odd 'lag' with p4 2.4 800fsb hyperthreading cpu



system info:
p4 2.4 800fsb hyperthreading cpu
512 dual-ddr ram
p4p800 motherboard
win2k sp3
directx 9
gf4 ti4200 (also tried gf2 gts) - tested various drivers.

I have this odd 'delay' like having some sort of delay on the mouse when I turn.. Ive never had this before, and noone Ive talked with has seen this.

I upgraded my pc a month back, before I had a athlon 1200 and 512 sd-ram, and the game was running quite nicely. I have a great overall performance with this new system, except in daoc, where I have this odd 0.5 sec delay when turning around.. basicly it makes no sense to me. Ive tried a reinstall, and Ive tried a fresh install of daoc and SI. anyone experienced something like this, or got any suggestions?


feels like some sort of mouse smoothing, but I have removed all this from my mouse settings..


Do you have detailed shadows on? I know there can be problems with DAoC and some GeForce cards when detailed shadows are set to on.

I have a 3ghz 800mhz FSB Hyperthreading cpu and I have no problems at all now I have gone back to classic shadows. Not that I had your exact problem, just lockups at certain places ingame, such as half way across the bridge in Dales.


Have Anti Aliasing Enabled? Your problem is the graphics card is having trouble so make sure that's off and if you still dont have performance you're after yeah the shadows is a big performance hit


Also prob not related but Directx 9? with a directx 8 card and a game that doesn't make use of Directx9 ?


I did have same 'lag' before, it started after i installed the new 45.23 nividia drivers, i thougt it was becouse i had directx8 but after i had installed 9 I still had the lag. I just removed the new drivers and reinstalled my old (41.09) and mouse was back to normal :).
I also noticed a slightly decrease in 3d mark pts when i was on 45.23 drivres then 41.09..

I have a GeForce4 Ti 4200 AGP8x on a winXP machine (1,72ghz) osv...

// waemohs :))


I have fsaa turned off as any true powergamer have ;) fps 4 life..

I dont think that updating dx should ever slow down a game even if its designed for an older version of dx. atleast I havent ever heard of this being an issue for any directX game, but there is a first to everything..

I will try the 41.09 drivers as aeleea suggests, coz even tho I have tried 4 or 5 diff. drivers they are all quite new, and I did suspect that might be it..

thanks to all suggestions ;)


I just Defragged my HDD and it made my computer feel like it was new again.

And i have a pretty high end comp, but with all the shit on it and uninstall/install over the weeks had fubared it.


I think i might know the problem...

DirectX uses a frame buffer to smooth out motion. The amount that directx can buffer can be set under

Desktop > Properties > Display > Advanced > GFX > DirectX > More Direct3D > Render no more than [ xxx ] frames ahead. (Note this is a coolbits only option, download coolbits if you cannot find the option)

Replace [ xxx ] with the value 0. This will mean that motion will not be as smooth but it should eliminate any mouse lag.

Hope this helps m8 ;)


kept the drivers I have, and tried using nvhardpage to set up some gfx settings, which pretty much fixed it.. I feel it sometimes returning, but its only coz I *gasp* upped some distance LoD options, so on a few spots its _slightly_ laggy, nearly nothing.. donno if its viable in rvr tho, since the details can zerg u sometimes :)
I'll try this for a bit, but basicly, gfx settings was the sinner.


pehhhhhhhh pentium sux 4ever:)

i have 3200 barthon oc to 3600
fx 5600 ultra
1gb ddr 400 twinmos

and works reaLLy good:)

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