October fest a weekends Lanning for £10



Event price reduction....

Friday - Sunday on the door price £15
Friday - Sunday in advance £10

That has to be the cheapest B&B in High Wycombe..

Event includes sponsorship by Logitech
Dedicated Servers (UT CS DOD TFC Q3 etc)
100mb Managed switch (48 port beasty from 3com no less)
Purpose built Tables (very comfy no bevelled edges)
ADSL connection
Plenty of quiet sleeping areas
Chill out room
facilities include Shower
Local deal with a Pizza dude and a Burger van stops by for Breakfast
Read this thread for sign up and LAN details


Sudden flurry of activity pushes the numbers to 21.... 9 more names to make it happen. Go on after all it is cheap as hell and you can win prizes and for the adults I can point you in the direction of the Strippers pub for a bit of Saturday afternoon relaxation. After all we all need to have a break from the puter now and again.

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