Noobs? Or just acting like one?



I'm sure everyone has seen it, when u start an alt and go lvl it abit and you join a group - frustration everywhere.

Lowlvl groups just seem to forget the basics on how to play.
That u don't know how your char works yet i can understand but ffs they seem to forget EVERYTHING!! :help:

Here some examples:
- rezzing duties: not rezzing other healers/mincers before the others :doh:
- healing duties: when a caster isn't 1 hit killed u have some time to heal him - but instead they keep healing the tanks
- icons: pulsing spells and still some ppl have to ask to put one on
- tanks: not taking all aggro in pbaoe-groups - or when u don't have a pbaoe-group they hit everything instead of one mob
- mobs: not knowing what they do or can do
- macro's: assist??? what??? - but the 'i'm under attack get it off me' are really a laugh :rolleyes: - if u really want to press such a macro just press it one time plz... not... like a zillion :eek7:
- drops: why does nobody check his inventory at lowlvl and devide it fair amongst the groupmembers like u do at highlvlgroups?

And don't tell me all the lowlvls these days are totally new players cuz i'm not buying that :scared:

Keep up the good work :great: *cough* :uhoh:


Answer: because these people ARE new... at their class. Even if you know about the tricks of the trade from reading about them, it takes a while to make them second nature. It takes a while for a tank to form a habit of always putting protect/guard/intercept on the right people as soon as he joins a group. Healers have to learn from experience just when to start healing people, and which heals to use (too slow and too small, and people die... too big and too fast and the aggro's on you). It takes a while acting as group healer to really bring home how long a tank can last without heals, and how quickly a robe caster goes down :) It took me a while to adjust from playing a pure light tank to playing a friar - I had to develop all the healer's instincts, and this was after a year of playing DAoC. People who think they can play any class out of the box - and play it well - because they've levelled one class to 50 are talking crap.

The main thing that worries me is the number of people in Avalon City groups who still don't seem to understand the basics of their class. Frankly, by the time you're level 40+ you should have practiced your class abilities until they're second nature and be ready to 'graduate'... not asking questions like 'what's protect?' and 'how do I twist chants?'

As for drops, I've always gone on a 'need before greed' policy at any level. If somebody in the group can use an item, it goes to them, and I expect the same consideration in return.


The reason so many people in Avalon City suck is because they've been paying someone to PL their char to 40, or PL'd it themselves and then start playing it.

About the lowlevel groups, that is true. And it is surprising as well. When I started my first char, an Armsman, it didn't take me long to understand my role. When I started my second and most loved char, a Rejuv/Enhance Cleric, it took me even less time. Not because I didn't have to learn anything, but because while levelling the first char you automatically look at the other chars roles as well, and already pick up some stuff, and you know what was bad, and what good.

The real new players need a learning curve, like we all did, but it seems a lot of them are too lazy to learn


Heh, best I've heard for a while about lowbie groups on /gu... "Our pally refuses to use chants because he thinks they're ineffective". Catacombs level group.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

As for drops, I've always gone on a 'need before greed' policy at any level. If somebody in the group can use an item, it goes to them, and I expect the same consideration in return.
Trouble is that there is only you, me and about 10 or 12 others in the entire realm who use that policy. Everyone else...ah well.

I have to admit though, the quality of groups has gone up over the past few months. I had quit the game at one point partially because all the groups I had been in were comprised of useless teenager/children who were either bickering amongst themselves about drops/heals/aggro or hurling insults at other groups for 'stealing their pulls' etc etc.

Since I have been back I have been mainly keeping to myself but when I reached 34ish with my paladin I started joining groups again just to see what it was like. To my shock and horror I found myself having fun and getting oodles of XP! :D

There are still the few odd groups full of dipshits that seem intent on ruining the game for others but I think the trick is to just wait till they pull a hundred or so purple mobs and then disband. Watching them all die makes it all worth it for those 10-20 minutes of sheer frustration that they put you through with their winging and complaining. :)

/edit btw. Am I the only paladin that twists his chants? :/


Random quotes I heard in n00b groups:

To the minstrel: Stop that fulte playing thing and go melee the mobs!


