Now this is not funny lol



OK so after waiting since sat to get something back from Goa about my lost subscription password, they sent me an e-mail on monday morning. It said they were looking into it and it would take about 24 hours to get back to me. So again I wait and wait.. so Tue I get this e-mail from goa... I think its kinda funny..

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 9:17 AM
Subject: Account Password

You recently requested that your support password be mailed to you.

Your password is: (non set)

If you have any questions, please contact

:eek6: if there was a smiley face for a blank look it would be here... lol what the heck is that? After waiting 4 days this is what I get back? COme on you HAVE to be kidding... now I have to write them all over again. :puke: :sleeping:


I've had some great replies from our friends GOA, I think they hire the original Muppets to be their CS reps.


LoL... what it is, is that they sit behind the computer snacking on chips and watching porno... and really cant be botherd with us. They get an e-mail... half read it then just send back a.. "ooo dont worry.. supper heros goa have it under control.. we will get back to you before christmas" and then carry on watching porno.. lol oo well... maybe i can play in a few weeks when they get it sorted. lol


I think you should jet over to france and use your "feminine charms", should distract them from the porno stuff :)...... orr......... just kill them with hammers


:mad: :mad: :mad: I think since I still cant play that all my friends should stop playing now... :D I mean why not just get off the game and come have a party and STRIKE the game lol you all can send in e-mails and flood goa about me not being able to play lol
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Its been 5 days now.. and it looks like its going to be awhile. There is something to learn from all of this..

1. ALWAYS tattoo your subscription password to your body, cause god forbid you loose it and cant play the game.

2. When you change e-mails.. ALWAYS change your information so you can get the lost information lol.

3. NEVER count on your friends to go on strike and stop playing the game... they want to lvl without you. lol

4. Dont count on goa to get back to you quick... come on people.. they have porno to watch.

5. Spam BW Forums when you cant play the game and whine whine whine... :D

See... being a blonde isnt so bad... I DO LEARN!!! :cool: lol


Maybe they changed your password to "(non set)" :)


Probably used some automatic tool which gets the pass from the db and sends the e-mail. No one probably wrote the mail by hand.

The reason you have no pass... well I don't know. Maybe a glitch in the system or something. Or a glitch in the mailer. Try logging to your acc without pass?


LoL I wish they did... but they didnt. Cause I tried. I think they just wanted me to try like a retard .. lol No now they are saying this...

RE:RE:RE:RE Lost subscription PAssword

Discussion Thread
Response (CS) - 12/18/2002 05:23 PM
Hello again April,

Thanks a lot for your personal info...:)

We can confirm you that we're going to send your confidential data by post area.

The letter will be sent tomorrow ( we mean on the 12-19-02).

You should receive it within a few days...;)

And don't forget please! As soon as you receive your data, thanks in advance to go to the "Account" category and link "Modify my personal information" to enter your right E-mail address.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

All this because when i moved i didnt change my account info to the new e-mail... arrrg problem is.. I live in America and its Christmas.. lets all bet money on how long it takes to get here.

Nice Guy Eddie!

You must be doing something rong,

Ive lost me password twice, and both the times, they gave me my password back in 1-2 hours, but sometimes, they send about 4 E-mails with your sub details on hehe.


See you are doing what GOA does... lol SKIPPING LINES!!! lol I had to change my e-mail for blah blah reasons and so they are sending my password to a closed out e-mail. The WONT send it to my new one... INCASE im some daoc hacker and want someons account so they are sending it to my MAIL ... lol
So thats the story ...:rolleyes:



In the end it was your own fault then :) GOA don't work no different than they do on US servers. If you request your password, it's sent to your email address.

Nice to see you drawing conclusions on their incompitence when it's really you that messed up...

