Not quake related, but footie related



Can somebody recommend me a good football management game. Which is realistic, and is a good challenge to play.
Also, maybe a good feature is that you can also play in the matches.
Been out of the footie gaming arena for a while, but the other day i felt a urge to play one.

Being a player manager (anco, amiga) user, i am in need of a good quality footy proggie

Any help??




Championship Manager 3 is meant to be good :)

BTW wish us luck against Derby tomorrow ;)


I remember when i was a kid and on my BBC I had a game called football manager and you would pick the teams with whatever money you had,make transfers, rest players etc. Then you'd see highlights of the game and the players were like made up of 8 pixels, the ball was sqaure and they the dudes stood still and kicked the ball top each other without leaving the spot. Fantastic!! Does anyone remember other BBC classics like Manic Minor and Repton???? Chuckie Egg rules. Go get the emulators/ROMs off the net.

old.[GA] Shovel

Rightio - Footy Management Game rundown :))

Champ Man 3 (99/00) - Increadibly stat heavy, very hard to succeed, BUT very rewarding when you manage it. Its the only game my Dad ever plays, and, if you can live without match graphics then it is the best for stats, accuracy and realism. If you can be prepared to sit infront of numbers all day....

Ultimate Soccer Manager
Not to keen on this myself.
Not really enough stats to provide depth (were talking about as many as CM1 here!). Pretty menus, but not very usable - too many clicks to be honest.
Match engine provides VERY limited view of your players, and graphics are appauling.

EA FA Premier League Manager
Not one I've ever played myself, uses an older FIFA engine for match display, and aparently does a *reasonable* job of simulating player performace.
Reasonable depth to it says the reviews, but thats all I know.

Player Manager 2000
You mentioned the original ones? Again, not played it, but aparently worthy of the name, so maybe worth a look :)
Match engine is dated, but 3D so looks acceptable.
Not sure about the interface,

My tip, if you arent fussed about match graphics, then go with CM 99/00 - its the most detailed you'll ever find, and has a huge online support ( which provides updates, editiors and the like.
If you want a match engine then I would say go with the EA offering, I've not played it, but reviews are good, word of mouth is good too, and it has more depth than USM - which is pants.
PM 2k - look into it, I think there is a demo out somewhere, as there should be for most of them.

Cm3 Demo @
MAYBE an EA demo @
USM - dunno, but not worth the effort.
Player Manager - made by Anco yeah? not sure of website, but maybe

Hope that helps you matey.



Thanks for the advice everyone,
well i brought championship manager 99/00 in the end, it does give me the options to do a management position which is really i guess i need. But bloody ell how many bits is there to tweak. Still the challenge is there but i looks like the gills will be relegated if i have my way. Im sure next season will be better lol.

So yes, player manager for the amiga was rather good, had the kick off playability. Which in my opion was a good fast footie game and pleanty of skill needed. Come back anco um was it dino the programmer?
yep, is a texan insurance company hehe anyone for a car quote?

Lets see now my next job will ruin man U :) or is that tooo easy :)

old.[GA] Shovel

well, as I said, there IS a new version of PM - but you'll need to find the webby :))))

Might have it somewhere, will repost if I find it for yah.

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