not a moan!



ok this not a moan, whine etc... just a simple question - why do people keep leaving sotl to goto LoE then back again! ?


prolly because they are a tad unhappy about something/someone in sotl, they go to try LoE instead and then find out they miss their ole pals in sotl and reapply? :)

Just guessing but it seems to be true in most cases.

Teh Fonz!!1

Someone got owned.....oh wait, no they didn't :(

old.Gombur Glodson

Afaik I am the only one who left sotl to join loe and then rejoin sotl?


1 person left sotl to go to loe and returned as far as I am aware, hardly makes it a regular occurence. several left and joined em and are still there.

maybe you should post who you are instead of being a cowardly shit, and get your facts straight.


because they are the 2 biggest guilds in albion.

some people want to belong to the biggest and most glory hunting guilds ..sad but true :)

they bounce back and fore from sotl to loe and back again and again and again and they really are sad and laughable too :)

Get a good guild (and when you have found the right guild for you), stay there and make friends and build your guild to be strong is my opinion. Remember that the majority of guilds belong to an alliance which comprises many guilds who work together.

SOTL and LoE could be very useful to Albion but they are so full of themselves and so determined to be the so-called best..they let the rest of us Albions in smaller guilds down ..time and time again :(

The sotl/loe bouncers are sad people and need pity IMO :)

The rest of us in good guilds and alliances look on and laugh :)

old.Gombur Glodson

Yes, you could also make usefull posts but it seems like you can't be bothered.



If sotl and loe created HAPPY guilds people wouldn't want to bounce back and fore :)

I'm in a great guild and very happy though we are small. We have many in our alliance and all our allied guilds work well together.

We aren't glory hunters as we all see that our combined strength is the answer and that gets us further.

old.Gombur Glodson

You dont know much do you?
I am the only one to leave sotl to join loe and then "bounce" back again.
That makes one person.
And good for you you like your guild, alliance and the things you do.

"We aren't glory hunters as we all see that our combined strength is the answer and that gets us further."

Wow, you don't think thats the way sotl and loe feels?

I like my guild to, I like my alliance to and the things we do.

Only difference is that I dont moan about what YOUR guild does.

"because they are the 2 biggest guilds in albion."

Again you show that you do not have your facts straight, sotl isnt the biggest guild in albion.
Apart from loe there are 8 guilds in Albion that is bigger than sotl.


Sotl and LoE are good guilds...

Doesnt mean I agree with em all the time, that doesnt make em bad guilds.

Give the guys a break..

I love it when they get BWorld defensive, makes me smile.


Yes desd I gree with you there but they don't involve others and that is the big let down for us all:( and for themselves too.

Gombur we aren't all like you and waiting to go back to school next week..I don't have time to read 3 pages of replies ok m8 :)


Why do people feel the need to always slate other guilds especially Sotl and Loe. Ok they play how they want to at times and why not?

We all play different both help the realm a great deal and we would be screwed without them!

Seems some people like to make bad feeling in alb :(

Just remember something that while they may zerg emain they keep both mids and hibs occupied.

Im not saying i agree with everything but they are the evil u all make them out to be, just give it a break.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by minnie
Yes desd I gree with you there but they don't involve others and that is the big let down for us all:( and for themselves too.

Gombur we aren't all like you and waiting to go back to school next week..I don't have time to read 3 pages of replies ok m8 :)

So you refuse to see other peoples opinion, cause they write a well written reply, and still you expect people to read and listen to your moans?
Thumbs up Minnie, great job.

[Edit] Typo

And may I ask what is you want us to involve other guilds in?


like i said Gombur....... shut up

go back to school early there's a good boy

you obviouly need the education :)

old.Gombur Glodson

I am in school, and you forgot to answer my questions.
Do you really expect people to take you serious like this?
Well you're obviously just a forum troll, that would explain all your moaning, I shall stop taking you serious now.


sotl is an excellent guild

we work very well as a team and in the process, we have a LOT of fun.

If you have a problem with that, tough.


Originally posted by fatgit
cowardly shit, and get your facts straight.

explain why asking a simple question makes me a "cowardly shit".

and everyone please shut the fuck up flaming each other, i didnt flame anyone im just asking a simple question why it happens, if u didnt want to answer than fair enough but if you did there is no need to be so aggresive by calling me names just because i asked a simple question. look at it again, its not a flame, a moan a whine or anyhting like that, just a simple question.

old.Gombur Glodson

I did answer, im the only one who ever did it.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
I did answer, im the only one who ever did it.

yes thats fair enough but why does asking that question make me a "cowardly shit"


Originally posted by minnie
Yes desd I gree with you there but they don't involve others and that is the big let down for us all:( and for themselves too.

what exactly do you want us to involve you in?

a long while ago when i was not a sotl member, when i saw 1fg of sotl leveling in lyonesse, or 3 of them at the tanglers, i semi-shared your opinon of sotl. then i hit level 48 and realised that if you want to get to 50 quickly you have to cut others off and do it for yourself.

i also realised from many many loot shambles i've been involved with that the fewer the guilds the easier the loot distribution is.

the fewer the guilds involved the more organised the event is.

again, what exactly do you want us to involve you in?

relic raids - all alliances are involved in. that will include you if you are in one of the main albion alliances
legion raids - we do within our own alliance
PvE raids - we do within our own guild
RvR groups - we do within our own guild. we always try to form guild groups over mixed groups as frankly they are 100 times more efficient and dont get people killed

so, what do you want us to involve you in, and why?


carry on posting minnie your bullshit makes me laugh


cowardly shit because you dont have the balls to say who you are ingame


generic poster falls into the catorgory nicely too.


Originally posted by minnie

If sotl and loe created HAPPY guilds people wouldn't want to bounce back and fore :)

More crap you really don't stop with you ignorent bullshit do you... who the fuck are you anyway?


another LoE & Sotl flame thread :m00:

must feed the trolls and keep upsetting the people in these 2 guilds with constant barrage of insults aimed towards them :(

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