
heres how the list should read on the new features

-made pistols fire really bad> Now they fire a round, then your screen jolts upward depending on your lag. New totally innaccurate feature added.

-Made AK47 the most accurate gun in the game, we thought it was obvious that the AK would be more accurate than a sniper rifle, so we did it.

-Made new sniper rifle skin, and made the sniper rifle jolt upward like it wouldnt really do in real life, also this new feature is Latency related, so if you are on modem, 200 ms later your gun flys upwards.

Made most guns even more pants.


Was it me or did the new features list just say it made the cheats and bugs go away ?. After all the complaints about accuracy they got from going to 6, then going on to 6.5, what possesssed them to make it even MORE inaccurate ?.

just like to point out that in RL your gun wouldnt fly upwards EVER if it were been held right, I.E by a trained marksman.

thye have ruined it even more.



Seemed fine to me. Actually I played alot better than I usually do so I give it the thumbs up.

Didnt notice any of the "kick-back" you mentioned.

oh...and I dont shoot backwards anymore...which is good!

and before you ask...heres a demo of me firing on 6.5 :-

Hopefully all cheats are now gone...and with it the twats who used them!


Ekk im downloading it now, hope your wrong there frankie, iv'e just got used to 6.5, finaly back to my old top scores, maybe that has got to do with the fact iv'e learned to stand still when i fire:0. After years of learning to strafe well, and avoid, it's totaly useless in 6.5 cause you miss if you do it :)


it will end up like the boards.
the AK is a horrendously inaccurate weapon irl i think.. so thats realism..

sheesh, you want a realistic mod but when it gets too realistic you start losing you fucking start moaning! aaaaaaarrggghh!! makes me wanna kill ppl.

and fyi, i like 6.6, i think its great.



err, arguing, where ?

just saying, that this new screen recoil u get on the pistols and the sniper is awfull on a modem caus it like recoils 1/2 a sec after you fire the gun, meaning you cant fire another round until its calmed down, unless u want the round flying backwards.




by arguing i meant the 'CS beta x.x is SHIT'
'no it isnt'
'yes it is'
'no it isn't'

etc etc
thats the reason why i dont read the CS boards

i havent noticed any nasty recoil either...



I like it :)

Beta6.6 has done something. I can now aim and it hits. I feel like I am part of the game, unlike beta6.5 where for some reason It felt strange and I suffered badly with accuracy. Beta6.6 feels 'fresh' and better.

As for the anti cheat stuff we shall wait and see...

Posted by S.A.S


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SAS:
I like it :)

Beta6.6 has done something. I can now aim and it hits. I feel like I am part of the game, unlike beta6.5 where for some reason It felt strange and I suffered badly with accuracy. Beta6.6 feels 'fresh' and better.

As for the anti cheat stuff we shall wait and see...


I agree that it feels better but to be honest they've changed very little :D


What changes, did they make, i didn't notice any, ohh apart from the fact i don't have my little dot in the middle of my CH anymore, ill give the hackers about 2 days, before i start to moan about not having it :)


Ah well,
New patch, new set of moans.

People really dont seem to be able to handle even the slightest bit of change.

I think 6.6 is heaps better, the new sniper cross hair looks better and the game 'feels' as if it has been better tweaked towards the new netcode(which people are finally starting to stop moaning about and realise that it is actually far better than it was before).

Also I'm a modem user who gets quite a lousy ping on most servers and didn't notice any of this 'screen jolting up'.


I would like to agree to dis-agree...
6.6 has improved the game. It Has made Less Lag More "real-life" action when firen a gun. I mean a sniper almost allways has a gun on a steady area like the ground but not in this game they are carryin the DAMN GUN ! Thus more recoil. That makes it "fly up".
But I still think if they wanted to they could make the game a hella lot better instead of takeing things from Half-Life. They Could Make It the BEST DAMN GAME EVER!!!
But they don't.... DAMN VALVE !!!!!!


Me laughs, so called real life, when firing a weapon, trust me when you hold the trigger for a 30 round auto burst, ones shots do NOT spread out into a a grouping of about 10 meters, more like 30 centimeters, the whole thing of wep accuracy is complete toss in CS, i know this as iv'e fired both light support weapons and the standard riffle 5.56. I know it's only a game, so plz don't compare the game to 'Real-Life', it's so anoying.


