


and your point is ?

i cant c any times on there . for all we know u might have took the hib/mid totals at early morning or v late atnight . and taken the main ss of total at prime time ..

the rvr areas themselves dont show that sort of out numbering so why dont you stop crying and quit trying to mke exscuses to why u allied with mids/hibs :)


Lol, funny with you all you albs whining about the alliance. Suck it up. It's a very temporary thing that some guilds have agreed on in certain circumstances. It was funny when a small hib and mid group killed that small alb group by the alb mg in odin's on Sunday though:) But the next day we were off to kill some more hibs hehe.


I assume that Eleasia is your 2. account?

That means that u have an account both in mid and in hib on excal.... cute.... oh wait, this has been covered, this was just the evidence :clap:


yup those pics are evidence of him breaking the coc rules of goa :) hahahaha


delete them from post? to late, i stored them on HD :)


A lot of albs play late at night too - dunno why but a large portion of our force is up in the early hours of the morning


Originally posted by Organ-Grinder
yup those pics are evidence of him breaking the coc rules of goa :) hahahaha

and exactly where in the goa coc is that ?

besides that it is really low to accuse someone of lieing here ( in your first post) just when he wants to show some objective numbers on realm-population ( and just that - relam popuplation, nothing more, but also nothing less)


LOW ? i thought hibs had the monopoly on being low .. we all know it is against coc to have 2 accounts on the same server .. as i stated in the original post when this came up having 2 chars in different realms on same server = SPY . he said he didnt spy .. but do youhonestly think if mids organised a hib relic raid he wouldnt go running to his bug abusing friends togo defend there relic ? im very sure hib would be 1st placehe went to alert hib of impending attack . thats why those sort of rules are out there to stop people spying on other realms hence spoiling the fun for eveybody .if he wanted to play mid so badly he coulda just made a char in prydwyn .

as for accusing him of lying :p well unless some OFFICIAL figures from an OFFICIAL source are stated all this bullshit population on alb being 2-3-4 times larger than mid/hib will just be a pile of shit ... also bear in mind "im not saying we dont have biggest population" there is a hell a lot of people who are not even lvl 30 . the end of the day hib has enuff high lvls to defend themselves and so does mid . so why you pussys always complain about numbers alb forces have been defeated in emain reguler by mid or hibs and also mids and hibs been beaten by albs . you just use the numbers as an exscuse everytime u lose . try to be good losers for once , you allie/use lame tactics "exp death from epic mobs" / bug abusing . and you still aint that successfull against us albion is to resiliant for you to overcome .a lot of you mids/hibs that r 40+ say u see a lot of blue/yellow/oranbge and not many gray . well thats total bullshit if i go with my mins a lotof them are blue/orange and a lot of green/gray if i go with my scout for some fun i still seea lot of green/gray although obviously i still seea lot of purple . i see more blue/green/gray albs than i ever see green/gray hibs or mids my estimate would be 75% of mids/hibs that i c in emain con red/purp .as ive said numerous times a large army doesnt really mean betterarmy . a smaller more organised army can ovewr come a large disorganised one .. ad belieave me we albs aint as organised as you may think . although we are slowly getting there .


like he stated in the other post you havent apparently read

"i dont even have access to nolby pride guild chat, and they dont even tell me about raids" - eleasias

imho really lame to go on and blame someone for sth like that...

like he said in the other post too, he's playing there cos he knows ppl there, and they can play together, easier than playing on pryd (has characters there too) and cant play on german/french server since all the stuff is in french/german

'nuff said, seems you are a bit paranoid


you think only way to hear of raids is to be in a guild ? and able to read guild chat ? when big raids go on word is always let loose at some stage . and as i stated wether he goes intentionally looking for info or wether he comes across it by accident . who's to say he wont use that info against you ? end of the day it is against rules to have 2 chars on different realms on the same server regardless of his exscuse . just cos he got friends there and he plays chars on pryd doesnt give him a right to break the rules does it ? im sure there is NO valid exscuse you can give, that justifys him breakig rules .


good one

Well this picture only tells me 2 things

1 You are indeed breaking the DAOC coc having one account with characters in different realms

2 You need to clean up your desktop dude, it's a mess.

Kinda stupid to post screenies of it here though. Ah well maybe they wont delete both characters if you ask nicely.

NN, sweet dreams.



