Nostromo N50 Speedpad



Just acquired on of these from Amazon and have been trying to establish just where this device stands with regard to the CoC etc.

As far I can see, the device is 'legal' as the player is at the PC and controlling the character. On the other hand, macros have been declared against the CoC.

Anyone know the definitive answer regarding programmable controllers?


the Nostromo is programable, so it pretty much works like a macro.


On the CoC :-
The user must be positioned at his or her screen whenever his or her character performs an action that normally requires human intervention (activating a macro, issuing a command, pressing a button, etc.).

So programming any form of sofware or hardware to repeat tasks or perform actions will be frowned upon (unless you are watching the screen at the same time - hehe)


There's nothing wrong with it, if there was they're remove the /macro command from the game. I think them saying that macro's are banned is really to prevent people from unattended macroing (crafting).


Originally posted by -Nxs-
On the CoC :-
The user must be positioned at his or her screen whenever his or her character performs an action that normally requires human intervention (activating a macro, issuing a command, pressing a button, etc.).

So programming any form of sofware or hardware to repeat tasks or perform actions will be frowned upon (unless you are watching the screen at the same time - hehe)

there is a part (in the eula i think), where macro's are kinda contained. I think it was by saying something about running a program that interacts with daoc. But mythic said nostromo is ok, so I guess goa feels the same way.


Originally posted by driwen
there is a part (in the eula i think), where macro's are kinda contained. I think it was by saying something about running a program that interacts with daoc. But mythic said nostromo is ok, so I guess goa feels the same way.

So using a Nostromo to repeatidly push the '2' button and let you craft while going out is ok ? GOA keep posting on the news that any 3rd party tool that interacts with DAOC is not allowed

Its obvious some people use some form of macroing for crafting, how many times do you see numbers appear in the chat window mid sentance :) and how many times have you tried to talk to a crafter and had no response (but they dont seam to autolog)

Allowing the likes of a paladin to twist all chants on a 6 second timer is possible with a tool like this, and that almost certainly gives an unfair advantage.

So... if your unsure, log a call with Rightnow. at the end of the day it can be hard to find people that use use a macro facility if they give some thought to it, but you take your chance, its your account risk what you will :)


Originally posted by -Nxs-
So using a Nostromo to repeatidly push the '2' button and let you craft while going out is ok ? GOA keep posting on the news that any 3rd party tool that interacts with DAOC is not allowed

Allowing the likes of a paladin to twist all chants on a 6 second timer is possible with a tool like this, and that almost certainly gives an unfair advantage.

I have no idea why mythic allowed, but they said it was ok. And yes it gives you an unfair advantage, but so does having a faster pc?

Its obvious some people use some form of macroing for crafting, how many times do you see numbers appear in the chat window mid sentance :) and how many times have you tried to talk to a crafter and had no response (but they dont seam to autolog)

half the crafters are there pushing buttons and doing something else. So they dont respond to /sends. Also some even do see them, but ignore them. So a crafter that looks afk might not be macro'ing just doing something useful with 99% of the time(within the game rules), while crafting.

in the end asking right now is probably the wisest, but for some reason, which I dont really get mythic found the nostromo ok. But maybe if you go afk crafting with it, they see it as macro'ing and still ban you for it. Anyway asking right now wont hurt and should get you assurance what is and what isnt allowed


Going afk whilst performing an action is different to sitting at the PC and using 1 button to perform a series of functions.

I have read of a hunter programming the Nostromo so that at any time with 1 key press he could change to first qbar, switch to bow, activate critshot, pause for the delay, fire, reload etc.

That to me is borderline.

I bought the Speedpad and mapped the 10 buttons to the 10 qbar keys, so using /qbar i had easy access to all qbars and could use the dpad for movement.

Now, having used it for a few days in that config it is easy to see how powerful the device could be made with a bit of thought and programming to chain events.

Guess I'll need to check with RightNow.


So it is actually some kind of game pad that you can use in combo with keyboard (chatting) and mouse (targetting) ?

Really hate it to use 50 000 different keys on your keyboard :/

That would really own in 3D Shooters =)

<runs to gamestore to buy one >

IMO i dont think GOA will ban you for it, as long as you dont use it for AFK macroing purposes (although we know their are other ways arround for that problem).

As long as you dont repeat things on the same timer and playing your char, you aint macroing imo


Originally posted by -ag-bometal
So it is actually some kind of game pad that you can use in combo with keyboard (chatting) and mouse (targetting) ?

