NT Hell



What follows is, I am am told, a genuine letter sent to NTL from a rather unhappy customer who has decided to remain nameless.

Read on and enjoy, if you havent already seen it.

Dear Cretins,
I have been an NTL customer since 9th July 2001, when I signed up for your four-in-one deal for cable TV, cable modem, telephone and alarm monitoring. During this three month period I have encountered inadequacy of service which I had not previously considered possible, as well as ignorance and stupidity of monolithic proportions. Please allow me to provide specific details , so that you can either pursue your professional prerogative, and seek to rectify these difficulties – or more likely(I suspect) so that you can have some entertaining reading material as you while away the working day smoking B&H and drinking vendor-coffee on the bog in your office.
My initial installation was cancelled without warning, resulting in my spending an entire Saturday sitting on my fat arse waiting for your technician to arrive. When he did not arrive, I spent a further 57 minutes listening to your infuriating hold music, and the even more annoying Scottish robot woman telling me to look at your helpful website. HOW? I alleviated the boredom by playing with my testicles for a few minutes an activity at which you are no doubt both familiar and highly adept.
The rescheduled installation then took place some two weeks later, although the technician did forget to bring a number of vital tools such as a drill bit, and his cerebrum.
Two weeks later, my cable modem had still not arrived. After 15 telephone calls over four weeks my modem arrived, six weeks after I had requested it, and begun to pay for it. I estimate your internet servers downtime is roughly 35% - the hours between about 6pm and midnight, Monday through Friday, and most of the weekend. I am still waiting for my telephone connection.
I have made nine calls on my mobile to your no-help line, and have been unhelpfully transferred to a variety of disinterested individuals who are, it seems, also highly skilled bullock jugglers. I have been informed that a telephone line is available (and someone will call me back): that I will be transferred to someone who knows whether or not a telephone line is available (and then been cut off): that I will be transferred to someone (and then been redirected to an answering machine informing me that your office is closed): that I will be transferred to someone and then been redirected to the irritating Scottish robot woman. And several other variations on this theme. Doubtless you are no longer reading this letter, as you have at least a thousand other dissatisfied customers to ignore, and also another one of those crucially important testicle moments to attend to.
Frankly I don’t care. It’s far more satisfying as a customer to voice my frustrations in print than to shout them at your unending hold music.
Forgive me, therefore, if I continue.
I thought British Telecom was shit; that they had attained the holy piss-pot of god-awful customer relations; and that no one, anywhere, ever, could be more disinterested, less helpful or more obstructive to delivering service to their customers. That’s why I chose NTL, and because, well, there isn’t anyone else is there? How surprised I therefore was, when I discovered to my considerable dissatisfaction and disappointment what a useless shower of bastards you truly are. You are sputum-filled pieces of distended rectum incompetents of the highest order. BT – wankers though they are – shine like brilliant beacons of success in the filthy mire of your seemingly limitless inadequacy.
Suffice to say that I have now given up on my futile and foolhardy quest to receive any kind of service from you. I suggest that you cease any potential future attempts to extort payment from me for the services which you have so pointedly and catastrophically failed to deliver. Any such activity will be greeted initially with hilarity and disbelief and will quickly be replaced with derision, and even perhaps slightly bemused rage. I enclose two small deposits, selected with great care from my cat’s litter tray, as an expression of my utter and complete contempt for both you and your pointless company. I sincerely hope that they have not become desiccated during transit – they were satisfyingly moist at the time of posting, and I would feel considerable disappointment if you did not experience both their rich aroma and delicate texture. Consider them the very embodiment of my feelings towards NTL, and its worthless employees. Have a nice day. May it be the last in your miserable, short lives, you irritatingly incompetent and infuriatingly unhelpful bunch of twits.