To the tank (after he repeadtedly slams for the cleric): Try using your pole and kill the mob instead of those ridiculous shieldmoves - they take far too much end.

To the scout: Stop meleeing and start shooting arrows
(ok a cheapshot at Mythic there ;) )

To the theurgist (saving the group by an emergenzy pbt pulse [again]): Dont pulse your BT, it takes too much power.

And it just goes on and on....


You try to remember yourself how hard it was at the start.

And then think about how stupid this topic is.


The levelling grind has got MUCH easier though. People who are starting the game are reaching the higher levels with their characters in less then half the time it took the older players. This means they probably skip a vital learning curve in which they are "allowed" to ask about their character and even learn about their character to the fullest.


Originally posted by Waok
You try to remember yourself how hard it was at the start.

And then think about how stupid this topic is.

I think u missed the point. If ppl were completely new i can understand... but if it's just an alt they really should know the basics of playing in a group

That's what this is all about.


pally in my group today : "heck i have so many chants i don't know what all of them do"
edit - before anyone asks, no, he hadn't just started playing :p


i had a lowbie grp moment where we pulled and multiple mobs came and a tank aggroed each, which imo was fine since lowbie cc is usually pretty dire. The problem came when the cleric didn't heal once, everyone started asking wtf? when half the group died. His excuse was two people were getting hit at once. I just got this mental image of a guy sat at home having a heart attack over which guy to heal first and in the mean time everyone dieing.


paladins that don't twist really get my goat.


the worst paladins are the ones who seem to ignore you, they don't put any chants on...then finally after almost the whole group screaming at them for damn end chant...we kill the mobs, people like that shouldn't be allowed to roll paladins :(



My favourite is "FFS noob stfu, i can't twist cos i've got no power"

They just don't make pala's like they used to, in the old days twisting was a must and none of the "i'm running end chant, not twisting" malarky existed.

Another nice one is "No i won't twist, i'll get aggro if i do"

Cos it's much better for our casters/healers to have aggro, that way i won't take any damage :p


Originally posted by Aadia
I think u missed the point. If ppl were completely new i can understand... but if it's just an alt they really should know the basics of playing in a group

That's what this is all about.

Sorry I apologise.


listen to all those lvl 50 paladin as if u where better when u where low lvl actualy some still play as bad as they did in Mithra

Repent Reloaded

my m8 got this from a healer in mid(edit) in his group currently in battle
"I refuse to heal becoz it takes up my mana"

some ppl r just born to be hurt


another good one was when i was grp'ed with a paladin and he didnt know he had chants... this was on SP around lvl 15...... :help:


Originally posted by pez
i had a lowbie grp moment where we pulled and multiple mobs came and a tank aggroed each, which imo was fine since lowbie cc is usually pretty dire. The problem came when the cleric didn't heal once, everyone started asking wtf? when half the group died. His excuse was two people were getting hit at once. I just got this mental image of a guy sat at home having a heart attack over which guy to heal first and in the mean time everyone dieing.



Originally posted by Coim-
pally in my group today : "heck i have so many chants i don't know what all of them do"
edit - before anyone asks, no, he hadn't just started playing :p

next time a pally tells you that, tell him to ignore the ones that isn´t shield/dmg/end/heal ;)

technically pallies has 12 chants


Had another good one in keltoi, i was a pbaoe wizard and we were short on tanks, minstrel would aggro 1, inf would aggro 1 and armsman would leave the third one and only attack one the inf had definately aggroed. When we asked him to aggro third he said he couldn't do it because he had no protection :/

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by Addlcove
next time a pally tells you that, tell him to ignore the ones that isn´t shield/dmg/end/heal ;)

technically pallies has 12 chants

Not at level 15 ;)


...Because people who are new to their characters aren't allowed to ask about what certain things do at low levels... :m00:

We're talking about people who are total crap at their players at level 50, possibly 40+. If you think that level 15 allows you to laugh at someone who is asking about their character it shows just how small minded and what a true idiot you are. Get some common sense please.


tbh i NEVER join a grp in AC.
i only make then and grp players who i know can do the job, in general they are alot better than ur avg grp.
1 would say ive got a reputation for maknig good grps in ac :p

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