I thought this had been dealt with already... Guess we gotta spell it again for the people hard of hearing:

1) Yes, the updated *MYTHIC* CoC says having two accounts on different realms on the same server is punishable by some action. The *GOA* CoC at the moment doesn't.

2) Eleasias doesn't even own the other account, he gets to loan it from time to time.



We actually have a few more ppl than you in Emain _for a change_ asskicking results _shock-horror_ and its the whinge/cry/whinge/boohoo on the forums?

Jeez u dont see us whining on here when u bring 100 hibs to emain and gank <30's all night do u?


It's OUR bloody golf course, you don't even get the OPTION of whining about getting wiped from the lands you don't belong to.


Thank you and drive thru :)


haha lol

cant belive it, first u silly albs refuse to do a /who and post in Ninjidils thread, then u talk about "20 % more" and now when Ele post screens u accuse him for lying. :clap:


fades away...

cut all this crap and just play - every realm on excalibur mention a reason for whingin, so just keep it and play it ;)

mids are underpowered coz of their low population, hibs and albs are not - #conclusion made in #celticfist in the early morning :clap:


Aaaaargh, for heaven's sake! Stop all this whining before we all go insane. What's the big deal with some of you guys? It's just a G*A*M*E.

Omg, I can't believe my eyes when reading some of the posts on this forum, and particularly this one. Numbers? Alliances? Cheating? Just let it go and have a laugh playing, that's what games are for.

Don't take everything so bloody seriously!


Yeah right. Play the game and stop whining about some dum numbers (maybe should do something in bookings? or be a math teacher?) Yesterday I did a /who 50 and saw 16 people already being lvl 50 :cool:

Hope I can be one of those pretty soon. Don't have to go that much XP anymore. Anyone up for some trees or DM tonight? :)


I have no opinion on realm numbers so I'm not going to comment on that.

I am going to comment on what constitutes proof.
These screenshots do NOT constitute proof.


I'm not saying the original screenshots are fake, I'm sure they are legit, but they are not conclusive proof.

The numbers tell you nothing about levels.
You can't assume that: Total Number - (Hib + Mid) = Alb, because of the anons

The only way you will get an answer to this question is to get GoA to give you definitive answers



doh!1 there are prolly at least 2 thread on these forums where he has stated outright he plays mid and hib on excaliber . + the pics = conclusive . it doesnt seem to affect albion at all cos its the mids who should be sceptic as to why he is there . but i know i wouldnt like a hib/mid from excal with a 2nd account in alb . and im sure a lot of other hibs feel the same way


Anyways everyday U learn something new. Today i learned that pikakuvake means 'shortcut', but in what language is that again..? :D


You forget something...

DAOC say to him, are these both your accounts... he says no... just a person i know and we have similar names...

DAOC say, but they are coming from the same IP address, he says... ah yes, thats my brothers account, we are both connected through the same connection.

the 2 piccys are not rnough to prove he has 2 accounts


yeah the mid one is his brothers account :p

and organ you really are a sad little boy if you would save them pics and try to get him banned for it.
oh look, hes an albion.....says it all.


The worst part of this thread is at the start, where Organ says the pics could be fake.

In fact, the pics ARE strong and good evidence for the one reason why they were posted.... i.e. a comparison of the numbers in the 3 realms, NOT necessarily a comparison of the RvR-active population in the 3 realms (though decent assumptions could be drawn).

Critically, you can also conclude that the RvR balance is in fact going one way as the server ages.




The Numbers alone won't tell you who is/will win in RvR.

Yesterday the hibs had more ppl out in Emain then Albion. And i think they had more average Levels too.

What tells us that?

They even dared to charge us to our Telekeep ;)



<is a sad little boy>

I sure as hell is going to report this.


Umm I thought the discussion was over? It's my friend's account, havent played that character for a few weeks now, think my friend has played more with it than I have actually ^^. Lamely trying to shift the discussion to me doing what ever you think I'm doing and still insisting albs are only 1/3 rofl :> 1st alb says they cant be used as proof, second says they can be and a 3rd says they are fake ^^ really you dont have to start bitching about my friend's account, all the points of why you should/shouldnt be playing with a second account were discussed on the other thread, several people mailed goa/reported rightnow asking for a n answer (me included) without any answer.


It gives a usefull snapshot on the numbers at that point in time but nothing more unless it's done regularly.

But not being able to track where the 200 /anons are is a pain in the ass as well.

If you post similar stuff again a /who 1 10, 11 20 etc might also be useful.

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