NS & Druid Spec Questions...



After a short spell in Mid, I have decided to return to Hib - if any of you see Moody or Moodiness running about, please be sure to give them a wave :)

I realise this sort of question gets asked a lot, but if you could help me out, I'd appreciate it.

1. I have rolled a Celt Druid. I want her to be superb at healing, but also superb at buffs. I am not thinking about final spec just yet, but certainly until BG 1, I intend to spec Regrowth to level and Nurture as high as possible. Nature is being left completely (at least initially). I realise this is forcing me to be completely group based, but I am happy with this. Is this a viable spec? Additionally, should I choose a blunt weapon, or a sword? Or is it simply a matter of preference?

2. My NS...now, I had a quick back scan through recent posts and found a levelling spec plan on one of the Hib boards at BW, which I shall stick to. I would like to be the sort of NS that has great stealth, and can one shot casters or pretty close. Can any of you give advise from your experiances of levelling a shade as to what I should or should not do? I chose a Luri as the race - is that OK for my intended application, or would an Elf be better?

Thanks to all that reply - I shall hopefully see you all running about in the near future...


Can't speak for NS but for druids

Well my lvl 50 spec is :

Nurture : 35 (yellow str/con and int.. also 16% heat/cold resist)
Regrowth : 40 (100hp rez, 2nd best Spread heal and 2x 75% instas)
Nature : 9 (left over points and allows me to pull mobs when i solo, can solo yellows aswell )

This is a pretty standard spec for a healer/buffer ot u can goto as a buffer/hear and do 40 Nurture & 35 Regrowth

I've decided to make a nature spec Druid on my 2nd acct for the sheer hell of it ;)


main nono for a shade is:
don't spec celtic dual high, just a waste of spec points imo
also, be a luri :) elves may look a bit more stylish, but luri's get more dex/qui to start with, and the same everything else, except int, which shades don't use, so more effective with a luri

just post again if u want any more info about shades, i could try my best to help :)

cya around hib :)


ditto, theres a host of shades around to help u spec, I'm normally availible in one form or another, and i'll always help


But Elves get 2 % thrust and 3 % slash racial resists , which imo is alot more useful than 5 % crush luri's get


Re: Re: NS & Druid Spec Questions...

Originally posted by Generic Poster
Luris fight like girls :p

You must know some really hard girls :)


Originally posted by succi
But Elves get 2 % thrust and 3 % slash racial resists , which imo is alot more useful than 5 % crush luri's get

2% thrust matters?



i dont get it how can CD be so bad?! at 50 u get a 50% chance to duel weild yes? is that the way it works? so at 65 =65%? or is it
.5% per point? how on earth can it not be worth it???? denying urself 50>30% (whatever) Extra damage per fight? and chance of an extra proc and all of this at 1.5ish speed...


hmmm, 50% chance to swing, or muchos damage off of our attacks.

Shades frontoad there damage, we cannot survive a swing at each other till someone dies approach.

U hit perf.artery, hit creeping death and use the 6secs to destroy the opponant, you'll have problems if u don't do enough damage fast enough. and for that high cd are u willing to trade damage off of your weapon? or less stealth? or less damage from envenom. Dots do alot of damage, as does the fact that debuffing someone and snaring them lets u escape.

CD is a good skill, but in a shades arsenal it mellows compared to the other more needed skills.

If u like cd make a melee ranger or a blademaster for optimum effect,

or just have fun trying cd out to high lvls, and if its not working respec :D

mainly have fun with your ns!

The Fonz

Only pick an elf if you want to own everyone in sight.

A Lurikeen is so last year and an elf has style and looks evil.


Aye, 3% thrust, 2% slash isn't a lot, but it's still a lot more than the extra stat playing a luri would give.


Originally posted by old.Cher
hmmm, 50% chance to swing, or muchos damage off of our attacks.

Shades frontoad there damage, we cannot survive a swing at each other till someone dies approach.

U hit perf.artery, hit creeping death and use the 6secs to destroy the opponant, you'll have problems if u don't do enough damage fast enough. and for that high cd are u willing to trade damage off of your weapon? or less stealth? or less damage from envenom. Dots do alot of damage, as does the fact that debuffing someone and snaring them lets u escape.

CD is a good skill, but in a shades arsenal it mellows compared to the other more needed skills.

If u like cd make a melee ranger or a blademaster for optimum effect,

or just have fun trying cd out to high lvls, and if its not working respec :D

mainly have fun with your ns!

I got dualist reflexes a few days back and it's very nice. My spec is 5 + 12 (items/rr) + 12 (RA) which ends up as 27. It looks like I dual wield about 30-50% of the time depending on luck. It -is- a big damage factor. But I'm also saying you can get it to a proper level without speccing it much :p


Originally posted by Falcon
Aye, 3% thrust, 2% slash isn't a lot, but it's still a lot more than the extra stat playing a luri would give.

why did you make a luri chanter, elf is better stats ;<


Originally posted by k9awya

why did you make a luri chanter, elf is better stats ;<

Cus a lurri chanter is harder to spot and target in rvr. When you can spot and target a elf ns, youre usually soon dead


its no harder to "spot" than an elf

unless you're thick as shit (TBH!)

have no probs picking out luris to nuke ;<


luri's are harder to notice when stacking for pbaoe in rvr , therefore are less likely to be targetted / die

makes no difference with shades though really



regrowth: 41 - erm, lifesaver if you can heal actually : )
nurture: 35 - 2nd heat, cold resist and yellow con/str spell
nature: 3 leftovers

Just heals and buffs, if you want that only from drood may choose this spec.

regrowth: 40 - best resurrect and nice heals
nurture: 32 - good enough buffs
nature: 16 - 30 sec aoe root, which can help in some situations imho


regrowth: 30 - Heal neediest spell
nurture: 26 - some ok buffs
nature: 36 - instant aoe-root

this specc is more fun to play as a druid, but less supportic then the other one.

for shade:

lurikeen or elf, choose which you find more entertaining, couse it doesnt have any meanings in the end game.


35 - Stealth and 35 - Envenom most shades go for this, at rr5 you can cap them

Pierce / Blades : 39 || 44 || 39 || 44
Critical Strike: 39 || 44 || 44 || 39
Celtic Dual: 29 || 5 || 20 || 20

These are the speces that used by most shades, higher weaponskill gives you better overall dmg in melee, criticalstrike will give you higher pa cap and higher style dmg, higher cd will let you have more double hits.

hope i helped a bit


you will have a hard time leveling your shade as other classes becouse you cant give anything to a grp so ppl wont really msg you to join their grp, so lots of soloing and /who xxx lvl on the road of leveling a stealther imo + lots of ppl playing shade and chanter atm, cant really make grps with that :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by The Fonz
Only pick an elf if you want to own everyone in sight.

A Lurikeen is so last year and an elf has style and looks evil.


Fear Finn's uber-goatee o' doom!

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