Originally posted by nume
Will be able to utter the line "Your place or mine?" to attractive female friars
Originally posted by old.LandShark
so instead of guild housing costing (well, I don't know a real figure so let's say the guildBP equivalent of 15million RPs and being in areas people actually go to, i.e. camelot hills, sauvage, etc, we get a new zone which will be full of houses that no-one will ever bloody go to?
Negative nancy that I am, I can't really see the point of that. So you can maybe have an NPC merchant who stores your crafted goods... well, woot. It's not going to be in an area anyone visits, is it?
Be cool during the initial "omfg must have a house!!¬!" period but after that the 'village' zones surely will be ghost towns..