Oh, and yes, I am a GOA fanboi :p



Actually I hate to burst your bubble, but you made a statement that's not true. I have had many problems with how goa responded and dealt with my problem and as you pointed and, and by the way I never denied, it was after all.. MY fault. But seeing how I pay for a subscription I tend to expect things from the people I pay. Not only did it take them forever to get back to me, but they didn't even read what I wrote in my e-mail. They sent out the password without taking a look to see I point blank told them my e-mail was different. Then of course it took another 24 hours to reply to me. Then later I got some bogus password that I still don't know what it was for. After 5 days I finally get that they are going to mail me out my subscription password... im sorry but this is lame. I live in the United States and not only will international mail take over a week.. sometimes I never get the international mail. Then on top of it, its Christmas. So only God knows when I will get it. That's just something I have to live with and wait, but doesn't mean that I like the way it was handled. Who else would have the credit card info, the CD key, my home number and address and everything else.. don't you think they could have worked with me? But one thing I would Like to point out is the SAME thing happened with my US account. I moved.. got a new e-mail.. and re formatted and I lost both subscription passwords.. but guess what. The us servers actually gave me a number to call to verify everything and I got my subscription password the same day. Now you tell me... how is goa holding up to the US standards? :rolleyes:


Ragnarok1978 got owned by a girlie LAA LAA LAA LAAA lol maybe if he reads the thread and understands to many people here dont do that , makes you wonder...........................


First of all, it is a good procedure to not let employees look at passwords sent in mails. Afterall, the human individual is subject to create fraud. It is not even a brilliant idea to send passwords in emails, but heck, alot do it!

Now, I think GOA did just about everything right in this case. If Mythics costumer service gave away a password on the phone based only on information that is easily obtained... I wouldn't trust that security.

And yes, it would be relatively easy to get these informations from you.... like it or not.

Just imagine the outrage the day someone posts about how GOA or Mythic freely gave an account password to some imposter. Wauw! That would be the day. It would possible even be subject to a lawsuit for careless security of a costumer database, ... now wouldn't that be neat? :)

Anyways. You know it is your responsibility to keep your account information up to date. You know it is really stupid to format your harddisk without making backup of your important data. And yes, I certainly do count your game account information as important data, right? :)

So, had GOA acted differently, I would have been kinda worried about the security of MY account.



I think I'd swallow my toungue if I asked for a new password and they set it to blank :x



Firstly, I'd thought you'd actually learned from your first mistake, with the US account, and actually saved your account information somewhere.

Secondly, why is it you expect GOA to be the same as Mythic? They have a lower budget and they have 3 languages to keep support running for, so naturally the support is going to be slower than on US.

Thirdly, in your case I actually thought they kept you well informed. You sent it saturday, ok they don't work week-ends, pretty much everybody knows that by now. You get responce monday, that is within 24 hrs, saying they will contact you tuesday (Most likely a standard mail sent once they add the problem to their DB for handling). You get a reply tuesday as promised, after the support most likely did a DB search for the password matching your email, and sent an automated reply. You write them again and get a responce within 24 hrs that they mailed you your account information. To me that seems to be pretty decent service, look they even added a few smilies...

What I don't see you mentioning tho is, when did you tell them you had gotten a new email address? Did you tell them in the first letter, or not till after you got the letter with the (non set) part in it?

It all comes down to personal experiences I guess, I have contacted GOA a few times thru rightnow and never had any trouble getting answers from them, except on week-ends :)


I've had a few dealings with Rightnow since playing daoc for some time. In the past I've been quite happy with their usual 24hr response (well not always what you want, but usually there is some response).

However I've currently got a rightnow request that has been sat unresolved since creation 02/12/02. :[

Tricky one regarding the subscription details. Perhaps GOA could have been a little more swifter in sorting this out. But on the whole, I think they've dealt with it correctly.


Its getting a little old having to explain this each post, but I will try again because its obvious that some of you still don't understand. First off

old.Maronan wrote:
"Now, I think GOA did just about everything right in this case. If
Mythics costumer service gave away a password on the phone based only on information that is easily obtained... I wouldn't trust that security.

And yes, it would be relatively easy to get these informations from you.... like it or not."