Really hate it to use 50 000 different keys on your keyboard :/

That would really own in 3D Shooters =)

It was designed for use with first person shooters but fits DAoC very well.

Makes the keyboard redundant for anything but chatting.


Originally posted by dakeyras
It was designed for use with first person shooters but fits DAoC very well.

Makes the keyboard redundant for anything but chatting.

So you can still use all those 3 devices for input ?

Sweet imo :D

Givf givf :)


programming it to do multiple commands is probably against the CoC.

Simply mapping it to normal keys wouldn't be.


Originally posted by -ag-bometal
So you can still use all those 3 devices for input ?

Sweet imo :D

Givf givf :)

You have to buy it actualy.. no gifv here mr.


Looks nice actually. 25 quid. Twisting isn't gonna happen for a mid and I don't see how I could use it for crafting so it's not cheating :)


What's wrong with doing paladin 4 chants with 1 button?

I don't see what difference it's gonna make, only nice if you're -really- lazy :p


I was really really tempted to buy a Nostromo when I was in San Diego this summer, only held back because I now play a caster class which would not get as much benefit from it as my minstrel (twisting etc). However, I will have to speak to Cadwallon about his experiences with it, if it works out fine I might have to buy my own. :)


Originally posted by -Nxs-
So using a Nostromo to repeatidly push the '2' button and let you craft while going out is ok ?

No because the CoC does say that you have to be positioned at your screen :)


It can't know when you've finished an item can it. It's not against the CoC at all.


Originally posted by Wij
It can't know when you've finished an item can it. It's not against the CoC at all.
Read the EULA and CoC, they basially ban the use of ANY third party tools, this means both hard and software. The macros built into the game are part of the game, and so dont come into this thread at all.

And yes, if the keys can be set on a timer, say once a minute, then it doesnt matter if it knows or not, it will just make the next item regardless. Hence cheating.

Madonion Slicer

Damn i have had one of this N50 in my junk boxes for about 2years i must dig it out and give it a try.

If you see me ding a LGMSC amd ALC in a weeks time you know it works well ;) ------ oh and that is a joke.


I'm going to go out and get one of those drinking bird thingys to hit the 1 key every so often.


I have the nostromo pad too, it seemed a cool idea to try and play another game on it as you can switch bewteen modes (indicated by lights on the pad). But it's so irriritating setting it up for games, you find yourself fiddling with it to get it all perfect, instead of playing the game.

In the end, the only thing I found it useful for was to auto type in my daoc password. As you can imagine it's unplugged now, can't be bothered with it. :)


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Read the EULA and CoC, they basially ban the use of ANY third party tools, this means both hard and software. The macros built into the game are part of the game, and so dont come into this thread at all.

And yes, if the keys can be set on a timer, say once a minute, then it doesnt matter if it knows or not, it will just make the next item regardless. Hence cheating.

I doubt Mythic are too fussed about it since they even offer help fixing problems game related with it :)

Camelot herald link

Camelot Herald link 2

Banned? I doubt it and I doubt even more that they could detect the use of it anyway.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Read the EULA and CoC, they basially ban the use of ANY third party tools, this means both hard and software. The macros built into the game are part of the game, and so dont come into this thread at all.

And yes, if the keys can be set on a timer, say once a minute, then it doesnt matter if it knows or not, it will just make the next item regardless. Hence cheating.

pfft - so it could make about 20 gems at which point you need to restock anyway. hardly a huge cheat omfg ban ban nerf ban :rolleyes:


its not on the scale that macroing was in ultima online, people macroing for days at a time lol :)

not that I ever did of course *polishes halo*


Can someone enlighten me ?
It seems a nice thing, but how do you move, jump, strafe etc ?
Ten buttons = 1-10 hotkeys, mouse for targeting, how do you do the rest with it ? Or did I miss something ^^


I can't see why the Nostromo pad wouldn't be allowed.
Seems more like it should be a case of _how_ you use it, not if.
I've mapped normal keys to it, like the quickbar, F6, F8, the movement keys, etc.


well goin afk and leavin a program runin is defo ban, if they can detect it ..
it wouldnt be to hard to do that .. all they had to do if check timing of the keystrocks, a user actually pressing the button would have a very varied delay but on a macro is will be excatly the same every time down to the micro second im dont knwo if they use this method but im pretty sure it woudl be the only way to tell .....

... if sum1 has 1 can they check if they can setup a single button to f6 shift+2 E+1 shift+1 f6 im thinkin along the lines of using pots in combat .. would that b agisnst CoC ?

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