NTL connection sharing.



Got a m8 on NTL broadband (I'm on Telewest).

He's after getting INternet connection sharing working accross his LAN.

He's got a PC with 2 network cards in - one connected to the NTL network and one connected to the LAN via a hub.

How's he get Internet Connection Sharing working?

I find it dead easy on Telewest's cable offering to do this - but apparently he's having real trouble.

So - 2 questions:

1) He has to use connection software apparently (I don't). Could the problem be related to this.

2) If anyone has got it working on a similar setup can you post a step-by-step thing here please!!!

Ta chaps. :)


list of MS articles on ICS

I guess the problem is using 2 NICs rather than 1 NIC and 1 comms card, I know of people who have had problems with that sort of setup.

The NIC connected to NTL is probably going via a router, which normally needs DHCP running on it to work, the problem is that the ICS host also requires DHCP.


OS is 98SE - but ICS is much of a muchness on most of them anyway isn't it.

Ta for the linx - I'll forward them on to him - but he does work in tech support so he should be aware of this.

Personally - from his description - it should be set up OK - it's the same as mine really (apart from the OS's).

I run with 2 nic cards - one set as DHCP connected to Telewest. The other with a static IP address and ICS bound to it - with Network Address Translation sorting out all the other PC's.

Any more ideas people?

old.Sebula Mobnuker

Easy prog to use for sharing modem

A prog i used for some years before getting a router was the follwing it is very easy to install and reliable as well.
It even does a diagnostic to tell you if you not setup the network properly.
I am on ntlword and used it well with my 3 pc's and Cable modem.


I hope it gets him sorted.



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