This (http://www.game.uk.com/review.asp?tab=xb&rev_id=145891) just shipped in the US. So hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on that funky controller very, very soon.
I think there's talk of a sequel, which would obviously use it. But other than that, nothing does.Originally posted by Kippa.
for £150 I'd bloody well hope it can be used on other games
There is going to be a sequel and it's going to be Xbox Live! compatible. Basically, Microsoft asked the developers of the game, whose name escapes me, what their dream game would be. They told them of this mech game with a really cool joystick and Microsoft went and built itOriginally posted by Kippa.
for £150 I'd bloody well hope it can be used on other games
Originally posted by old.UKTwister
but for those crazy japs its a dream
Originally posted by whipped
...who could not want one after seeing this.....
Originally posted by old.UKTwister
So your tellin me that the Halo control method is too hard? hmm it's not far off a mouse
Originally posted by Embattle
Like fuck is it not far off a mouse and keyboard.
Originally posted by old.UKTwister
This couldnt be said about timesplitters 2 though. Most retarded controls ever. But it's still good fun!
Originally posted by Embattle
I find that conclusion, you retarded fish, because I've played it and played many PC FPS games.
Another disadvantage of the Xbox has to be its retarded users, as proven time and time again in this forum.