Occasional barmaid



<walks in and puts yet another poster up>

I have found a more giving work within camelot and shall therefor no longer be barmaid in The Stone unless at evenings, my thanks to all those that has kept me company and I will see you on those evenings where Dwerrav needs help, should any of you wish to keep sponsoring my crafting, find me at those evenings when I work.

<walks out with a sad look>

[ooc: vacation is over so it is back to evenings only for me, I´ll see you guys around ;)]


try killing some mobs and do some lvling, believe me you will find it faaaaaaaaaar ( and i mean far) more interesting than roleplaying a barmaid in an empty bar, or crafting :)


Ummm, why Purificator ?

Personally I'm thinking of starting an alt (when big T reaches the 50) to add some colour and personality to Camelot.

If all people want to do is kill monsters and then bash Middies and Tree Huggers then fine, go ahead and enjoy that. But this game and it's environment has far more potential and, potentially, far more depth to it.

Please don't be so dismissive about what Troryn does. I know I appreciate her talents and so do many other roleplayers. If you have nothing genuinely constructive to add here why waste your time posting -- go get some xp, much more interesting after all ? :)


First of all, i am not trying to enforce a style of play to Tryron, i am simply telling my opinion on her style of play, and maybe point out one that will help her enjoy the game the most.
You said it yourself Turamber that the game has potentially great depth.
Now tell me, where is the depth in sitting in one confined game space, talking to a few players who come in during the day?

Doing that derives you from :

a)Exploring new locations and meeting new friends and enemies
b)Leveling your character, gaining new abilites,searching for new items
c)Doing quests and tasks
d)Grouping and interacting with other players, working for a common cause.

Arent those supposed to be part of the essence of computer roleplaying history so far?
All the above, plus the RvR experience that DAoC has to offer, are essential to enjoying the game imho.
Apart from the fact that Troryn is a crafter, there is no difference in what she does to being in a Roleplayer Irc channel.

So, what i am trying to prove, is that Troryn is missing 99% of what the game has to offer, nothing else.I have no objections that it pleases her, i am just trying to show her that she is missing a great deal of DAoC.Thats why i am being so dismissive about the way she chose to play this game.
If am not mistaken you have a high lvl char yourself Turamber.Well he didnt reach lvl XX by talking his way through enemies, am i correct? :p and i saw Tryron being a minstrel this morning, heh :)

Now does thes seems "genuinely constructive" to you Turamber? :)

PS: I do not know if Tryron is someones alt character. My post goes to all who adopt this kind of gameplay, and, is simply my opinion, and has nothing to do with other roleplayers (with Vinci being my favorite ) hehe

With best intentions, puri.


It's impossible to roleplay alone, you have to have other people to bounce ideas off. So although Troryn is not in a group as such she is certainly interacting with others.

If you dragged yourself away from the part of the game you enjoy then you will see that there is value in the way other people like to play the game. Troryn will rush off and guide people who are lost in Camelot to their destination, will knock out crafted items for people who are in need.

And she gives to Camelot a lot of colour that it desperately needed.

As for my paladin being on the verge of level 50 -- big deal ! We are talking about 35 days playing time here (with about 1 hours worth of <yawn> RvR in there), where as people who play the game you like to play it will be able to reach 50 in, what, 25 days or so ? I like to take time out to roleplay and spend time chatting. I pay my subscription, Troryn pays hers -- please don't be so dismissive over our gaming experience.

Besides -- did the thought that Troryn's player actually has a *lot* of experience of the game never enter into your mind ? :D


tihi boys fighting over lil´ol' me :)

well Purificator I can see your points but I find lvling boring <smile>

I have 2 40+ chars and a single 30+ so "been there done that"

these chars are not on prydwen though <smile>

oh and the stone is seldom empty, I have my slave boy Radi to keep me company, or Twis, another crafter <smile>

better get to work its getting late

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