cravia lvl 35 shaman

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