Nyd: guild alive and recruiting



<large green troll puts a notice up on the noticeboard, hammering each drawing pin in gently with a very large hammer, the notice says>

Nyd the guild is currently back open for recruiting <lots of guffaws from people reading this as most people hadn't noticed Nyd was closed>. We were uncertain what the future of the guild was for a while so we were not very encouraging to people who asked after us, but we are making an effort to expand and would welcome anyone interested.

We are small but being part of the New Era alliance gives us access to bigger hunts.

Green is not a compulsory colour for Nydians. Midgardians of all ages welcome.

ooc: We thought for a while of letting Nyd go as it had gotten so small but a few new recruits and the return of Ayam meant we've decided to encourage people to join us. Apologies to anyone who contacted us over the last few months and found us a bit vague or discouraging, and feel free to try us again.

For those that don't know us we are commonly known as a 'roleplaying' guild, for us that mainly means playing [most of the time] as midgardians. But we are also not a powerlevelling guild nor do we think "lol", "k" and "np" make a whole conversation. [Thanks to Uncle Sick for that point, http://forums.barrysworld.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49115 I couldn't have put it better.] We are instead a close group of mature players who enjoy roleplaying because it's fun. If you're looking for a change or looking for a guild like this, then feel free to come along and see if we work for you.

We're part of the New Era alliance, which means despite being small our members get access to large-scale hunts like Legion or Summoners and to major rvr events. New Era also means members can call hunts and try to find people to hunt with through the alliance.

If you want to join have a look at our web-site (www.arthons-place.com/nyd) and forum (http://www.arthons-place.com/forum/forum.jsp?forum=16) or contact Ayam, Krill, Esola, Gorthon or Casia in-game or email at nyd@blueyonder.co.uk


Good luck Krill.

Nyd are a class act. Wholeheartedly recommend them.


If you're fond of roleplaying, Nyd is the best experience you can get.

ps : Esola makes a great stew

Old Nicodemus

Nyd are more than a class act.. they dare to be different!

Go Nydians Go! :clap:

Top guild, Top people, fantastic fun to be with. All the best guys!

Spiritgimp :m00:


<shakes her head> You forgot the fair ladies in Amazons of Midgard! We can be different too! <laughs> Good luck with the recruitment Krill! <salutes and walks away mumbling something about not being different>

Old Nicodemus

My apologies to the fair Amazons.. I forgot about you.


Spiritgimp :m00:

old.Ayam Ganbatte

It rains, we all gather under the parasol marked 'different', we cease to be different.

Enough pithy poetry, though, Nyd is recruiting, we are looking to expand a bit. In the immortal words of Grandfather Ganbatte, "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough".

PS Thank you for the kind words Nicodemus, I expect your application to Nyd to be slipped under the door in a low-key fashion soon <wink>

old.Trine Aquavit

"I say to the guilds of Midgard - you are all individuals!"

en masse: "Yes, we are all individuals!" ;)


> they dare to be different!

Aye, they dare to be green! ;)


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