NTL Cable and Quakeworld problems..



Hi all

On monday i ordered cable from NTL and it works superb. Halflife pings and UT pings are around the 40-50 mark, and downloads work at around 70k/second. Nice as a step up from a 56k modem :)

BUT If i run quakeworld, after a short period of time (usually about a minute but can be more or less) the connection will drop. Dead. As in i have to reset the cable TV box to get a connection again to anything. No web or pings or nothing, just a dead line that needs resetting.

My QW installation has been working fine for about four years now, running fine using my modem and at LANs. I'm 99.9% sure there's nothing wrong with either my machine or with QW.

My machine is a P3-600, 384mb ram, geforce2 gts, windows 2000, 10/100mb net card (into which i plug a crossover network cable, which then plugs into the cable set top box). Zonealarm is running, but the line still dies if i have it running or not. I have no proxy, NAT (yet) or anything else running (IIS is turned off) that might be sending out or receiving odd stuff.

So, Question - who else in the Manchester area using an NTL cable connection thru a set top box can play QW (or Q2 for that matter since i've heard that Q2 also kills the connection)?

And if someone has had this problem before and fixed it can u tell me what u did :)




Cable Modem through a set top box? What kind of strange contraption is your local NTL franchise running?
Sounds like some sort of dark voodoo magic to me.
I have a stand alone Motorola SB4100 Cable Modem and QuakeWorld runs fine.


Indeed it's magic. The advertising blurb on NTL's site says this is the first broadband connection to be available thru a set top box, but since i've had the box since last september i'm slightly sceptical about this.

The box supplies my cable tv and has an ethernet connection on the back of it. I plug my pc into that using a crossover network cable and most of my broadband dreams are now a reality. IP allocation is done by DHCP, so i just set tcp/ip to get it's numbers all auto-assigned and it works as soon as i log into windows.

As for the cable modems, there's quite a few peeps i've spoken to about their CM's working fine with QW and there's only one other chap i've spoken to (in the NTL games newsgroup) that has stb cable, and he has exactly the same problem with Q2 killing his connection.

Gonna try setting a local qizmo up on my machine and connect thru that to a net qizmo and then to a qw server. Will report back later :)




How very unusually strange - Do you have the digital service, or still on analogue - I was supplied with a surfboard modem. Don't play QW anymore - (Too dark with the Geforce 2 card). Play Elite Force now - Most of the time get a great connection - on some servers everynow and then it stops sending data for about 20 secs - but still receives - which is strange. Never seen this problem before though - Do you get the problem when using it normally or is it purely connected with QW. ??



We have the NTL Digital package (got it last september) using a Pace set top box. We get all our tv thru that box (sky, film 4 etc) and we also have our phone thru NTL. Phoned BT up today to cut us off since i don't need BT 0800 anymore :)

The problem occurs only with QW. All the other games are fine - i was on CS for an hour last night and it's very nice :) Net surfing is fine and everything else works just not QW.

I think the connecting stopping might be to do with DHCP reassigning an IP address, which would kill the server connection but since u get reconnected after about 20 seconds that can't be it (can it?). I'll run ipconfig /all before the next time i run qw and see if it's actually doing this.

Also I played EF at the last Games Inferno LAN and really got to like it. Must give that one a go tonite :)




It sounds like someone is nuking your IP address - Have you checked your ISP assigned IP address before and After this happens. It may be an idea to get NTL to monitor your connection for about 5 mins while you connect to QW - (Yeah Right as if they are going to be able to do that. - Depends if you can get thru to someone who actually knows what a PC is !! - LMAO) - I reckon you should convert to Elite Force - I used to play Quake World almost every night - but now play STEF almost every night now.....

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