Thats my point exactly. I mean, from simple maths you can work out that the force from the bullets leaving the gun exerted onto the person holding the gun would not make the persons aim degrade so that from 100 m, the bullets spray 5 m to the left or right, also rember that these people are supposed to be trained assains/marksmen and also that most of the guns, the MP5, the AUG all have sholder rests, meaning that the force of the gun isnt on the hands where it would lead to "GUN JUMPING" but the force of the bulet is 90 degrees to the anchor point of the gun, meaning the pivot would be at the persons feet, not the hands. So in simple terms, CS is WRONG

but hell, its a game and its good.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kurt_Angle:
Me laughs, so called real life, when firing a weapon, trust me when you hold the trigger for a 30 round auto burst, ones shots do NOT spread out into a a grouping of about 10 meters, more like 30 centimeters, the whole thing of wep accuracy is complete toss in CS, i know this as iv'e fired both light support weapons and the standard riffle 5.56. I know it's only a game, so plz don't compare the game to 'Real-Life', it's so anoying.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I never do compare it to real life, last time I knew there was no such thing as FF :D


What im mainly refering to is the aiming and firing of guns, and the stupid system the CS coders seem to have of changing the phisics of the game in every beta relese, in the so called search of realistic firing and recoil actions, maybe they should consult somebody, with the know how. After spending time in the forces, i can tell you this, firing and moving is posible, and the results of holding down the trigger for 30 rounds, wouldn't come anywhere near to what the cs team predicts it to be. Trained Counter Tera's, Jesus more like 3rd rate, 3rd world army. PS embattle, you can quote that bit:p


Actually, a few of the guns appear to kick back badly when in fact the bullets are still hitting the mark. Try shooting against a wall, zoomed in, with a Commando (or Aug). The gun appears to jolt back a few bullets before the accuracy starts to go bad.

Frankie, as for gun kick-back being latency-dependent, check your cl_lw command. explains this quite well. (The whole of the article is well worth the read.) I think you probably want cl_lc 1 and cl_lw 1 in your config. I'm not 100% certain; I'm still on my university connect atm, so it's pretty lagless anyway. :)

As for general impressions of beta6.6, I generally like it. Quite handy to have the players' names in blue or red depending on the team they're in. You can tell quicker if your team is being wiped out or whether you're winning. I've found myself using the submachineguns less, though. The USP and Sig pistols are nice and deadly at close range, so I tend to stick with either of them until I can afford an assault rifle. I'm a big fan of the Commando again, like I used to be in beta5. It's the only gun I've ever taken out 3 enemies in one clip with (OK, except the AWP :). Its power just seems ridiculously good (as with most of the assault rifles) compared to e.g. the mp5. At least the two sides are better balanced now, with the Commando and Aug, and AK and Carbine being fairly similar. Some people seem to have actually got the hang of being the VIP in as_ maps now, too, which is great to see. Teamwork (for CTs) in those maps is vital, and it's really fun to play with a cooperative team.


I mean there is no such thing as FF off in real life :)

If I remember rightly the CS hasn't done any thing to the guns recently.


Well, seeming to get used to it now, just like every other beta, end up likeing it in the end. But its a shame about the pistols being messed up that bad. Least the M4A1 rocks now, doesnt take 5 clips at point blank to kill, well accurate, like killed 5 ppl with one clip from 500 m away.

Well, just waiting for them to muck about with the physics again in the next release.



I didn't notice much of a difference between 6.6 and 6.5.
6.5 was totally new and took some getting used to, but its the same for all new things I guess. I've noticed that there is a Q3 mod called Urban Terror (or similar) coming out soon. It seems to be roughly based on CS, might be good, anyone played a beta? I don't really like Q3 but the engine is better than HL.


[This message has been edited by ~YuckFou~ (edited 27 June 2000).]


now onto the new splash screen wtf is going on with that?? good job they are customisable stupid arses the brown just dont go at all!!


Bah, more moaning. J/k. ;) The new colour of the menu text does kinda suck. :)

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