I happen to disagree with you here, who else would have my credit card information? Its not like I go around giving it out. second in the US servers you have to answer some questions like, what is my mothers madden name and so forth. I think only I would know that question. and listen.. If someone wanted my account that bad to go to all that trouble to get my info and hacking into my personal stuff lol God please help the man and let him HAVE it. come on this is a game not a password to my personal backing account.

"Anyways. You know it is your responsibility to keep your account information up to date. You know it is really stupid to format your harddisk without making backup of your important data. And yes, I certainly do count your game account information as important data, right?"

OK, I always love to respond to people who haven't a clue as to what happened why it happened and how. But here we go. I never once denied it WASN'T my responsibility, infact I said it was my fault. I even joked about it. BUT... to say it was stupid to format my drive without making a back up is well, just out right dumb of you to say. You have no idea why I had to wipe my drive do you? My computer became infected with over 4000 viruses and Vireb had to spend two days with me on the phone helping me sort it out. The Virus makes copies of it self and cannot be cleaned .. we tried every way you can think of.. After one day my computer was so bogged down that I couldn't even move the mouse. I have 15 copes of everything on my pc... so I had to totally wipe the drive. Over 5 years of personal things I had to loose.. and you know I could have given a flying rats ass to the fact I lost my game info. I don't need to tell you why things are the way they are, the important thing is the fact I pay for a serves and I think it was handled poorly.

Now onto Ragnarok1978, he wrote...


Firstly, I'd thought you'd actually learned from your first mistake, with the US account, and actually saved your account information somewhere."

I take it you don't ever read things through do you? My re formatting and loosing the subscription password for my Europe and us account happened at the same time. Has nothing to do with me not "learning my lesson" it happened once.. just to two different accounts.

Something else to think about. I MOVED. so since I didn't update my info.. Guess who they are sending my mail to? My OLD address. Now if I had said anything about that changing I don't think I would have ever got it back. but thankfully someone lives at the old address I know and therefore I can get it.

I understand that goa is not operational on the weekends, I also understand they cannot just send out passwords to people claiming to loose them. But I also exspect that the company I pay for can bring there serves and security up to date with the rest of the world. I brought in the fact I got my password the same day with the us to show you something.. Goa can do the same.

Am I saying that goa sucks in every department, no.
Am I saying they can improve, yes.

End of story.:sleeping:


ragnorak = prize twat

and serious if someone can get my cd key my acount name my game password my credit card info then feel free to take my account away from me , as for the phone service youll proberly find that to do this is very easy and very safe xxx customer service dude is at his pc, customer phones says ive lost my subs pw help , customer service guy looks on his screen and clicks give xx password, puts in the cdkey password account name (as he asks customer) then the custermer service guy is cut off as a computer voice (similar to direct enquires) relays the information to the customer. That way the customer service guy does not see your cdkey on screen and can not pull it up it is stored in a database, he does not hear your password over the phone. imo thats very safe and its very fast not expensive to set up , speech software is incredibly simple to get and its a simple database.
My problem with goa is the fact that even after supplying this information that ONLY the correct user of the account would know they fail to send the email, serious i really do challenge someone to get my account name my cdkey i used to create my account and my account password if someone succesfully does i WILL give them my account.


Do I count? :D i know it :p and i want your account.... lol


Hey, I need to come over but no point in you being there ... just leave your game stuff on the desk .. ;)

and if that doesnt work... I'll just tie ya up and get it...


Originally posted by seeaira
I take it you don't ever read things through do you? My re formatting and loosing the subscription password for my Europe and us account happened at the same time. Has nothing to do with me not "learning my lesson" it happened once.. just to two different accounts.

OK then, I will share with you what I do:

I keep a small case locked away securely. Whenever I recieve some information I need to keep (Such as my cellphone contract, or my DAoC information), I print or copy it, and stack it in the case for safekeeping.

That way I will allways be able to find the information I need, even if I lost my harddrive information.

In any other case, just write it down on a piece of paper and keep it somewhere you know you can find it :)

Originally posted by Vireb
ragnorak = prize twat

And what are you then? The witty sidekick?

At least try to spell my name right...

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