non-crt gaming monitor ?



Fellers ! I am in the market for a new monitor...I got pissed off at a recent LAN carrying around my ugly 20 lb monitor I bought from tiny 8 years ago...I want a nice, light, monitor, possibly 15 or 27 inch for gaming...less than 350 quids

are these monitors any use for gaming at all ? people used to moan about the light they give out and refresh rates...

has anyone got any recommendations...

thanks in advance

smurkin gherkin



Hi smurkin

Just a flying visit :( At that price range, you may be looking more at a good CRT monitor than LCD or TFT equivalent, but I'm not too sure. Most LCD/TFT screens, at present, are unsuitable for 'hardcore' first person shooter fans and other such action games because of the relatively slow response time. This, unless you're willing to pay a lot of money for something like this cool Samsung display, can result in a slight blurring on moving objects, which can thus make per-pixel aiming, so I'm told, quite hard.

If you do want to try and find such a screen, then be sure to find one with a response time of no greater than 25 milliseconds (ms). Also, check the constrast ratio of the screen (the higher the better) and the maximum resolution.

I'll try and find a few later for you if I can.

Kind Regards


P.S. I'm assuming you're a FPS fan, if not, then please state the kind of games you'll be playing :)


Jonty, Hi & thanks

Yes mostly quake and ut2k3 etc...

If you do want to try and find such a screen, then be sure to find one with a response time of no greater than 25 milliseconds (ms). Also, check the constrast ratio of the screen (the higher the better) and the maximum resolution.

This concerns me.. I assume that 25 fps is rougly equivalent to 40 Hz frequency...which is much lower than a standard crt monitor. I guess my central caveat is that this lower frequency will adversely affect perception of high that if I was to invest in a high end graphics card running >100s fps I would be shooting myself in the foot? :eek: (as well as in my wallet).

The other thing I dont understand is the refresh rate/permanance (oops spelling :/) of the image ...with crt, refreshes work in lines from top left to bottom right....with these newer technologies I assume the picture is maintained over the whole screen without any "scan" effect and that the screen is only changed 25 ms later, and in its entirety...if I have this right this would mean that the quality of a 40 "Hz" LCD/TFT would be much greater that a crt at the same rate ?

The Samsung is nice...but I dont think I can really justify paying that amount...

Saying that, my current monitor is 7 years old, is shit and was purchased from Tiny...if I get 7 years service out of my new monitor imho it would be worth paying over 500 quid :)


Some LCD monitors are just starting to appear that have real low response times, a model called BenQ FP791 got reviewed to in PCPRO recently and offers a 16ms response time.


To be honest, smurkin, I cannot claim that I've really studied the situation in much detail, I can only report what I've read. I think it's safe to assume that having a powerful graphics card will not adversely affect the output on flatpanel monitors, as I know many systems which pair high-end cards with such displays.

As Embattle says (correct as usual :D) there are now some flatpanel monitors with very low response times, such as the BenQ displays he mentioned. The 17" model seems quite cool, and isn't too extortionately priced (well, it is, but relatively speaking it's not bad :)). That said, I can't say I know who BenQ are.

Kind Regards


Have to say, that although the response time may be a bit high, I havnt found any problems since Ive had my 15" Phillips Brilliance TFT. Crystal clear images, and it seems to play all the games I dabble in at a decent enough pace.

I believe the maximum refresh rate for mine is 72hz, which seems fine tbh.

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