Ain't there some kind of organisation who deals with incompetent companies? We got a show called Kassa! where they investigate people's info about a company that simply doesn't do what they are told so everyone knows it and the complany basically is screwed or has to improve his situation fast. It has worked with some companies so far and I'm very pleased we have such a program who stands up for the customers.


Woah, i suspect it can't get any worse at least :p


yea this letter is OLD!! been circulated at my office early last year.. still funny tho..


Originally posted by Khalen
Ain't there some kind of organisation who deals with incompetent companies? We got a show called Kassa! where they investigate people's info about a company that simply doesn't do what they are told so everyone knows it and the complany basically is screwed or has to improve his situation fast. It has worked with some companies so far and I'm very pleased we have such a program who stands up for the customers.

Well in England you have Watchdog which I think is basically the same as your "Kassa!". Anyway, it's not the first time someone's been pissed off at NTL, though I did have a friend who recieved everything on time, got all the channels (he had asked for only the basic ones), and even better - they neglected to bill him for anything :p

Bleri McThrust

NTL is the company that provided such bad service for me that I cancelled my subscription with them.

What I failed to do was cancell the Direc Debits at the bank. A couple of months later, on realising they were still charging me, I immediately cancelled them. I sent them an email telling them they had taken money for a service I was no longer subscribed to (bear in mind that they had had more than 1 months notice and the minimum perid of registration was well out of date) but I would not demand the money returned as I was fed up with them as a company and wanted no other dealings with them.

Imagine my surprise when a bailiff knocked on my door demanding payment I just laughed at him told him my details and sent him on his way. He did tell me that he had heard similar stories from other people he had been to collect from.

A few months later I recieve a Court Summons and thats where my story is at the moment. Ive written to the Courts explaining my situation and await an outcome.

Moral of my story .... NTL customer service stinks (for me) and my dealings with them (and We-Made Entertainment, another company with no customer service) make me more appreciative of companys like GoA who at least do try, even if they do get it wrong sometimes.


NTL - technology lamed.

I had to deal with the muppets a couple of years back. the annoying scottish woman was backed up by a single 4 bar section of a dire-straits song, which was on loop.

i dont mind telling you it brought me close to suicide.


Im sure they have an annoying scottish man now instead.


That letter has been on the net for years.

I have to say around 6 months ago had lots of problems but in last 6 months with NTL , i havent had a single problem surprisingly enough. Maybe cos i whined enough last time


or maybe ntl internet is getting better ;)

(btw - i work for ntl)


Well, a few weeks ago I got transfered to 4 different people before the 5th one could actually help me - so maybe not :p

But at least they were all polite and I didn't have to wait long listening to any music.


Originally posted by speshneeds
or maybe ntl internet is getting better ;)

(btw - i work for ntl)

Overcharged me for 3 months and I am still waiting on refund 5 months later, would never even think of touching your mob again.


Just confirms that service varies randomly from person to person...I have never had anything other than good service (including at times some very above-the-call-of-duty work from their tech support) from NTL and am perfectly happy with them.


i've actually seen that letter on the net a few times...most recently edited for both BT and Sky..
was funny the first time :)


Omg that letter rocks, people prolly wana send that to GOA.


NTL service definately changes from person to person, sometimes they can answer queries straight away and sometimes they put you straight back in the loop again hoping the next person might have a clue.

best thing for me was to cause so much grief to them by phoning and demanding monies/refunds/their head on a platter, that i ended up with the mobile number of their IT department head, who i was to phone if i ever had a problem ever again.

funnily enough once i caused that much grief, i never had a problem again.


btw i am certain that I am one of the reasons GOA dont have a phone line.

if they did, the mofo's would be dogmeat, and they know it.


Been with NTL for 3 years now, no complaints here, ok CS does suck, as does waiting 50 minutes on hold for tech support.

Oh and to all you slatting GOA in this thread, why are you still playing? If theres better out there sod off and play it and stop crying like babies.

Threads about "GOA sucks" are starting to get a bit laim now.

Nice well written letter tho :)

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