not accepting password



Its done it again - game patches then wont accept password - anyone know how to fix it?



I have activated Shrouded Isles but I can't log into the game, the patcher downloaded an update and now it says "invalid login or password"
This is a really annoying problem that crops up when the patcher is unable to contact the European patch servers within a certain delay. The patcher has a built-in self-repair function that kicks in after it fails to connect to the patch servers: it connects to a fixed address and downloads the latest UPDATE.DAT file. The catch is that the patcher is currently hard-coded to Mythic's version of UPDATE.DAT - not GOA's, and it cheerfully connects to the american patch servers and updates to the latest verion (1.60). Then when you try to connect, you are connecting to Mythic's login servers. Not surprisingly, your GOA login and password won't get you very far. To fix this problem you must patch your SI back to 1.57. Check the contents of the UPDATE.DAT file in your Shrouded Isles directory. If you see something like "" then you have been patched to the american version. Change UPDATE.DAT so it reads as follows:

Mythic Patch

Then run CAMELOT.EXE again and it should re-patch to the European 1.57 version. If it doesn't, you may need to reinstall Shrouded Isles from scratch.


I love the fact that that's the official response from GOA.. basically "we have a really annoying fault that occurs regularly on some peoples systems due to our patch servers being unavailable and we'll do.. nothing to fix it, do it yourself"

professional :clap:


Cadire, you know that nice moderator chap, made a sticky with my last post asking someone to make a sticky to link to the post on the technical forum which contains all the information on what to do when you downloaded the wrong patch and got patched through to the US instead.

My sticky has now vanished so maybes someone can stick a new sticky at the top of every single blooming section on the DAoC section of Barrysworld as people quite clearly can't use the search button function ;)

And yes, I am whining cos this is on nearly every single section of this website relating to DAoC because people don't take the time to try and do a search for the solution first before posting about their problem or instead they just decide they'll have a whine at [insert random GOA/Mythic/anyone else].

Now to the helpful bit of my post. Once you've copy and pasted the correct web addresses into the update.dat file go to its properties and make it read only. This will stop it patching to the US servers when it can't access the EU ones. Also make a copy of the update.dat file and leave that in a folder elsewhere on your desktop in the unlikely event you might need to get the correct info again.

PS: Obviously the bit in Alrindel's technical post should now refer to it patching to 1.61 on the US and that when you relaunch your European camelot.exe it will repatch to 1.60 as that's now what the EU servers are on.


and dont forget to remove the read only when goa is actually patching as it wont patch if read only is on (atleast if im correct :)).

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