


Sitting here reding all posts in the forum and lost ar about zerging and grey ganking...

I dont like zerging or grey ganking personly, but hey its game. Aye a game about 3 realms in WAR. I dont think the armys in enytime in history didnt team up to kill there enamy or let a few of there enymays get away cuse they cant defend them self.

But hell i usulaly dont kill grey to be kind to the person on the outher end thats doing his own thing. But still i dont think enyone in a real war woul let enyone be left alive or split up and go alone in enamy land...

Sprit lev 50 druid


The thing is...this is not real war...it is just a game (like you said). Everybody plays this game to have fun and it's not very funny to get killed by purps without a bit of a chance.


I don't agree with grey ganking, I think it's kinda pointless to be honest....well, ok, I'm guilty of mezzing them and then rooting them, then mezzing them again endlessly, ( 1 min mezz 1 min root, by time the mezz imune timer is up I (during the time they are rooted) I can mezz them again) thus keeping them standing in pretty much one spot for 30 min or untill their yellow friends come and kill me.

But I think of klilling in RvR much like killing in PvE#, greys don't give anything ( or not much) greens give a little, just enough to make it fun to gank them once in a while, blues are ok, yellows are best.

as for zerging, well, sometimes I go with the flow, when I'm tired and don't really want to concentrate on the game, but most times I prefer to roam and find singles or 1 fg vs. 1 fg...

it's all a matter of taste, but if you think getting killed by purples sucks and it pisses you off, then RvR is not the place for you yet. Very few grey cons will escape the zerg or even 1fg to be honest.


...it's not very funny to get killed by purps without a bit of a chance.

lol, they WERE given a chance, all to hit lvl restrictions are gone ^^


...it's not very funny to get killed by purps without a bit of a chance.


Ask some of the hibs that were in Yggdra this nigth about grey and purple ganking :)
First a purplecon Saracen was attacking us at the zombiecamp, wich resulted in me nuking 50% of her life away in a few hits with a then 22 runemaster :) she ran away and stealthed before we could get her.. :( (think she was green to Isa, our 50 helpful [insert praise here] healer )

After that a bunch of 50's came, mezzed half of us, Isa purged and mezzed all but one of the hibs, then our 23!! warrior started ganking on a firby and after a looong figth the firby was down to 50% with a few heals from their druid :)

Only got one thing to say.. dare to attack us in the frontiers, you should atleast bring more than 4 to kill a FG of 22+ peeps ;)


Re-read my post...

Makes no sense...even to me....

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